Assigning Fixed Picking Locations

If you want to ensure that an item is always picked from the same storage location or set of locations, you can assign the item to fixed picking locations. Fixed picking locations enable you to tighten control over the picking process while retaining flexibility in where you store items. You can store stock anywhere in the warehouse and transfer quantities to the fixed picking locations using the fixed location replenishment features. Alternatively, you can put stock away directly into a fixed picking location, thus eliminating the need to shift quantities around your warehouse between putaway and picking time.

When you select Fixed Pick Location in the Location Option field either for the business unit on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page or for a specific item on the Setup Item Fulfillment page, the picking plan directs pickers exclusively to the locations that you define on the Fixed Picking Locations page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Fixed Picking Locations Page


Define one or more fixed picking locations for an inventory item.

To define fixed picking locations, use the Fixed Picking Locations (FIXED_PICK_BINS_GBL) component.

Use the Fixed Picking Locations page (FIXED_LOC_BIN_INV) to define one or more fixed picking locations for an inventory item.


Inventory > Maintain Storage Locations > Fixed Picking Locations

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fixed Picking Locations page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fixed Picking Locations page

Field or Control


Pick Order

Determines which locations the Order Release Request process should suggest first when using multiple fixed picking storage locations.

Optimal Qty (optimal quantity)

The Replenishment Options process (IN_REPLEN_AE) and the Order Release Request process generate fixed picking replenishment requests when the actual quantity in the storage location falls below the optimal quantity that you define here.

UOM (unit of measure)

Whenever you put stock away, the system converts the quantity to this unit of measure.