Purchase Order Header Status Values

The purchase order header status, like all header values, applies to the entire purchase order. The purchase order status is the high-level indication of where the purchase order is in its life cycle. A typical purchase order does not go through every purchase order status.

This table shows each status value that a purchase order can have with its possible receipt and match statuses. The receipt status refers to the extent to which the purchase order has been received. The match status refers to the extent to which the matching process has been completed.

Purchase Order Status

Receipt Status

Match Status


Not Received



Not Received

To be Matched

Pending Approval/Approved

Not Received

To be Matched


Not Received/Partially Received

Partially Matched


Not Received/Partially Received /Received

Partially Matched / Fully Matched




Pending Cancel






A purchase order can have a status of Initial when you add it to the system manually, if it is a blanket purchase order that you created from a contract, or if it was created through purchase order reservation. A manually entered purchase order remains in Initial status until you specify a buyer. Each buyer has an associated default purchase order status of either Open or Pending Approval. When you specify the buyer, the status of the purchase order changes to the buyer's default purchase order status. When you create a purchase order using the PO Calculations (purchase order calculations) Application Engine process (PO_POCALC) and the Create Purchase Orders Application Engine process (PO_POCREATE), the purchase order begins its life cycle with the status that you defined in the buyer setup.

A purchase order cannot enter the approval process until it is in Pending Approval status. There are buttons on the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page and Buyer's WorkBench that can change the status from Open to Pending Approval. On the Buyer's WorkBench, there is also a button to reset purchase order statuses back to Open.

When the workflow approval process is complete, the purchase order status changes from Pending Approval to Approved. After it is approved, any change in amount or ChartFields causes the system to return the purchase order status to Pending Approval.

Approved purchase orders are available for the PO Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (POPO005). When you dispatch the purchase order, the status changes from Approved to Dispatched, if the purchase order has a valid budget header status and a valid document tolerance status.

After this point, one of three things can happen to the purchase order status:

  • Creating a change order sets the status back to Approved.

  • Running the Close Purchase Orders Application Engine process (PORECON) changes the status to Complete.

  • Canceling the entire purchase order changes the purchase order status to Canceled.

    Canceling a purchase order can be done using the Buyer's WorkBench. A purchase order does not have to be dispatched to be canceled. It can be canceled at any time during its life cycle until it has been received or invoiced. After the quantity has been received or invoiced, you cannot cancel it.

  • Canceling a dispatched purchase order changes the purchase order status to Pending Cancel.

    Re-dispatching the purchase order to the supplier will create a change order, subsequently budget checking (if required) and dispatching will set the purchase order status to Canceled.