Committing, Pre-Allocating, and Reserving Work Orders

The settings for committing and reserving are defined within the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management application.

In order to issue stock from an inventory business unit, the work order line must be committed to the demand fulfillment (IN_DEMAND) table. The inventory commit rule defined within PeopleSoft Maintenance Management determines when the work order line is committed. Based on the commit rule, the line can be committed when:

  • The parts list is first created on a work order in Maintenance Management.

  • The status of the work order is changed in Maintenance Management.

  • The line is reserved to an inventory business unit.

    The work order demand line must be committed before reserving stock; therefore, any action that reserves a non-committed line will also perform a commit.

  • The pick plan is created using the Work Order Pick Plan process page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

The commit rule is designed to default to the work order task from the Maintenance Management business unit, shop, or WO type. Within PeopleSoft Inventory, the following components will commit work order lines based on the commit rule:

  • The Pegging Workbench. When a line is pegged, it is automatically committed.

  • The Reserve Materials process.

  • The Work Order Pick Plan process.

  • The Issue to Work Orders component.

Once a work order line is committed to the demand fulfillment (IN_DEMAND) table in PeopleSoft Inventory, the demand line can be:

  • Viewed in the Product/Item Availability page.

  • Changed on the Shortage Workbench.

  • Used as demand for replenishment calculations by the Create Replenishment Requests process.

  • Processed through the work order demand fulfillment, including:

    • Reserved (optional).

    • Pegged to supply (optional)

    • Placed on a pick plan (optional).

    • Issued stock from inventory.

Note: A commit is not a reserve nor an allocation. The demand line is written to the inventory records, however, committing a work order item does not reduce the item's available quantity in the inventory business unit or material storage location. Work order demand lines containing both soft-reserve items and non-soft reserve items can be committed to the demand fulfillment table.

Once a work order line has been committed to the demand fulfillment (IN_DEMAND) table, the item quantity can be pre-allocated. This is an optional step. A pre-allocation occurs when a demand line is allocated to inventory stock in specified material storage locations before the picking stage. The work order pick plan recognizes and uses the material storage locations defined on the pre-allocation. For work orders, a pre-allocation can be created by:

  • The pegging feature. Pegging links demand to incoming supply. Based on your settings in the Pegging Item Setup page and the Pegging Setup page, a pre-allocation can be created during putaway. When the incoming supply is put away into the inventory business unit, the Complete Putaway (INPPPTWY) process can allocate the incoming supply to the corresponding outgoing demand. Outgoing demand can be a material stock request, sales order, or work order. When the entire pegged quantity is received, then the peg status is complete and the order displays a pre-allocation.

  • The Allocation Workbench. This workbench enables you to create, update, or remove a pre-allocation. Use the Allocation Workbench by:

    • Navigating directly to the Allocation Workbench (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Allocation Workbench).

    • Clicking the Qty Pre Allocated link on the Reservation tab of the Work Order - Schedules: Inventory page within PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. This link opens up a page containing the Allocation Workbench with the work order line item displayed. Upon making any allocations or adjustments, the user must press the Process button to save the changes. When finished, click the Return to Work Order link to close the Allocation Workbench page and return to the Work Order - Schedules: Inventory page.

You cannot lot allocate a work order line from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management; however, a lot-controlled item can be pre-allocated on a work order. A pre-allocation is different from a lot-allocation because a pre-allocation links the demand line to stock in a material storage location within the Inventory business unit whereas a lot-allocation links the demand line to specific lots in the business unit.

If a work order task contains a soft-reserve item, then the item can be reserved in PeopleSoft Inventory. This is an optional step depending on the needs of your organization. Reserving stock enables you to guarantee part of the inventory business unit's total available quantity of this item to this work order and prevent other demand lines from taking the needed stock.

The work order reservation rule defined within PeopleSoft Maintenance Management determines when the work order demand line is reserved. Based on the work order reservation rule, the line can be reserved when:

  • The parts list is first created on a work order in Maintenance Management.

  • The status of the work order is changed in Maintenance Management.

  • The line is selected by the Reserve Materials process in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • The pick plan is created using the Work Order Pick Plan process page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

The work order reservation rule is designed to default to the work order task from the Maintenance Management business unit, shop, or WO type. In addition, you can override the work order reservation rule for a specific work order by:

  • Using the Reserve button on the Work Order- Schedules: Inventory page in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. The Material Reservations process is run on all line items listed in the Inventory Schedules group box unless you select one or more line items before using the Reserve button. If no line items are selected then clicking the Reserve button runs the Material Reservations process on all line items.

  • Using the Shortage Workbench to reserve. The workbench can also unreserve a work order demand line.

Note: A work order line cannot be reserved using the Fulfillment Workbench or the fulfillment engine application messages.

