Setting Up Purchase Order Change Templates

Use the purchase order change template to define which fields, if modified on a previously dispatched purchase order, will trigger a change order. When you configure the change template, you define the fields that you want to track at the various change order levels.

When triggering a change order online, the purchase order considers all fields defined on the purchase order change template.

The Change Purchase Order process looks at a subset of the fields on the change template. The fields that are considered by the Change Purchase Order process are discussed in the overview of the purchase order change order business process.

Note: The Purchase Order Change Order business process updates changed values on the purchase order, regardless of whether the fields exist on the purchase order change template. The purchase order change template helps to determine fields that are tracked and recorded in change order history tables, and does not determine the fields that can actually be changed on the purchase order.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Application Engine