Entering Bill Header Information

Header information applies to the entire bill. The bill header contains all information that identifies the bill's source, destination, appearance, format, and the internal codes and dates that distinguish the bill from others in the accounting system. If you import a bill through the Billing interface, the system includes header information. If you enter the bill online, you must specify all the header data on these pages.

On the bill header, you can override entry type and entry reason defaults, set document sequence parameters, enter currency exchange rates, and view VAT information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 Page


Access and review bill header general information.

Change Bill Currency Page


Select a new currency code.

Bill To Business Unit Page


Define a valid PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit InterUnit pair.

Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information Page


Enter or modify customer credit card information.

Credit Card Address Page


Enter customer credit card billing address information.

Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information Page

Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 Page


Enter additional bill header information.

Header - AR Distribution Page


Review the ChartField values for a receivables account.

Bill Header VAT Information Page


Define header-level VAT defaults.

Prepayment Lookup Page


Select customer prepayment and document cross-reference information to apply to an invoice.

Standard Billing - Address Info Page


Access and review bill header address data.

Standard Billing - Courtesy Copy Addr Page


Enter the number and distribution of courtesy copies.

Standard Billing - Header - Note Page


Create or attach general header notes to bills.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 1 Page


Review general bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Approvals Page


Review the status, departmental approval chain, and comments of an invoice.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 2


Review additional general bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution)


Review the ChartField values for an receivables account.

Review Billing Information - Details - Address Info


Review bill address information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Courtesy Copy Addr


Review the number and distribution of courtesy copies in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Note


Review general header notes that are attached to bills in the specified currency perspective. Header notes apply to the entire bill. Examples of header notes include announcements of sales, changes in personnel, changes in price lists, and other general information.

Use the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 (information 1) page (BI_HDR) to access and review bill header general information.


Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing > Header - Info 1

Field or Control


Invoice Date and Accounting Date

Select the invoice date that you want to appear on the bill. To specify an open period in PeopleSoft Billing, navigate to Billing Definition - Business Unit 1 page and click the Update Open Periods link to access the Open Period Update page, where you can define open periods for a GL business unit and ledger group.

If the invoice is associated with a VAT billing business unit, the system uses the invoice date as the effective date when processing VAT defaults. If you do not provide an invoice date, the system uses the current date as the effective date. If Use Invoice Date as Identifier Look Up Date option is selected, the invoice date will be the effective date for prompting on Identifiers.

Note: Changing the Invoice Date after lines have been entered will not change the prompting or information on existing lines. Only new lines will use the new invoice date for Identifier look up effective date.

If you specify a date in the Accounting Date field that falls within an accounting period that is currently closed for the Billing business unit, the system issues a warning or displays an error based on the option specified on the Accounting Date Edit Option group box in the Installation Options - Billing - Integration Options page.

If the accounting date is blank and the invoice date is populated, then the check for transactions in closed accounting period will be done on the invoice date for the closed accounting period. For more information on the check for transactions in closed accounting period, see Billing - Integration Options Page

Invoice icon

Click the Invoice icon to save the current component and run the invoice job on the default server.

Note: If Business Process Weaver (BPW) is set up for Billing process, then clicking the Invoice icon will initiate the BPW process in a new window.

For additional information about the BPW, see Understanding PeopleSoft Business Process Weaver

Proforma icon

Click the Pro Forma icon to save the current component and run the Pro Forma process (BIIVC100) on the default server.

Pro Forma is rendered online if the Enable Online Rendering check box is selected on the Billing – General Options page.

Calculate Taxes icon

Click the Calculate Taxes icon to display the Bill Summary Info page with the tax information. Click the OK button to save the tax information. The Calculate Taxes button on the Summary page is not available if you are accessing the Bill Summary Info page by clicking the Calculate Taxes icon on the Billing Header page.

The Calculate Taxes icon is not available for invoices which are in Invoiced or Final status.

For more information, see Bill Summary Info Page

You can also use the Summary link to access the Summary page to calculate taxes.


