Associating Address Information with Geocodes

A combination of addresses stored on a transaction enables the tax supplier system to determine which taxing jurisdictions and tax rates to use. Each address can be associated with a geocode provided by the tax supplier system.

This section provides an overview of geocodes and discusses how to associate customer and location addresses with geocodes.

Note: The term Tax Area ID is used in place of Geocode in Vertex O Series. Geocode is used within PeopleSoft applications for all third-party tax solutions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Tax Geocode Selection Page


Select a geocode to associate with an address.

Both Taxware and Vertex use geocodes, although each tax supplier system uses it differently. On any page where geocodes can be assigned, you can click the Geocode Lookup link to access the Tax Geocode Selection page. This link appears only if the installation options specify a tax supplier and the address country is U.S.A. or Canada.

During geocode lookup, the system passes address information such as address line 1, city, county, state, postal code, and country to the third-party tax supplier. The tax supplier software uses these address fields to determine a geocode.

Note: Address combinations must be valid in order to ensure that the third-party tax supplier software returns a valid geocode. For example, the city, state, and postal code combination must be valid.

Invalid addresses produce a jurisdiction determination error, which prevents the system from calculating taxes.

Note: During tax calculation, if address information is passed to Vertex without a geocode, Vertex assigns the geocode with the highest tax rate from the possible choices.

Refer to the third-party tax supplier documentation for more details on how your tax solution uses geocodes or tax area IDs.

Use the Tax Geocode Selection page (TAX_GEOCODE_TMP) to select a geocode to associate with an address.


Click the Geocode Lookup link on an address page.

Field or Control



Select a single geocode to associate with an address.

Auto Fill Address

Select to have the system populate the address page with information from the selected geocode.

In City Limit

If populated, indicates that the address is within the city limit.

Warning! When you select a geocode, the city and state from the geocode page overrides the city and state on the original address page, if you also selected the Auto-Fill Address option. If you attempt to change the state or city after a geocode has been assigned, a warning message appears with the option to clear old geocodes, to prevent inconsistency between the assigned geocode and the rest of the address.