Accumulating Balances

Accumulated balances enable you to dynamically define and run balances for key combinations in the PeopleSoft Billing application.

The Balance Accumulation process (BIACCUM) performs background calculations that generate the invoiced balance, uninvoiced balance, and total (invoiced plus uninvoiced) balance. This process only maintains the current balances for each key combination defined by the accumulation description. Through the process, the system deletes old values and replaces them with current values. If you do not want to erase existing balances, change the Accumulation Start Dates field on the Accumulation Description page. The process calculates new balances without erasing the existing ones.

This topic discusses how to update balances for balance accumulations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Balance Accumulation Page


Update balances for one balance accumulation ID at a time.

Review Balances - Cumulative Billing Inquiry


Review results of a balance accumulation in the specified currency perspective. Select keys for the inquiry by selecting the accumulation ID, currency choices, and values for the keys that you associate with this accumulation ID. Once you run the accumulation, view the results in the specified currency: transaction, euro, or base.

Compare Balances - Cumulative Compare


Review the results of the accumulation process in the specified currency perspective.

Use the Balance Accumulations page (RUN_BI_ACCUM) to update balances for one balance accumulation ID at a time.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Accumulated Balances > Calculate Balances > Balance Accumulation

The Balance Accumulation process (BIACCUM) updates balances for one balance accumulation ID at a time.

Select a balance accumulation ID. The identifiers are defined on the Accumulation Description page.