To define a bill as a recurring bill template, select Recurring. To define a bill as an installment bill template, select Installmnt (installment). Otherwise, select Once.

Installment Bill Schedule

Click to access the Installment Bill Schedule page. To generate an installment billing schedule, the schedule that is associated with the bill cycle must have a SetID that corresponds to the bill's business unit.

Recurring Bill Schedule

Click to access the Recurring Bill Schedule page. To generate a recurring bill schedule, the schedule that is associated with the bill cycle must have a SetID that corresponds to the bill's business unit.


(Required) Select a customer to have the system populate the Curr (currency code) field with the customer's default currency.

When you enter an InterUnit customer and press Tab to exit the field, the Bill To Business Unit page appears if the InterUnit customer has no default PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit or if the default General Ledger business unit does not make a valid interunit pair.

Field or Control


Maintain Bill To GL Unit (maintain bill to general ledger unit)

Click this button to return to the Bill To Business Unit page if you want to redefine a valid GL unit pair.

SubCust1 (subcustomer 1)

If you have defined this customer with subcustomer 1 and subcustomer 2 qualifiers in the Maintain Customers component, you must specify a value here and in the SubCust2 (subcustomer 2) field. If you have defined data to pass to PeopleSoft Receivables at the header level only, you can override this value. However, you cannot leave it blank. If it is blank, the system populates these fields with defaults that are defined in the Maintain Customer component.

Invoice Form

(Required) Select a format for the bill. You can add new invoice forms on the Invoice Formatting Options - General page.

Note: (NLD) When printing an acceptgiro invoice, you may only choose portrait-format invoice forms.

Invoice Media

Select the media for invoicing the bill:

  • Print only

    Billing will generate a printable invoice.

  • EDI

    Billing will transmit an electronic interchange invoice (additional setup is required).

  • Email Notification

    Billing will generate an email notification and the invoice will be presented through the eBill Payment application. (PeopleSoft eBill Payment must be installed).

  • Email Invoice as Attachment

    Billing will email the invoice as an attachment. This media is valid only when invoice form is XMLPUB.

  • FHWA File

From Date and To Date

Indicate the date range of billing activity that the corresponding invoice covers.

Pay Terms (payment terms)

(Required) Enter payment terms.

Pay Method (payment method)

Displays the payment method. The system searches the customer record for a default payment method. If it does not find a value, then the system uses CHK as the payment method.

View Credit Card Information

Click the View Credit Card Information button to access the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page, where you can review or update credit card information for the customer.

Remit To

Displays a list of financial institutions that are associated with the payment. Enter a value in this field, as well as an associated payment account, in the adjacent field.

Note: (NLD) When generating an acceptgiro invoice, you can select only eligible Dutch financial institutions. Eligible institutions will have a Bank ID Qualifier of 007 or 008.

The following fields contain information about the internal contact. Override any of these defaults by entering a value.

Field or Control


Sales (salesperson), Credit (credit analyst), and Collect (collector)

If you do not specify these contacts, the system populates these fields with default values from the customer table.

Note: The system uses as the default value for the Sales field the team member on the default support team with the highest priority number that is defined on the Support Team Mbrs (support team members) page. Define the default support team on the Miscellaneous General Info page. For example, if you defined team member A with a priority of 002 and team member B with a priority of 003, the system selects team member A as the default sales person.

Billing Specialist

The system populates this field with a default value from the business unit, bill type, bill source, or customer options, depending at which level you specified this value.

Billing Authority

Select the Billing authority name.

(NLD) Acceptgiro

The Acceptgiro indicator appears on the Header - Info 1 page when the billing business unit is eligible to generate acceptgiro invoices.

Use the Change Bill Currency page (BI_CURR_CHG_SEC) to select a new currency code.


Click the Change Bill Currency button on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

To change the bill currency, select a New Currency Code and click OK. Click Cancel to return to the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page without changing the bill currency.

