Creating Templates for Supplier Change Requests

This topic discusses how to create supplier change request templates that can be used to selectively provide supplier attributes and supplier profile information in the change request. Customize change request instructions and terms and conditions at the template level.

Note: Some fields from the supplier master will not be available in the change request.

Page Name

Definition Name


Supplier Request Templates - General Page (Supplier Change Request)


Identify the supplier request template type and general options for supplier change requests.

Supplier Request Templates - Attributes Page (Supplier Change Request)


Set up supplier classification, header, and location attributes in templates for supplier change requests.

Supplier Request Templates - Instructions Page (Supplier Change Request)


Provide instructions for suppliers making a change request.

Supplier Request Templates - Profile Questions Page (Supplier Change Request)


Select profile questions from the system-level master set to use on a designated change request template.

As with the online registration process, the change request process is driven by the associated template definition.

You must enable supplier attributes in the supplier change request template to capture specific information, such as general settings, attributes, instructions, and profile questions. The train stop pages for change request entry appear only when enabled in the supplier change request template.

Resulting change request pages might look like the examples in the Requesting Changes to Supplier Information topic, depending on the template setup for the supplier change request. The horizontal navigation, commonly known as train stops, guides the supplier through each page with fields designed to collect information defined on the supplier request template.

Deriving Template Definitions for Supplier Change Requests

When navigating to a supplier change request for a user, the process derives the template to use by checking the setup for the user ID (defined through the Overridden by User Profile link on the Supplier Request System Setup - General page). If the template is not specified for the user, the system-level template setup is retrieved.

When navigating to supplier change request pages through an email invitation link or a Supplier Portal FAQ answer link, the system bypasses the regular template defaults and instead provides the template from the link. The selected template then dictates which attributes are available to the user when requesting a change.

Use the Supplier Request Templates - General Page (SUP_REG_TEMPL_GEN) to identify the supplier request template type and general options for supplier change requests.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Supplier Request Templates > General

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Request Templates - General page for supplier change requests. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Supplier Request Templates - General Page (Supplier Change Request)

Enter general settings.

Field or Control



Enter a unique description for this template (including any hints regarding the particular configuration of this template and supplier request type, for example).

Language Code

Select the desired language from the drop-down list. The language selected here defaults during a supplier change request when defining a Contact. The Contact’s language will be used in the creation of the related User Profile.

Detailed Description button

(Detailed Description)

Click the Detailed Description button to enter a description for this template. This is a rich text field to provide change request details such as, text, image, links, and so on.

Template Usage

Select to indicate whether the template is to be used internally, externally, or both. If you want to build the template but not ready to use it, select Not Available.

Note: For existing template, this field is defaulted to Both (for internal and external).

Template Usage can only be modified if the template is not currently used in any open change requests.

Select train stop pages to appear for supplier change requests.

Field or Control


Supplier Change Request Trainstop Selection

Select the train stops that will appear in the supplier change request. The change request process does not require suppliers to make changes on every train stop, or even traverse through all train stops. The train stops you select for this template will determine which information a supplier can request to change.

Enter information to appear in the email template.

Field or Control


Contact Us

Select the default template that registrants see when they click the Contact Us link.

Contact User ID

Select the user ID of the person who will receive the email messages sent from the Contact Us page.

Use the Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page (SUP_REG_TEMPL_ATT) to set up supplier classification, header, and location attributes in templates for supplier change requests.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Supplier Request Templates > Attributes

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page 1 of 2 for supplier change requests.

Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page, 1 of 2 (Supplier Change Request)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page 2 of 2 for supplier change requests.

Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page, 2 of 2 (Supplier Change Request)

Enter SIC codes:

Field or Control


SIC Codes

Select from the following options, after you enable SIC Codes. You can select multiple code types. You can also delete unwanted code types.

  • Australia-New Zealand SIC Code

  • Canadian NAICS Codes

  • French SIC Codes

  • German SIC Codes

  • NAICS Exception Codes

  • Primary NAICS Codes

  • UK 92 SIC Codes

  • US – NAICS Codes

  • US SIC Codes

The codes available to choose from during the change request process depend on the code types you set up on this template.

Enter ID numbers:

Field or Control


Standard ID Qualifier

Select the type of standard ID qualifiers you would like to use to identify the registrant:

  • BEI Identifier

  • Business Types

  • Comp Tax Reg Number – Brazil

  • Company Identification Number

  • Company Number – Australia

  • Creditor Identification

  • DODAAC Code

  • DUNS Number (No Edit), DUNS Number (With Edit), DUNS+4 Suffix

  • Employer ID Number

  • Fiscal ID – Company – Italy or Fiscal ID – Indiv – Italy

  • Fiscal ID Number – Spain

  • Global Location Number

  • Ind Tax Reg Number – Brazil

  • Legal Entity Registration Num

  • Municipal Reg Number – Brazil

  • NIC Number – France

  • Public Service Codes

  • SBA Business Types

  • SIREN Number – France or SIRET Number – France

  • Social Security Number

  • State Reg Number – Brazil

  • W2 Identification Number

  • Tax Identification Number

Enter supplier header information and supplier location information in the respective grids.

Field or Control


Attribute Description

Configure each of the attributes on this template for supplier change requests.

Data Entry Option

Select Allow User Entry or Do Not Display for each attribute.

Internal User Only

Displays where attributes available only to internal users are present. This is system-defined.

Note: If no attributes are selected in the Supplier Location Information grid on the Supplier Request Templates - Attributes page, the system hides the Payment Information page in the supplier change request train stops.

Use the Supplier Request Templates - Instructions page (SUP_REG_TEMPL_INST) to provide instructions for suppliers making a change request.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Supplier Request Templates > Instructions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Request Templates - Instructions page for supplier change requests. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Supplier Request Templates - Instructions page (Supplier Change Request)

Enter change request instructions.

Field or Control


Default from System Setup

Select one radio button:

  • Always

    Instructs the system to always use the supplier change request instructions entered on the Supplier Request Templates - Instructions page.

  • Allow Override

    Allows you to enter text to be used with this change request template. You must enter text in the Instructions field, which will be displayed during the change request.

Enter additional instructional text for each train stop in the change request process.

Use the Supplier Request Templates - Profile Questions page (SUP_REG_TEMPL_PQST) to select profile questions from the system-level master set to use on a designated change request template.

This page is the same as the Supplier Request Templates - Profile Questions page for registering new suppliers and new bidders.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Supplier Request Templates > Profile Questions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Supplier Request Templates - Profile Questions page for supplier change requests.

Supplier Request Templates - Profile Questions page (Supplier Change Request)

Field or Control


Select and Question ID

Select the check boxes for the Question IDs you would like to include in the supplier change request that uses this template. Your choices may be different for different supplier request types.

Display Order

Enter a display order. The default display order appears from the master set of profile questions.

Applicable for, Question Type, and Comment Text

Displays attributes of each question based on the master set created at the system level.

Required for Supplier Request

Defaults from the master profile question definition.