Defining Accumulations

To define accumulations, use the Accumulation Description (BI_ACCUM_INIT_E), Accumulation Definition (BI_ACCUM_DEFN), and Accumulation Beginning Balance (BI_ACCUM_INIT) components.

You can calculate cumulative balances for a nearly unlimited set of key combinations in PeopleSoft Billing. Typically, the background calculations generate balances for any amount or quantity fields in the system. These balances can reflect the following amounts:

  • Invoiced.

  • Uninvoiced.

  • Total, invoiced plus uninvoiced.

You can maintain inception-to-date balances for customers, contracts, or projects. You can accumulate year-to-date quantities for a given identifier. You can accumulate how many items with a particular charge code are sold in a given month and the gross amount of those sales. You can define as many accumulation descriptions as you want, and you can accumulate the balances in the billing currency, base currency, or euro currency.

Balances can provide useful and powerful information to assist you in data analysis. Ceiling balances are an additional way to compare to-date balances with a limit or threshold.

To define accumulation balances:

  1. Establish accumulation rules on the Accumulation Description page.

  2. Enter beginning balance or ceiling amounts on the Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accumulation Initialization page or on the Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accum Euro Initialization page, depending on the currency perspective you prefer.

    You can add beginning and ceiling balances to accumulation rules. You can then compare balances to date to ceiling amounts. The system adds beginning balances to accumulated amounts to arrive at a Balance To Date on the Cumulative Compare pages. If you do not enter beginning balance amounts, the system uses 0 as the beginning balances. These pages are optional; you should use them only if you need information about beginning and ceiling balances.

  3. Run the Accumulation process on the Balance Accumulation Process page.

  4. Inquire about the results.

    Review reports or navigate to the two inquiry pages provided in PeopleSoft Billing: Accumulated Balance Inquiry - Cumulative Billing and Accumulated Balance Compare - Cumulative Compare Inquiry.

This topic discusses how to define accumulations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accumulation Description Page


Define the combinations of key fields and the amount or quantity fields for which you want to accumulate balances.

Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accumulation Initialization Page


Establish beginning balances for an accumulation in billing and base currency.

Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accum Euro Initialization Page


Establish a beginning balance for an accumulation in billing and euro currency.

Use the Accumulation Description page (BI_ACCUM_DEFN) to define the combinations of key fields and the amount or quantity fields for which you want to accumulate balances.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Define Accumulations > Accumulation Description

In addition to establishing how the system accumulates balances, this page enables you to specify the starting point from which to begin accumulating. You can set up as many accumulation rules as necessary.

Field or Control


Accumulation Start Date

Enter the date on which the accumulation begins. You can change this date at any time. This enables you to change the starting point for accumulating. For example, if you want year-to-date balances, reset the accumulation start date to January 1 of the current year. If you want to accumulate quantity, select the Accumulate Quantity check box.

Key 1

Select the keys (up to a maximum of five). You can select the key from a list that includes most of the informational fields found in the bill header and bill line tables. A key is any key field to which you want this accumulation to apply. Every key that you add after the first increases the level of detail that you retrieve. For example, if you accumulate by customer, you receive a total for each customer. If you accumulate by customer and order number, you receive subtotals for each combination of customer and order number, which significantly increases the number of rows in the database. In the previous example, this accumulation updates bill to customer balances.

Note: With a few exceptions, all key fields available for selection here are line level fields. They must contain values at the line level to return a meaningful result.

Field or Control


Amount 1

Enter the amounts that can pertain to this accumulation. Balances are maintained for invoiced bills, uninvoiced bills, and total bills (invoiced plus uninvoiced). In the preceding example, this accumulation updates cumulative balances for quantity (because you selected the Accumulate Quantity check box), gross extended amount, and net extended amount.

To define the beginning amount or place a ceiling on the totals, you can further define the accumulation rules in the Accumulation Beginning Balance pages. When you complete the definition, you can access the Balance Accumulation Process page. If you define no beginning balances, the system uses 0 for the beginning balances.

Use the Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accumulation Initialization page (BI_ACCUM_INIT) to establish beginning balances for an accumulation in billing and base currency.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Define Accumulations > Accumulation Beginning Balance > Accumulation Initialization

When assigning beginning balances to accumulations, you must enter a billing currency and base currency at the search prompt. If you are entering a large number of balances, you can set a default currency code on the User Preferences - Billing page. Euro currency is optional; you can use it when appropriate.

At the search prompt, enter the accumulation key values for the key fields. The accumulation key value fields are the key fields that you associated with the accumulation description when you defined it. For example, if you assigned BILL_TO_CUST_ID as the first key, you can provide a value for the chosen customer in the Accumulation Key 1 Value field here. You must enter all keys that pertain to this accumulation description in the key section of this page.

Field or Control


Accum ID (accumulation ID)

Select the field that you associate with the accumulation description. The adjacent value appears by default from the Accumulation Key 1 field that you specify.

Balance Types

Options are:

  • Beginning

  • Ceiling

  • Invoiced

  • Total

  • Uninvoiced

For example, you can supply ceiling balances in the same manner as beginning balances, where appropriate. These balances appear on the Accumulated Balance Compare - Cumulative Compare Inquiry page to show how close a balance is to an established threshold.

Eff Dates (effective dates)

Specify different dates for beginning balances and ceiling balances. You can reset the balances each year (or whenever you want) and only the current effective-dated balances appear on the Accumulated Balance Compare page.

Cumulative Quantity

Summarize the bill line quantity.

The balances appear under a heading (Billing Currency, Base Currency, or Euro Currency) to identify the currency with which you are working.

Use the Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accum Euro Initialization page (BI_ACCUM_INIT_E) to establish a beginning balance for an accumulation in billing and euro currency.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Define Accumulations > Accumulation Beginning Balance > Accum Euro Initialization

The fields on this page are identical to those on the Accumulation Beginning Balance - Accumulation Initialization page.