Budget Checking Procurement Cards

You can now perform budget check and ChartField edit validations for your procurement card transactions during the Statement Load process and online processing. Use the budget processor to invoke budget check and ChartField edits after staged data is loaded into the Statement Load process and when users use the Reconcile Statement component.

You can use the budget check or the ChartField Edit validation process during:

  • The Statement Load process.

    If you enable commitment control for procurement cards, the system validates the budget rows. If rows are not budget checked, the budget status is N (not checked). If a row fails the budget check, the budget status is E (error). If rows pass the budget check, the budget status is V (valid).

    If you selected edit combination options on the Purchasing Options page, the system performs ChartField edit combinations based on the ChartField Editing template. The system indicates a status of V (valid for passing rows) or R (recycle for rows that fail).

  • Online processing.

    If you enable commitment control for procurement cards, the system performs ChartField edits and budget-check validations after users modify the distribution information and click the Save button on the Reconcile Statement page.

    The system also validates for ChartField combinations on the Distribution Templates page. Once a user modifies and saves information on this page, the system automatically uses the budget processor to check for valid ChartFields.

Note: To budget check procurement cards, first select the procurement card option on the Installation Options page.

Users can access the Budget Check Exceptions page to fix all rows that did not pass budget check. All failed rows must be fixed before they can successfully pass budget check.

This section discusses how to Budget Check Procurement Cards:

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Statement Page


Run the ProCard Load Statement Application Engine process (PO_CCLOADLD) to load the statement lines from the staging table into the statement tables and to perform auto-reconciliation using the settings that you defined on the Procurement Card Load Statement Options page.

Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions Page


Review, manage, and approve procurement card transactions loaded by the ProCard Load Statement process. You can view all of the procurement card transactions that you have been granted authority to access on the Card Data page.

Budget ChartField Validation Page


Run the Comm. Cntrl Budget Processor process for the procurement cards in batch mode.

Budget Check Exceptions Page


Review procurement card transactions that failed the budget check process.

Source Transactions - Definition Page


Define source transactions for commitment control.

Select Planned as the value for the Commitment Control Amount Type field.

Budget Definitions - Control Budget Options Page


Establish budgetary controls.

If you select Entries Must Balance on the Control Budget Options page, enter a default account value for at least one SetID for budget entry offsets.

You must also enter a source transaction offset account for each source transaction type that affects this budget definition.

Use the Load Statement page (RUN_CC_LOADTRANS ) to run the ProCard Load Statement Application Engine process (PO_CCLOADLD) to load the statement lines from the staging table into the statement tables and to perform auto-reconciliation using the settings that you defined on the Procurement Card Load Statement Options page.


Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Process Statements > Load PCard Statement

Use the Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions page (CC_RECON_WB) to review, manage, and approve procurement card transactions loaded by the ProCard Load Statement process.

You can view all of the procurement card transactions that you have been granted authority to access on the Card Data page.


Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Reconcile > Reconcile PCard Statement

When you create or modify procurement cards using the Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions page, you can budget check them in real time when you save the page. Saving the page invokes the Commitment Control Budget Processor process by remote call.