Note: You cannot change the currency to a currency with a different currency precision. If the number of decimal positions that are specified for the new currency is different from the number for the original currency, access the Customer - Miscellaneous General Info page to change the default currency in the customer record. Alternately, select the Prompt for Billing Currency Options on the Customer - Bill To Options page if you want the system to prompt you for the billing currency when you add a new bill for a customer.

Use the Bill To Business Unit page (BI_IU_TO_SEC) to define a valid PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit InterUnit pair.


Click the Maintain Bill To GL Unit Detail button on the Standard Billing - Header Info 1 page.

Bill-to business units are required for InterUnit bills.

Field or Control


Bill To GL Unit (bill-to general ledger business unit)

Select to define a valid bill-to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit and bill-from General Ledger business unit pair.

Use the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page (BI_HDR_CRCARD) to enter or modify customer credit card information.


Click the View Credit Card Information button on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

When a new invoice is created, credit card information is provided by default to an invoice from the billing contact. Alternatively, the user can enter or modify the card information from the Credit Card Information page.

Field or Control


Credit Card Type

Select the type of card from the look-up list.

Credit Card Number

Enter the number of the credit card.

Card Expiration Month and Card Expiration Year

Enter the month and year of the card expiry.

Credit Card AddressCredit Card Address

Click the Credit Card Address icon to access the Credit Card Address page.

Security Code

Enter a value to help enhance security of the transactions using credit cards. If you select the What is Security Code? link, a secondary page appears. This page explains how to find the security code on a credit card and provides more information about the security code.

Note: The security code is captured only for temporary use. The code will be discarded after the credit card is processed.

Use the Header - AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution) page (BI_AR_DST) to review the ChartField values for a receivables account.


Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing

Select Header - AR Distribution in the Navigation box.

Field or Control



Select the accounts receivable distribution code that represents the combination of ChartFields that you want to use in generating the accounting entries for PeopleSoft Receivables. The system populates the accounts receivable ChartField values on the bill according to the code that you select.


Enter a receivables account to override the system defaults that are provided at other levels.

Note: The value in this field appears by default based on the default hierarchy. However, the billing default hierarchy does not recognize new effective-dated rows on the Distribution Code page. Therefore if a change is required for the Account field, it can be entered manually on the Header - Info 1 page or the PreLoad process will pick up the new effective-dated row during the Finalization process.

Use the Standard Billing - Header Info 2 (information 2) page (BI_HDR2) to enter additional bill header information.


Click the Header Info 2 link on the Standard Billing - Header Info 1 page.

Integration between PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to match prepayments in PeopleSoft Receivables to invoices in the PeopleSoft Billing system. You can check PeopleSoft Receivables for on-account items by business unit and customer ID; match them to a contract, order, account, or policy number; and apply them as deposits or prepayments to invoices. This is useful, for example, for a contract that does not begin until you receive a deposit on account, or for an insurance policy that does not take effect until you receive a prepayment. An on-account item is a PeopleSoft Receivables entry type category that is applied to a payment received from a customer for which there is no matching open item. On-account items are assigned a system function ID of either WS-05 or DM-03.

In PeopleSoft Receivables, when you receive a prepayment for which you have no matching open item, enter it as an on-account item along with the associated prepayment reference information in the Document field.

Field or Control


Prepayment Lookup

In PeopleSoft Billing, when you create an invoice online, click to access the Prepayment Lookup page, where you can search a list of documents and associated prepayment amounts from PeopleSoft Receivables for the customer ID.

Paid Amount

When you select an item, the system displays the amount in this field and the reference information in the Paid Reference field on the bill header. Overwrite this cross-reference and payment information, if necessary. The prepayment is reflected in the net amount due and is printed on the invoice. PeopleSoft Billing passes the PAID_REFERENCE value to the Document field in PeopleSoft Receivables. Consequently, you can match a specific prepayment to a specific contract, order, account, or policy number.

