Refining Order Management Details

This topic discusses how to maintain sales orders, quotes, and buying agreements.

Note: The Sales Order Demand tables reflect the sales order demand in the transaction system. However, the transaction system is the system of record. Changes that you make to the PeopleSoft Supply Planning Sales Order Demand tables are not automatically updated in the transaction system.

Page Name

Definition Name


Sales Orders/Quotes Page


Review and maintain parameters for sales orders and quotes, such as order lines and shipment quantities.

Review Post Errors - Buying Agreements Page


Review and maintain parameters for buying agreements, such as releases, order quantities, and expected shipment dates.

Use the Sales Orders/Quotes page (PL_SO_HDR) to review and maintain parameters for sales orders and quotes, such as order lines and shipment quantities.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Order Management > Sales Orders/Quotes

Common Information

Field or Control


Business Unit

For sales order and quote transactions, this business unit represents the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit.

Start Date

Displays the date that the buying agreement becomes valid. The term of the buying agreement can span multiple fiscal years. This field appears on the Buying Agreements page only.

Grace End Date

Displays an automatic extension date beyond the end date of the buying agreement. Orders entered after the buying agreement expiration date are based on the buying agreement price until the grace end date. If you have not provided an extension, a 0 appears as the value in this field. This field appears on the Buying Agreements page only.

Order Date

Displays the initial date that you created the order. This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.

Order Type

Indicates whether the order is a sales order or a quote order. This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.

Order Status

Select a valid order header status. Values are:

  • Canceled: Select to cancel the order before any shipments are made or if the line or schedule is no longer valid.

  • Closed: Indicates that the schedules have been fully shipped or if the first shipment was made and backorders were canceled.

  • Pending: Indicates that the order requires additional information.

  • Open: Indicates that the customer order is an active demand in the system.

    Note: On this page, you can change the order status from Open to Canceled, or from Canceled to Open.

Quote Due Date

Displays the quote deadline specified by the customer or prospect. This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.

Quote Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date on which prices and terms on the quote are no longer valid. This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.

Success Percent

Displays the forecasted success that the quotation will result in a sales order. Quotations are loaded into the planning instance as demand when their success percentage is greater than the percentage that you define in the Accept % (accept percentage) field on the Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Orders page. This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.


Displays the order line number.


Displays the schedule line number.

At the schedule level, break down the order quantity into one or more shipments. An order can include multiple lines, and each line can have multiple schedules. The number in this field increases by the increment value that you defined on the Order Management Definition - Order Management Setup page.

See Maintaining Order Schedule Information.


Displays the product kit code.

A product kit is a fixed set of components that are sold as a unit. A product kit is not a stockable inventory item, but its components may be.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning assumes that kit components are shipped together–including configured or custom kits– in one sales order.

Note: All of the kits for a schedule must have the same ship date and time. If you change a kit ship date and time, the system also updates the ship date and time of the other items in the kit.

See Maintaining Header and Line Information


Select the Schedules tab.

Field or Control



Displays a valid order line status. Values are:

  • Canceled: Select to cancel the order before any shipments are made or if the line or schedule is no longer valid.

  • Closed: Indicates that the schedules have been fully shipped or that the first shipment was made and backorders were canceled.

  • Pending: Indicates that the order requires additional information.

  • Open: Indicates that the sales order line is an active demand in the system.

    Note: You can change the line status from Open to Canceled or from Canceled to Open.

Ship Base

Displays the quantity shipped. This is expressed in the item's standard UOM.

If the demand line has already been shipped, this value is the quantity shipped. If the line has not been shipped, this value is the quantity picked.

Remaining Quantity

Displays the outstanding demand for the shipment schedule.


Select to change the status of the order to frozen; the system does not reschedule customer orders that are frozen.

Include Quantity

Select to include the order in all of the planning functions. The system selects this field by default for all of the customer orders and buying agreements in the planning instance tables.

This option enables you to load an order in PeopleSoft Supply Planning and ignore the order quantity during simulations. If you do not include the order quantity, the order or buying agreement appears on the corresponding maintenance page only; the order does not appear on workbenches or reports and is ignored by solvers.

Priority Rank

Enter a demand priority value between 1 and 999. The system assigns priorities to demands during the Load Planning Instance process based on established demand priority rules. In the absence of demand priority rules or for a matching demand priority rule for a given demand, the system assigns the priority 999. The system also uses the demand priority, 999, as a default value when assigning priorities. When manually adding demand to a planning instance, specify the priority.

See Setting Up Demand Priority Rules.

Note: The priority 0 is reserved for the system.


Select the Quantities tab.

Field or Control


Schedule Base

Define the scheduled shipment quantity. This is expressed in the item's standard UOM. You cannot define this field with a negative value. This field is required.

Note: This field appears on the Sales Orders/Quotes page only.


Select the Shipments tab.

Field or Control


Ship From

Displays the PeopleSoft Inventory ship from business unit.

Estimated Ship ID

Select an estimated shipment code.

Estimated shipments are logical groupings that indicate what can be packed into the same shipping container. These groupings are temporary—the estimated shipment ID for a demand line can change at any time until freight has been calculated. If a demand line does not meet the criteria for an existing estimated shipment, the system creates a new estimated shipment for the line. Demand lines that have already been freighted (and, therefore, assigned to an estimated shipment) are not available to be packed.

Note: Schedules sharing the same estimated ship ID must also have identical planning ship date and times.

Planning Ship Date/Time

Displays the current scheduled ship date PeopleSoft Supply Planning intends to ship.

Target Date/Time

Displays the requested date or scheduled ship date, depending on the date that you selected in the Demand Date field on the Load Planning Instance - Orders/Forecast: Orders page. PeopleSoft Supply Planning attempts to generate supply for the demand by this date.

Scheduled Ship Date/Time

Displays the date that the transaction system expects to ship.


Select the Details tab.

Field or Control


Product ID

Displays the product ID for the sales order line from the original customer order in the order management system.


Select to indicate that the customer order line has a quantity reserved by one of the reservation or lot allocation processes in the inventory system.

Inventory Pegging Tab

Select the Inventory Pegging tab.

Field or Control


Peg Status

Displays the pegging status of the line item.

  • Unpegged: This line item does not have pegged demand.

  • Open: This line item is pegged to demand that has yet to be fulfilled.

  • Completed: This line item is pegged to demand that has been fulfilled.

Field or Control


Peg Details

Click the link to display the pegged demand information. This column will only be available if the Peg Status is Open or Completed.