Note: The work order reservations rules are not the same as the reservation rules located in PeopleSoft Inventory's Fulfillment Rules menu. Work order reservation rules only determine when a work order line is reserved. Inventory's reservation rules have no impact on work order lines.

Using the Reserve Materials Process to Reserve Work Orders

The following rules apply when using the Reserve Materials process for work orders:

  • A shortage in a work order line cannot create a backorder or an adhoc requisition request.

    The backorder settings on the Setup Fulfillment page and the Setup Item Fulfillment page are not used for a work order.

  • Partial quantities of a work order line can be reserved and issued (shipped).

    The settings on the Setup Fulfillment page and the Setup Item Fulfillment page for Partial Qty's Can Ship are not used for a work order.

  • A work order line cannot be promised. ATP items are not reserved or promised when they are on a work order line.

  • If the selection criteria for the Reserve Materials process page includes the demand source of WM (work order demand), then the process searches for both committed and uncommitted work order lines matching the selection criteria.

    If uncommitted work orders are reserved then they are also committed by the Reserve Materials process. Uncommitted work order lines are selected only if the work order's commit rule is commit at reserve and the reserve rule is batch reserve only.

  • The Auto Release Option field and the Release Run Control field on the Reserve Materials process page are not used for a work order line, since work orders do not use the Order Release Request process.

  • If the Reserve Online check box has been selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page, then the Reserve Materials process is not used.

    You must use the Shortage Workbench to reserve, including work orders.

  • The Reserve Materials process, by default, does not select work order demand lines that are outside of the reservation lead days.

    However, you can select to override the lead days or ignore lead days options to reserve parts outside lead days.

  • The Reserve Materials process will not select work order lines with a commit rule of Pick Plan Creation.

    If the Reserve Materials process errors during processing, use the Release Inventory Locks page to release the records from processing.

  • The Unreserved Demand Lines Report (INS6400) can be generated after the Reserve Materials process is complete. This report displays any work order demand lines that were not reserved because they did not pass the work order reservation rules. To generate this report, select the Unreserved Demand Lines Report check box on the Reserve Materials process page.

See Understanding Work Orders.

Using the Shortage Workbench to Reserve Work Orders

Use the Shortage Workbench to reserve and unreserve stock to work order demand lines. Based on the search criteria entered, you can use the Shortage Workbench to view just the work order demand lines that have attempted reservations and have reserved no stock or only partially reserved stock. This enables you to focus on shortages and determine how to reserve stock. Using the Shortage Workbench template, you can require that a reason code be entered by any user who unreserves stock on a work order demand line. In addition, using the Events and Notifications Framework, the Shortage Workbench can provide notifications to planners or schedulers when a user unreserves stock from one work order.

The following rules apply when using the Shortage Workbench for work orders:

  • Work order demand lines must be committed to PeopleSoft Inventory before they are visible in the Shortage Workbench.

  • Lines with the fulfillment status of Depleted will not be displayed on the Shortage Workbench.

  • The Shortage Workbench can both reserve and unreserve work order demand lines.

  • The Shortage Workbench can de-allocate the work order line quantity that was pre-allocated when a pegged supply was received into the inventory business unit.

  • Work order demand lines that are currently on a pick plan are not displayed on the Shortage Workbench.

  • If the Reserve Online check box has been selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page, then the Reserve Materials process is not used.

    You must use the Shortage Workbench to reserve all demand, including work orders.

  • Non-soft reserve work order demand lines are not displayed on the Shortage Workbench.

In addition to the Shortage Workbench, a demand line could be unreserved if the scheduled quantity on the work order is reduced or the work order is closed.

See Understanding Shortage Handling in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Prioritizing Demand

When using the reservation processes, the sequence in which demand lines, from all sources, are processed determines which soft-reserved lines are to consume the business unit's available quantity and which demand lines are not reserved due to stock shortages.

For the Reserve Materials process the demand lines that meet the selection criteria are sequenced for reservation processing by:

  1. Inventory Priority Rank: An inventory priority rank is assigned to every demand line based on rules established on the Priority Rule Definition page.

    The selected order lines are sequenced first by priority rank value, starting with the lowest rank value. For work order demand lines, you can use the Priority Rule Definition page to assign a higher priority (that is, a lower rank value) to demand lines that have previously been processed by reservations but did not reserve stock or only partially reserved stock. The rank is designed to default to the work order task from the Maintenance Management business unit, shop, or WO type.

  2. Final Sort Order: Demand lines assigned the same inventory priority ranking are then sequenced using the Final Sort option specified for the business unit on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page.

In the Item View of the Shortage Workbench, the inventory priority rank is used to sort the displayed demand lines and you can use the apportion feature to distribute the available quantity across the demand lines based on the priority rank.

The online reserve from the Work Order component in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management does not use the priority rank since it is only working with one work order.

See Setting Up Demand Priority Rules.