Note: To import prepayment information into PeopleSoft Billing through the billing interface, you must populate the PAID_AMT and the PAID_REFERENCE fields in the Billing Interface Header table (INTFC_BI_HDR). PeopleSoft Billing does not validate the data in the billing interface; you must validate prepayment information in the source system before you pass the data to PeopleSoft Billing.

Field or Control


Fwd Balance (forward balance)

Displays any prior balance that is unpaid.

Letter of Credit ID

Enter the letter of credit number. A letter of credit is a document stating a commitment to pay someone (supplier, exporter) a stated amount of money on behalf of a buyer (or importer) as long as the supplier meets specific terms and conditions as specified by the document. Use the Standard Billing - Header - Note page for any item descriptions or goods requirements.

Accrue Unbilled

If you selected Accrue Bills at This Level at either the bill type or business unit levels, then that information appears by default on this page and the system populates this option automatically. For the bill to be eligible for accrual, you must select this option.

Entry Event

Define the default entry event code for the entire bill. Valid options include only those values that are identified with the Receivables Update process (ARUPDATE). This field appears for each bill header only if entry events are defined as Required or Optional in the Billing field on the Installation Options - Entry Event page. The code that you select here uses default values for all bill lines for the corresponding bill and overrides the values that you set at the business unit and bill type levels.

Hold Until Date

Enter the Hold Until Date that is calculated for a customer with a Hold Number of Days value greater than 0. Hold Number of Days is entered for a customer requiring a bill to be held for a specific number of days from the date of creating a bill.

Manual Line Numbering

Select No to disable the manual line numbering option. The default is Yes if you have enabled manual invoice line numbering on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page. If you have not enabled manual line numbering, this group box does not appear.

Note: Manual invoice line numbering bypasses the chunking feature of PeopleSoft Billing. When you enable manual line numbering, the system disables the chunking buttons and sets the value of the Bill Entry Max Rows field on the Bill Entry Bill Line pages to 99999. Thus, when you call up a bill, the entire set of rows appears.

Field or Control


Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can specify sequencing values for documents. Statutory legal requirements in some countries require that all financial transactions (documents) be classified into different transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents that you enter be numbered sequentially. The document sequencing feature enables you to maintain established business practices by meeting both of these requirements. If you have enabled document sequencing for a particular business unit and you create a document (such as a journal, invoice, or voucher) for that business unit, this link appears on the bill entry pages.

VAT Information

Appears only if the invoice is tied to a VAT billing business unit. Click to access the VAT Header Information page, where you can view or modify header-level defaults.

To inquire about VAT header information, access the page through the Inquire component. Standard Billing - Header - VAT Information has all the same fields in inquiry as in entry, but all fields are read-only.

Change Bill Currency

Click the Change Bill Currency button to access the Change Bill Currency page, where you can change the currency type.

Note: You cannot change the currency to a currency with a different currency precision. If the number of decimal positions that you specify for the new currency is different from the number for the original currency, access the Customer - Miscellaneous General Info page to change the default currency in the customer record. Alternately, select the Prompt for Billing Currency Options on the Customer - Bill To Options page if you want the system to prompt you for the billing currency when you add a new bill for a customer.

VAT Information - Needs Review VAT Information - Needs Review

Appears only if you have changed a VAT driver value after the system has applied VAT defaults. Return to the Header - VAT Information page to review the VAT driver data and ensure that the system-generated VAT defaults are accurate.

Exchange Rate

Accounting transactions are prepared in the base currency (the primary reporting currency of the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit). Consequently, each bill needs a currency exchange rate that the system uses to convert bill currency to base currency. The currency code for the base currency appears beneath the rate type. The exchange rate converts amounts in the bill currency to an equivalent amount in base currency.

Rate Type

Displays the assigned rate type of the bill-to customer. You can select a different rate type.

Exchange Rate Detail

Click the Exchange Rate Detail button to access the Exchange Rate Detail page, where you can review detailed information about the rate.


