Alternate Sources of Supply Prerequisites

Before the system can consider alternate sources of supply arbitration plans and rules, you must complete these steps:

  1. If you are planning to use customer group, product group, or region code as keys, establish these groups with the alternate sources of supply type.

  2. (Optional) Add the Sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page.

    Note: If this option is not set up, the default arbitration plan is used.

  3. Select the Availability Option on the Order Management Business Unit Order Entry Features page (Manual or Automatic).

  4. Establish feature function security to enable the user access to the alternate sources of supply page.

  5. Set up user security from the Order Pegging menu in Inventory to view supply for purchase orders, requisitions, interunit transfers, and production orders.

  6. If you are planning to allow the CSR to perform interunit transfers within the sales order, set the:

    1. (Required) Establish Interunit Transfer Accounting from the Cost Accounting menu to establish ownership of material in-transit between the source business unit in the grid on the Alternate Sources of Supply page and destination business unit which is the ship from business unit on the schedule. Without this setup, the interunit transfer source of supply in the arbitration plan formulas will not be displayed in the alternate sources of supply results grid. If the user changes the result and causes a source to become interunit transfer, the same validation would occur on Accept.

    2. (Optional) Establish Transfer Attributes or Transfer Attribute Defaults from the Define Items and Attributes menu. The system first checks the transfer attributes on the business unit item setup. If they are not found, it checks the Transfer Attributes Defaults for the business unit.

    3. Authorize the CSR to run the OM_ITEM_COPY_INV Component Interface to create an item at the business unit level if it does not exist in the destination business unit when a purchase order, requisition, and MSR with a Direct Receipt Disposition is created. The Business Unit/Item copy is established on the Inventory Definition Business Unit Options page. There are two options: Copy from source item and Copy from IBU template.

  7. If you plan to use the sourcing option to create a new purchase order, production order or new requisition:

    1. Set up the PO Loader Defaults and the Requisition Loader Defaults in Purchasing.

    2. Establish a default buyer ID on the Overrides and Options page of the Po Loader Defaults and Requisition Loader Defaults page in the Procurement Options menu.

    3. Purchase Order Authorizations must be set up for the CSR on the Purchase Order Authorizations page for the Procurement user preferences. The CSR can be associated with one or more buyers. If a buyer is added to the Purchase Order Authorizations page, they must also have the ability to add and update purchase orders.

    4. Authorize the CSR to run the PO_EXPRESS Component Interface so that the CSR has the permission to add or update purchase orders.

    5. Authorize the CSR to run the SF_PRDN_ID_MAINT component interface.

  8. (Optional) Establish chunking parameters on the installation options Order Management page to improve performance.