Understanding Releasing Production and Changing Production Statuses

Releasing production to the shop floor is the first step in the production process. You can release production for production IDs when maintaining production, or you can release production independently of the maintenance process. You can also release production when you record an operation or end item completion. Following the production release process, you can also generate production documents for production IDs and dispatch lists for production IDs and production schedules.

When you change the production status to Released, production is sent to the shop floor and is available to start manufacturing the item. When you change an order's status, there may be significant consequences.

If you change the status to Released and you integrate with a third-party manufacturing execution system (MES), PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the Production Order Update enterprise integration point (EIP) to publish a message to the MES with the transaction information. The MES then subscribes to that message and updates the MES information.

This section discusses:

  • Review of the Material Readiness report.

  • Release of production.

  • Reversal of production statuses.

Before releasing production IDs and production schedules to the shop floor, it is recommended that you run the Material Readiness report to determine which production orders have all of the material available and which production orders have material shortages.

Before you can generate a picking plan and begin production, you must first release production for any production IDs or production schedules in the Entered or Firmed status. To accomplish this, you need to change the status for production IDs or production schedules from Entered or Firmed to Released.

Note: You must create rework or teardown production IDs with a status of Released unless the production is scheduled for the future. In that case, you can create Firmed rework or teardown production IDs. PeopleSoft Manufacturing doesn't support rework or teardown production schedules.

You have several options when releasing production to the shop floor:

  • Releasing a production ID during production ID maintenance.

    When manually adding a production ID, you have the option of setting the status to Released. You can also change the status of an existing production ID from Entered or Firmed to Released.

  • Releasing individual production IDs independently of the production ID maintenance process.

    Use this method when you want to separate the release function from the maintenance function. Using this method gives control to the individuals who determine when production should be released. If you intend to create picking plans and kit, pick, or pull components to the shop floor, you must release production before generating pick plans.

    To release production IDs independently of the production ID maintenance process, use the Production ID Status Change page.

  • Releasing individual production schedules before the start of production.

    Use this method when you want to release production schedules. If you intend to create picking plans and pick or pull components to the shop floor, you must release production before generating pick plans.

    To release production schedules, use the Production Schedule Status Change page.

  • Releasing multiple production IDs or production schedules as a batch.

    Use this method when you want to release multiple IDs or production schedules simultaneously. You can release a range of production IDs or production schedules, or you can release a range of items or production areas.

    To release multiple production IDs or production schedules, use the Production Status Change Process page.

  • Releasing production by recording an operation or an end item completion.

    Use this method when you're utilizing a streamlined production operation. If you are using production IDs, you can record completions at an operation or at end item completion. If you are using production schedules, you can backflush only at end item completion. When you perform a completion or backflush, the production ID or production schedule is automatically released. This method assumes that you are automatically replenishing components in the work-in-progress (WIP) locations and are not generating pick reports.

    To release production while recording an operation or an end item completion, use the Record Completions and Scrap page. The ability to release production when recording completions or scrap is dependent on how you've configured the environment when setting up the PeopleSoft Manufacturing business unit options.

Besides releasing production, you can also use the Production ID Status Change page and the Production Schedule Status Change page to change an order's status from Entered, Firmed, Released, or In Process to a prior status. This applies to production, rework, and teardown orders.

To change an order from In Process to a prior status, you need to reverse all end item completions and scrap, return components to stock, and reverse all actual hour recordings. These include:

  • Component issues

  • Component yield loss

  • Pending issues

  • Pending loss quantities

  • Operation completions

  • Co-product and by-product completions

  • End item completions

  • End item scrap

  • Outstanding bar code transactions

  • Earned costs

  • Scrap costs

  • Actual hours