Use to assign to bills the exchange rates from market rate tables. Alternatively, you can provide an exchange rate. To provide such a rate, select User. When you select User, the Rate Type field is available. Enter a revised rate, or click the Exchange Rate Detail button to enter detailed rate information on the Exchange Rate Detail page.

Euro Currency

If you enter a bill in euro-participating currency, the system requires an exchange rate to convert the bill currency to euros. For bills in euro-participating currencies, the euro currency code appears with a rate for converting the bill currency to euros. Click the Exchange Rate Detail 2 button for more information about the rate. The system always retrieves euro exchange rates from market rate tables. The euro exchange rate line is hidden if the bill is not in euro-participating currency.

Base Currency To

If you enter an interunit bill, the system requires an exchange rate to convert the bill currency to the base currency of the business unit to value. For interunit bills, this field is the base currency of the business unit to value. The system uses the corresponding exchange rate to convert the bill currency amounts to this base currency. Click the Exchange Rate Detail 3 button for more information about the rate. They system always retrieves interunit exchange rates from market rate tables. The system hides the interunit exchange rate line if the bill is not an InterUnit bill.

Use the Bill Header VAT Information page (BI_HDR_VAT) to define header-level VAT defaults.


Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing

Select Header Info - 2 in the Navigation box.

Click the VAT Information link.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Displays the billing business unit that is associated with the bill header.


Displays the invoice that is associated with the bill header.

Go Back To Bill Header

Click to return to the Header Info 2 page.

Expand All Sections

Click to expand all of the group boxes and display all of the fields on the Bill Header - VAT Information page.

Collapse All Sections

Click to collapse all of the group boxes and hide all of the fields on the Bill Header - VAT Information page.

Physical Nature

The system determines the physical nature from the bill header when bill lines do not have a default physical nature. For example, if a charge code on the bill line is defined with a default physical nature, the system uses that value on the bill line. However, if the charge code on the bill line does not have an associated default physical nature, then the system uses the default physical nature defined on the bill header or the bill line value.

Field or Control


Change Physical Nature

Click this button if you want to change physical nature (to goods or services) and reset all VAT defaults at this level only.

The system obtains the default for this field from the header level defaulting hierarchy, and uses this value as an input during the VAT defaulting process.

VAT Locations

The fields that appear in this group box depend on the physical nature that you select.

Field or Control


Ship From Country

The system obtains the default value from the ship-from business unit if available, or from the billing business unit location when there is no ship-from business unit. Because a location is required for all business units, the system always populates this field with an initial value.

In the case of transactions that involve goods or freight service transactions, use this field to determine the VAT treatment.

Ship From State

The system obtains the default value from the billing business unit location only when the ship-from country tracks VAT by province.

Ship-To Country

The system obtains the default value from the ship-to customer's address, or from the bill-to customer's ship-to address if the ship-to customer is not available. In the case of transactions that involve goods or freight service transactions, use this field to determine the VAT treatment.

Note: The Ship-To Country field value on this page will appear by default from the country of any ship-to address you enter on the Standard Billing - Header - Order Info page.

Ship-To State

The system obtains the default value from the ship-to customer location state only when the ship-to country tracks VAT by province.

The following additional fields appear if you define the physical nature as Service.

Field or Control


Location Country

For services only, displays the billing business unit (seller) location country.

Location State

For services only, displays the billing business unit (seller) location state. The system populates this field with a default value only when the location country tracks VAT by province.

Customer Location Country

For services only, displays the customer's (buyer) bill-to location country.

Customer Location State

For services only, displays the bill-to location state of the customer (buyer). The system populates this field with a default value only when the customer location country tracks VAT by province.

Service Performed Country

For services only. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, at customer or business unit level), the system sets the value for this field according to these premises:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the ship-from business unit location country.

    If the system cannot obtain the ship-from business unit, it uses the billing business unit location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the with the ship-to customer location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the location of the buyer, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the customer's bill-to location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the location of the supplier, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the billing business unit location country.

