
Before creating and maintaining routings you must, at a minimum:

  • Define work centers where jobs or tasks are performed.

  • Define conversion codes, if you want to calculate conversion costs.

  • Define conversion rates (such as labor, machine, and overhead rates or costs), if you want to calculate conversion costs.

When defining routings, you have several options regarding information that you can associate with a routing. These steps are optional:

  1. Define resources.

    Resources can be crews (people), machines, or tools. You can associate resources with a work center. If you are scheduling using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, you must define at least one crew or machine for each operation.

  2. Define the master list of tasks to be performed in the manufacturing process.

    Tasks are useful if the same task is performed when manufacturing several items. You need to define the processing information only once on the task and then assign the task to the routings of those items.

  3. Define count points.

    Count points are an automated way to predefine when in the item's routing you want to record completions and scrap costs. If an operation is designated as a count point, assembly completions must be recorded at that operation. Material is only consumed—and labor and overhead are only earned—from the previous count point.

Note: Count points can be used only on production IDs.