Defining Buyers

To define buyers, use the Buyer Setup component (BUYER_TBL).

This section discusses how to establish buyers and defaults and define buyer Dashboard settings.

Page Name

Definition Name


Buyer Setup Page


Establish users as buyers and define sets of purchase order defaults for each buyer.

Dashboard Page


Define buyer Dashboard settings. Define what time frame the buyer wants to view for the spend analysis graphs on the SRM Dashboard.

Use the Buyer Setup page (BUYER_TBL) to establish users as buyers and define sets of purchase order defaults for each buyer.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Purchasing > Buyer Setup > Buyer Setup

The values that you enter for the buyer on this page appear by default on the purchasing transactions created by this buyer. If you do not define values for fields on this page, you need to manually enter this information when you create purchasing transactions.

Field or Control



Displays the user description that you entered on the User Profiles - ID page when you created the buyer's user ID. You can set up only established users as buyers.


Select the status of the buyer. Values include Active and Inactive. If you select Inactive, the Substitute Buyer field becomes available for entry.

The Department SetID, ShipTo SetID, Location SetID, and PO Origin SetID fields work together when you establish department, ship to, location, and origin default information for buyers. After you select a SetID for each of the defaults, the system enables you to select only the defaults associated with that SetID.

Field or Control



Select the default department for the buyer. The system uses this value as the department on all purchasing transaction distribution lines created by the buyer.

Ship To

Select the default ship to location for the buyer. The system uses this value as the ship to on all purchase order schedule lines created by the buyer.

Location SetID

Identify the SetID for the location of the buyer. This SetID must be the same as the SetID used for the billing location.


Select the default location for the buyer. The system uses this value as the location on all purchase order distribution lines created by the buyer. This is the internal final destination of the item once the supplier has delivered it to the organization.


Select the default origin for the buyer. The system uses this value as the origin on all purchase order headers created by a specified buyer.

Substitute Buyer

Displays the substitute buyer. This field becomes available for entry when the Status field is set to Inactive. For example, use this field when a buyer leaves the organization and you want to remove the buyer's name from the system, but don't want to manually change the buyer name in each of the control tables.

Supplying the substitute buyer name automatically changes references to the inactive buyer name to the new substitute buyer name. Before you save, the system prompts you to be sure that you want to change the buyer in these tables: PS_ITM_CAT_TBL, PS_ITM_CAT_BU, PS_PURCH_ITEM_ATTR, PS_PURCH_ITEM_BU, and PS_VENDOR_LOC.

Opt out from PO dispatch Email

Select this check box to exclude the buyer from the PO dispatch notification email.

Note: This check box is available to select only when Send a copy of the dispatch Email to Buyer check box is enabled on the Installation Options - Purchasing Page.

PO Dispatch Signature Location

This field identifies where the signature to be used on the PO Dispatch is located. This field is used first for the location. If you do not define a location, the system uses the location defined for the Purchasing business unit.

Default PO Status

Field or Control



Indicates that purchase orders that the buyer creates are initially set to Open status and must be approved by an authorized user. Approval rules set at the business unit level determine whether the status of the purchase order changes to Approved or Pending Approval.

Pending Approval/Approved

Indicates that purchaser orders that the buyer creates are set to Pending Approval or Approved status, depending on the approval rules set at the business unit level.

Override Procurement Card

This group only appears if the buyer can use a procurement card. Otherwise, this group box will be hidden.

Field or Control


Card Number

The procurement card number appears that you selected as the buyer default on either the Assign Proxies page under the Security menu or the Assign Proxies page under the Cardholder Profile - Card Data page. You can change the procurement card number to another procurement card number. Only the procurement cards that are valid for this buyer are available for selection.

Card Type

Displays the card type associated with the procurement card.

Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date for this procurement card.

Use Procurement Card as default payment method on Purchase Orders

Select this check box if you want to use the procurement card you select on this page as the default payment method when creating a purchase order.

Reporting Entity

Select the reporting entity to which this buyer will be assigned. The reporting entity determines which Purchasing Business Unit's purchase orders will be included in the spend analysis graphs. Additionally, the reporting entity specifies a calendar so that delivery schedules can be bucketed into the appropriate periods.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of periods prior to the current period that should appear on the spend analysis graphs

Future Periods

Specify the number of periods after the current period that should appear on the spend analysis graphs

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration

Assess the Dashboard page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Purchasing, Buyer Setup, Dashboard).

Field or Control


Reporting Entity

Select the reporting entity to which this buyer will be assigned. The reporting entity determines which PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit's purchase orders will be included in the spend analysis graphs. Additionally, the reporting entity specifies a calendar so that delivery schedules can be bucketed into the appropriate periods.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of periods prior to the current period that should appear on the spend analysis graphs

Future Periods

Specify the number of periods after the current period that should appear on the spend analysis graphs