Service Performed State

For services only. The system obtains a default value for this field only when the service performed country tracks VAT by province. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, customer or business unit level), the system sets the value for this field according to these premises:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system defines the service performed state with the ship-from business unit location state.

    If there is no ship-from business unit, the system uses the billing business unit location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system defines the service performed state with the ship-to customer location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the location of the buyer, the system defines the service performed state with the customer's bill-to location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the location of the supplier, the system defines the service performed state with the billing business unit location state.

VAT Defaults

Field or Control


Service Type

If the physical nature of the transaction is defined as Service, this field appears. The system retrieves the value from the service VAT treatment default, according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

This value determines whether the VAT treatment is provided by default based on the ship-to and ship-from countries, or the countries of the buyer and seller.

Place of Supply Driver

If the physical nature of the transaction is defined as Service, this field appears. The system retrieves the value from the service VAT treatment default, according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy. It is used in determining the default place of supply, which determines where VAT is liable.

Reporting Country

Displays the country for which this VAT will be reported. This field determines many of the VAT defaults.

Defaulting State

Displays the state that defaults based on the VAT reporting country.

Customer Registration Country and Customer Registration ID

Displays the registration country and ID of the bill-to customer.

Customer Exception Type

Displays the exception that is granted to the customer. Options are: None, Exonerated, or Suspended. This value defaults from the bill-to customer VAT defaults.

Certificate ID

If applicable, displays the ID of the VAT exception certificate of the bill-to customer.

Calculate at Gross or Net

Indicates how VAT is calculated. Options are:

Gross: The system calculates VAT before it applies any early payment discounts.

Net: The system calculates VAT after it deducts early payment discounts. If two percentage discounts are available, the system uses the larger of the two when it calculates VAT. The system will not use discount amounts, only discount percentages.

The default value comes from the VAT entity driver.

Recalculate at Payment

Select this check box to enable the recalculation of VAT at payment time to allow for any early payment discounts, if you are calculating VAT at gross. This setting causes the system to adjust the VAT amount at the time of payment if the discount has been taken. This value is set on the VAT entity driver.

Declaration Point

Displays when VAT transaction information should be recognized for reporting purposes. VAT due on sales is due on the date and time. Options are:

Accounting Date: VAT is recognized on the accounting date.

Delivery: VAT is recognized on delivery.

Invoice: VAT is recognized at time of invoice.

Payment: VAT is recognized at time of payment.

This value is retrieved through the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

Declaration Date

This field determines the date that the VAT transaction is recognized. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a value during the Finalization process.

If the Declaration Point is set to Accounting Date, this value appears by default from the Accounting Date field on the Header Info 1 page, and you cannot override it. However, if you need to change the Declaration Date, you can change the Declaration Point to Delivery or Invoice.

The declaration date is not available for entry if the declaration point is set to Payment.

VAT Rounding Rule

Displays the VAT rounding rule. The value comes from the VAT country driver definition. Options are:

Natural Round: Amounts are rounded normally (up or down) to the precision specified for the currency code. For example, for a currency defined with two decimal places, 157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4649 would round down to 157.46.

Round Down: Amounts are rounded down.

Round Up: Amounts are rounded up with a rounding precision to one additional decimal place.

Treatment Group

The system determines this value based on the VAT defaulting algorithm. Options are: Domestic Sales, European Union Sales, Exports, No VAT Processing, and Out of Scope.

Within PeopleSoft, the system uses detail VAT treatment values on the transaction lines for applying the precise defaults applicable to the transaction lines. Each of these detail VAT treatment values are associated with a VAT treatment group. The system tracks the VAT treatment group on the header to ensure that individual transaction lines are grouped together under one VAT treatment group.

Adjust Affected VAT Defaults

Click this button to adjust the VAT Defaults on this page that are affected by changes you have made to this page.

The system retains all changes that you have made to VAT defaults that affect other VAT defaults.

