(USA) Reporting Suppliers to the California EDD

This section provides an overview of California EDD reporting, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to enter California EDD control information and information for California EDD suppliers. It also discusses how to run the California EDD report.

Page Name

Definition Name


CAEDD Control Page


Enter the transmitting company and any reporting companies that are associated with that transmitting company. The system uses the information provided on this page to create the file that you send to the EDD and to complete the form that accompanies the transmittal.

You must enter a FEIN for the transmitting company to access this page.

CAEDD IC Supplier Page


Enter information for suppliers that are associated with one of the reporting companies. Each supplier you enter must be associated with a reporting business unit, must be set up as a 1099 supplier with a valid TIN.

CAEDD Supplier Inquiry Page


Review information about suppliers that are associated with one of the reporting companies. This page is similar to the CAEDD Supplier page, but is display-only.

See CAEDD IC Supplier Page

Run CAEDD IC Rptg Page


To run the California EDD report, define run parameters for the SQR that generates the transmission file and the information that you need to complete the transmittal form that accompanies the file.

Companies that do business in the state of California in the U.S. must file every 20 days with the California EDD for any contract of more than 600.00 USD that they enter into with an independent contractor. This filing is required only once per contractor per year. For example, if you enter into an 800.00 USD contract with a supplier in January, and you report it within 20 days, then you can enter into as many contracts for as much as you want with that supplier, without filing again during that year.

There are two forms that you must use to report:

  • Transmittal for Independent Contractor (IC) Reporting.

  • Report of Independent Contractor(s).

Transmittal Form

The transmittal form requires information about the transmitter company and any of its subcompanies (including itself) for which it is reporting. The companies for which a transmitting company is reporting are referred to as both reporting companies and subcompanies. One company can be made up of any number of subcompanies for which it can report. The transmitting company and all subcompanies must have valid Federal Employer Identification numbers (FEINs).

Note: In some instances (if there are no subcompanies), the transmitting company may be the only subcompany, or reporting company. If there are multiple subcompanies, then the Transmitter check box must be selected for the address that is to be used on the transmittal form. The Transmitter check box must be selected for only one subcompany.

Report of Independent Contractor(s)

The California EDD also requires you to report information about the independent contractors themselves.

Associated with each subcompany are the independent contractors (suppliers) with which the company has contracted to do more than 600.00 USD worth of business. Each supplier must be a 1099 supplier and must have a valid Tax Identification Number (TIN). A supplier can be reported by more than one subcompany. If you set up the supplier under more than one reporting company, the supplier is included in the transmittal for each company.

PeopleSoft Payables tracks when the file reporting this supplier was generated. When the supplier information is sent for that reporting company, the supplier record is marked as processed.

Submitting the Reports

Every 20 days, you must generate a file to send to the California EDD. This file contains a record for each subcompany, a record for each supplier being reported by that subcompany, and a total record for that subcompany. You must transfer this file to some form of magnetic media (for example, diskette) and send it, along with a transmittal form, to the California EDD.

PeopleSoft Payables enables you to track the file names and dates of the files that you create for the California EDD.

To create files for the California EDD for independent contractors:

  • Enter the transmitting companies and their associated reporting companies (subcompanies) on the CAEDD Control page.

  • Enter the suppliers that are associated with one of the reporting companies on the CAEDD IC Supplier page.

  • Generate the transmission file, using the Run CAEDD IC Rptg page.

Note: Before you can create these reports, be sure that the transmitting company and each subcompany has a valid FEIN and that each supplier that you are going to report as an independent contractor is set up as a 1099 supplier with a valid TIN.

Use the CAEDD Control page (CAEDD_CNTRL) to enter the transmitting company and any reporting companies that are associated with that transmitting company.

The system uses the information provided on this page to create the file that you send to the EDD and to complete the form that accompanies the transmittal. You must enter a FEIN for the transmitting company to access this page.


Suppliers > California EDD > Control Information > CAEDD Control

Field or Control


Federal EIN (federal employer identification number)

Displays the transmitter company's FEIN.

Date Last Processed

Displays the most recent date that SQR APY2000 found data to report for this transmitter company.

Total IC's reported (total independent contractors reported)

Displays the number of independent contractor (supplier) records processed by SQR APY2000 for the transmitter company.

