Maintaining Supplier Name History

This section provides an overview of supplier name history and discusses how to update, review, and run supplier name history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Supplier Name History Page


Update supplier name history.

Supplier Name History Inquiry Page


Review supplier name history.

Schedule JobSet Definition Page


Run supplier name history updates.

You can track supplier name history using an effective-dated child record on the Supplier record. The child record captures supplier name changes. You can manually insert a new row into the new Supplier Name History record using a future effective date, and automatically update the supplier name on the Supplier record based on the effective date on the Supplier Name History record.

The Supplier Name History record supports effective-dated logic for tracking changes to the Supplier Short Name, Supplier Name 1, and Supplier Name 2 fields. When an applicable field is updated on the Supplier record, the date and time of the change and the user who made the change will also be recorded on the Supplier Name History record.

If the change on the Supplier History Name record is effective as of the date the change was made, the system updates the Supplier Record with the new name. If a change is future-dated, you should run the VNDRUPD job on a scheduled basis to update the Supplier record.

As part of changing the supplier names, the system:

  • Provides a query that you can use to view all name changes for a supplier and supplier name during a specific period of time.

  • Provides a page for you to manually insert an effective-dated supplier name in the Supplier Name History record.

    The Supplier record is automatically updated when the Supplier Name History is changed or upon the effective date if it is future dated.

  • Provides a workflow that you can use to send notifications when the new supplier name becomes effective or when a change is made to the supplier name fields.

    See Approving Suppliers.

Supplier name information is principally shared by the PeopleSoft Payables and Purchasing applications so that one or both departments can enter supplier information. Supplier names are also used by other applications in the PeopleSoft Supplier Relationship Management and Customer Relationship Management systems along with a variety of other PeopleSoft products. When you change supplier name information, the name is changed on the Supplier table and the new name appears for products that share the Supplier table.

Note: As part of the supplier archive process, the system archives the information contained in the Supplier Name History record, which is a child record on the Supplier record.

Use the Supplier Name History page (VENDOR_NAME_HISTORY) to update supplier name history information.


Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier Name History > Supplier Name History

Use this page to update effective-dated supplier name changes for the supplier short name, name 1, or name 2 descriptions. The page is available when the Supplier Name History check box has been selected on the Supplier Set Control page.

Using this page you can manually insert a new row into the Supplier Name History record using the future effective date that you enter. The system will automatically update the supplier name on the Supplier record based on the effective date on the Supplier Name History record. If the change on the Supplier History Name record is effective as of the date the change was made, the Supplier Record will be updated with the new name. If the change is future dated a separate process, you can set up the VNDRUPD job to run the Supplier Name History Update on a scheduled basis to update the Supplier record.

To search for a supplier to maintain, select a value in the SetID field. The default value for the field comes from user preferences and is a required field. Select a value in the Supplier ID field. The system returns all rows in the Supplier Name History record when you click the Search button. You can also base the search on a specific supplier short name, supplier name 1 and supplier name 2 addresses.

After the system returns the search, you can select a specific supplier to view and update. If multiple effective dates exist, click the View All link to see them.

When you save the page, the system records the user who made the change and the date and time of the change and updates the Supplier Name History record.

Field or Control


Effective Date

Select a date from which you want to start tracking supplier name changes that you enter on this page. The date cannot be earlier than the current date. This means that the name changes that you make must be effective-dated into the future.

To effective date supplier name changes into the future, click the + button at the right and enter the effective date and the updates to the supplier short name, name 1, or name 2 that you want to apply on the effective date.

Note: The Effective Date field is not available if the effective date is equal to the current date.

Supplier Name 1, Supplier Name 2, and Supplier Short Name

Enter a new name in any or all of these fields. When you save the page, the system updates the Supplier Name Record with the new values based on the effective date that you entered. It also applies the new names throughout the PeopleSoft system where the supplier ID is used, such as in PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Modified by

Displays who made the last change to the supplier name history. This information also appears on the supplier's Summary page.

Date/Time Stamp

Display the date and time the last change was made to the supplier name history. This information also appears on the supplier's Summary page.

Use the Supplier Name History Inquiry page (VNDR_NAME_HST_INQ) to review supplier name history.


Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier Name History Inquiry > Supplier Name History Inquiry

You search the Supplier Name History record using this page. You can use search criteria to limit the results of the inquiry. The inquiry displays the supplier name for the specific period of time it was used.

The SetID defined for the user preference is the default value for the search. If you do not have a default SetID assigned to you, the system displays an error message if the you leave the field blank. The field will be required.

If you want to view all supplier history, select a supplier in the Supplier ID field. Along with searching by SetID and an individual supplier, you can search for a range of effective-dated supplier names and specific supplier names. Select values in the From Effective Date and To Effective Date fields to create the range. After entering search criteria, click the Search button to retrieve search results.

Search Results

The Search Results grid displays the supplier name history for the supplier names that meet the search criteria.

Field or Control


Supplier ID

Displays the supplier ID. If a supplier ID has multiple effective-dated rows, the system repeats the supplier ID and displays the effective-dated rows and the new names that will be assigned for an effective date.

View Related Links icon

Click the View Related Links button to access additional links to supplier information. The links include Supplier Maintenance, Supplier Conversation, and Supplier Contact.

Short Supplier Name

Displays the short name for each supplier ID returned by the search. The system sequences supplier short names and ensures that each name is unique by adding numbers (001, 002, and so on) to each short name.

Name 1andName 2

Displays all rows in the Supplier Name History record. It's possible to have the same name in these fields, but with different supplier IDs.

Datetime Modified

Displays with the supplier name was updated.

Modified By

Displays who updated the supplier name.

Effective Date

Displays the effective date for a supplier name history row. The system displays a row for each effective date and the name changes for the row. If you want to change an effective date or a supplier's name, use the Supplier Name History page. You cannot change values for the current effective-dated row.

Use the Schedule JobSet Definition page (SCHDLDEFN) to run supplier name history updates.


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions

Use this page to schedule the VNDRUPD job to update supplier name changes that have effective dates into the future. When the job runs, the system runs the Application Engine VNDR_HST_UPD process that updates the Supplier record to reflect the new current, effective-dated row.

After saving the page, click the Run Now button to run. The system runs the VNDR_HST_UPD process once. After running the process, the system updates the supplier status to Active and saves the job. The JobSet will start depending on the value in the Begin Date field and recur as defined for the Recurrence Name field. Added new to process the update

To define the Process Scheduler run, enter a request ID and description and indicate if you want the system to use a single SetID or all SetIDs.