List of Fields to be Adjusted

If you change the value of any VAT drivers, click the List of Fields to be Adjusted button to review which VAT defaults will be affected by the modification when you click the Adjust Affected VAT Defaults button.


Displays the level of VAT defaults that will be affected when you click the Reset All VAT Defaults button. You may reset all defaults on the header and all existing bill lines, all defaults on the header only, or all defaults on the existing bill lines only.

Reset All VAT Defaults

Click this button to reset all the VAT defaults. All changes that you have made to VAT Defaults will be lost.

Note: The values of the following fields on the bill lines must be the same as their values on the bill header level for VAT bills: Ship From Country, Ship-To Country, VAT Reporting Country, and Customer's VAT registration Country. If the bill line values are not identical to those on the header, you cannot save the bill in RDY status. In addition, the VAT treatment on all the lines must belong to the VAT treatment group on the header.

Use the Prepayment Lookup page (BI_ITEM_LOOKUP) to select customer prepayment and document cross-reference information to apply to an invoice.


Click the Prepayment Lookup link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

The system displays a list of documents and associated prepayment amounts from PeopleSoft Receivables for the customer ID. The system retrieves these values from the Item table based on the Receivables business unit and customer ID of the item match with that of the bill header, an item status Open and the system function ID WS-04, WS-05, DM-02, or DM-03.

Field or Control


Sel (select)

Click to select the prepayment to apply to the invoice.

AR Unit (accounts receivable unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit that is associated with the customer ID.

Item ID

Displays the unique identifier that is assigned to the prepayment when it is entered in the receivables system. In PeopleSoft Receivables, items are the individual receivables that comprise a customer's balance.

Document ID

Displays the contract, account, policy, or order number to which the prepayment was applied in PeopleSoft Receivables.

System Function ID

Displays the identifier that defines PeopleSoft Receivables activities. Each system function is prefixed with a two-letter identifier that describes the part of the PeopleSoft Receivables system that uses this function.


Click to apply the prepayment and document cross-reference information to the invoice.

Use the Standard Billing - Address Info page (BI_HDR_ADDR) to access and review bill header address data.


Click the Address link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Field or Control


Attention To

The system populates this field, as well the primary bill-to contact, the primary bill-to location, and Location with default values. Override these values, if necessary.

Email ID

Displays the email address of the invoice contact. The system sends the email to this address when you select one of the Email options as the Invoice Media setting.

Invoice Media

Select Print Copy if the invoice is to be printed only, EDI if it is transmitted by electronic data interchange (EDI) only, Email Notification if the invoice is to be presented through PeopleSoft eBill Payment only or Email Invoice as Attachment if the invoice is to be emailed with the invoice and the supporting documents attached. If EDI transmissions are defined, the EDI Profile field displays the EDI profile name for the customer.

Select the invoice media option FHWA File to designate an invoice to be included in the Federal Highway Billing file. Invoice maintenance component corrects specific erroneous project fields when creating the FHWA extract file. This component supports mass maintenance of projects related chartfields.

Select the invoice media option Electronic Invoice File to generate electronic invoices. If Invoice Media option is Electronic Invoice File, then the Invoice Form in the bill must be related to one DEIU (Data Export/Import Utility) map ID. Refer Invoice Formatting Options - General Page in Establishing Invoice Formatting, Sorting, and Printing Options

The system populates the other fields on this page, such as the address detail fields, with default values as you enter values into the fields that are available for entry.

Use the Courtesy Copy Addr (courtesy copy address) page (BI_HDR_CC) to enter the number and distribution of courtesy copies.


  • Click the Copy Address link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

  • Select the Courtesy Copy Address option in the Navigation list.

Setting up Courtesy Copy Address Defaults

To have the system automatically default these fields into the page:

Fields and Controls

Field or Control


Attention To

The system populates this field, as well the primary bill-to contact, the primary bill-to location, and Location with default values. Override these values, if necessary.

Email ID

Displays the email address of the invoice contact. The system sends the email to this address when you select one of the Email options as the Invoice Media setting.