File Ext (file extension)

Displays the file extension of the file produced by SQR APY2000 for the transmitter company.

Contact Name 1

Enter a contact name for the transmitter company.

The information in the lower half of this page pertains to the reporting companies. Enter the required information.

Field or Control


Reporting Federal EIN

If the transmitting company and the reporting company are the same, then this field should contain the same value as the Federal EIN field, and the Transmitter check box should be selected.

EDD Acct (employment development department account)

Enter the reporting company's California Employer Account Number.


Enter the reporting company's SSN, if applicable.

Name 1

Enter the reporting company's name.

Address Line 1

Enter the reporting company's address.


Enter the reporting company's city.


Enter the reporting company's state.

ZIP Code

Enter the reporting company's zip code.

Phone Number and Ext (extension)

Enter the reporting company's phone number and extension.


Select to indicate which address is to be used on the Transmittal for Independent Contractor Reporting form.

Note: You must select this check box for only one reporting company.

Date Last Processed

Displays the most recent date for which SQR APY2000 found data to report for this reporting company.

Total IC's reported

Displays the number of independent contractor (supplier) records processed by SQR APY2000 for the reporting company.

File Ext (file extension)

Displays the file extension of the file produced by SQR APY2000 for the reporting company.

To associate more than one reporting company with the transmitting company, insert more records by clicking the Insert Row button. This generates additional records in the CAEDD_CONTROL_BUS table.

Use the CAEDD Supplier page (CAEDD_VENDOR) to enter information for suppliers that are associated with one of the reporting companies.

Each supplier you enter must be associated with a reporting business unit, must be set up as a 1099 supplier with a valid TIN.


Suppliers > California EDD > Supplier Information > CAEDD Supplier

Field or Control


Federal EIN

The FEIN of the transmitting company with which you want to associate this independent contractor.

Reporting Federal EIN

The reporting FEIN of the reporting company with which you want to associate this independent contractor.

EDD Acct

The EDD account of the reporting company with which you want to associate this independent contractor.

Supplier ID

Enter a supplier ID for the independent contractor about whom you are reporting. You must select both a supplier SetID and a supplier ID. The supplier's name and SSN appear in the Name 1 and Tax ID fields.


The supplier's SSN. If the TIN_TYPE is not equal to S, then the SSN field is clear and you are required to enter the supplier's SSN.

Name 1

The supplier's name.

First Name

The state requires that you provide the supplier's first name, middle initial, and last name.

Calendar Year

Enter the reporting year.

Contract Beginning Date

Enter the contract beginning date by reporting year.

Contract Amount

Enter the contract amount by reporting year.

Expire Date

You can enter an expiration date for the contract or indicate that it is an ongoing contract. An expiration date is required if the Ongoing Contract check box is deselected.

Long Description

PeopleSoft recommends that you use this field to reference the document that generated the need to file with the EDD. This could be a PO number, a contract, a voucher, or something external to the system.

Date Last Processed

The most recent date for which SQR APY2000 found data to report for this supplier.

File Ext

The file extension of the file produced by SQR APY2000 for this supplier.

Note: Once a record has been processed, the Contract Beginning Date, Contract Amount, Expire Date, Ongoing Contract, and Long Description fields are unavailable for entry. To enter data for another year, place the cursor in the Calendar Year field and click the Insert Row button.

Use the Run CAEDD IC Reptg (Run California EDD Independent Contractor Reporting) page (RUN_CAEDD_PRCS) to run the California EDD report, define run parameters for the SQR that generates the transmission file and the information that you need to complete the transmittal form that accompanies the file.


Suppliers > California EDD > Transmittal/File

Reporting Request Parameters

Field or Control


Calendar Year

Enter the reporting year.

Federal EIN

Enter the FEIN of the transmitter company.

Media Type

Select the method of data production from these options:

Cart 3480 (cartridge 3480).

Cart 3490.

CD-R(compact disk - read).


Mag Tape (magnetic tape).

Internal Label

If you use a tape or cartridge to transmit your data to the state, you must tell the state whether your tape or cartridge has an internal label, so that the state can process the tape or cartridge.

Diskette Size

Select a diskette size. These values change, based on the value selected in the Media Type field.