Invoice Media

Select Print Copy if the invoice is to be printed only, EDI if it is transmitted by electronic data interchange (EDI) only, Email Notification if the invoice is to be presented through PeopleSoft eBill Payment only or Email Invoice as Attachment if the invoice is to be emailed with the invoice attached. If EDI transmissions are defined, the EDI Profile field displays the EDI profile name for the customer.

Language Code

Select the language code from the list.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Global Technology

Use the Standard Billing - Header - Note page (BI_HDR_NOTE) to create or attach general header notes to bills.


  • Select the Header - Note option in the Navigation list.

  • Click the Notes link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Header notes apply to the entire bill. Examples of header notes include announcements of sales, changes in personnel, changes in price lists, or other general information.

You can control the placement of header notes when you define the invoice formatting options. You can define a header note to be primary, secondary, or remaining. A primary header note appears in the invoice heading. You can have the secondary and remaining header notes appear either before the first bill line, just after all bill lines, or after invoice totals are printed.

Field or Control


Bill Header Notes

To select a predefined note (one that you have already defined on the Standard Note page in General Options), select Standard Note Flag and select a note code in Std Note(standard note). Once you press Tab to exit the Std Note field, the note type ID appears in the Note Type field, and the predefined text for that note appears in the Note Text field. To create a note, do not select Standard Note Flag. Select a note type, and in the Note Text field, enter the text to appear on the invoice.

Internal Flag Only

Select if you do not want the note to appear on the actual invoice.

Invoice notes that are defined for customers appear on the invoice when the invoice is printed. The following table provides examples of the different types of notes you might print on invoices and the actions that you need to take to enter them into the system:

Print Option



To print a note on all invoices (effective date and effective status can be controlled).

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the Customer Notes page, associate the standard note code with customers.


To print a note on all invoices for multiple customers (effective date and effective status can be controlled).

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the customer Notes page, associate the standard note code with the customers who should see this note on invoices.


To print a note on all invoices for one customer.

Define a note on the customer Notes page. Select Custom in the Classification field, then specify the note in the Text field. Select Invoice in the Print on Document field.


To print a note on certain invoices.

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the Bill Header Notes page, associate the standard note code with the invoices that should include the note.


To print a note on one invoice.

Enter the note text directly on the Bill Header Notes page for that invoice.


Use the Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 1 page (BI_HDR_INQ) to review the general bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.


Billing > Review Billing Information > Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 1 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 1 Page

Field or Control


Pro Forma

Click to save the current component and run the pro forma job.

View in Base Currency

Click the View in Base Currency button to retrieve bill information in the base currency.

Worksheet Cross Reference (link)

Click this link to view the cross reference associated with the invoice being viewed. A pop-up window displays the cross references of the regular bill and the associated temporary worksheet bill. Click the invoice or the temporary bill to drill to the details of that bill in a new window.

Note: This link is displayed only when viewing an approved worksheet bill or regular bill created from the worksheet bills.

A regular invoice can show multiple temporary worksheet bills because you can select an existing regular invoice as the Add To Bill field value while approving temporary worksheet bills.

Approvals (link)

Select to access the Review Billing Information - Details - Approvals Page.

Note: This Approval page is display-only. Any transactions must be done from the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 Page.

See Processing Billing Worksheets

Use the Bill Inquiry - Keyword Search page to perform keyword searches for invoices. Keyword search allows you to perform a deeper, more free-form search, to access application data from the Bill Entry component.

For additional information on keyword searches, see the product documentation for PeopleTools: Search Technology, Working with Keyword Search modes.

Use the Review Billing Information - Details - Approvals page (BI_APPR_SEC) to review the status, departmental approval chain, and comments of an invoice.


Billing > Review Billing Information > Details

From the Header - Info 1 page, select the Approvals link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Billing Information - Details - Approvals page.

Review Billing Information - Details - Approvals Page

Note: This page is display-only. Any transactions must be done from the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 Page.