Understanding Amendments for Imported Documents

You can import legacy contracts and existing amended contract versions along with their amendment files and manage them similar to how you use amendments created in the document authoring system. For active contracts, you should import the current editable version of the contract so that you can use the edit function directly from within the document authoring system to modify new versions or amendments of the document.

If you import a read-only document, such as a .pdf file, the system limits the edit and amendment options to the application you use for the edit. You can; however, in the case of a .pdf file, select to amend the original document on a local system, outside of the document authoring system, and then check in the edited .pdf amendment.

You can amend imported documents depending on the original import option you select to import the document. When you import a file and you are also importing amendments, you determine which process option that the document authoring system uses amendment option based on the import option. This cannot be changed after the document is imported and is similar to how an amendment process option cannot be changed after the first amendment is created for a generated document.

To import a document, you select the Import Document button on the Create Document page. Importing a document is a document creation method that enables the import and creation of amendments as well. Using the Import Document page, you can select to import:

  • A single current contract as amended and assign an amendment version. (Amend Contract Only process option)

  • The current contract as amended and a current separate amendment summary file. (Amend Contract with Amendments process option)

  • The original contract as originally signed and a current separate amendment summary file. (Amendment Files Only process option)

When you import documents using the Amend Contract with Amendments or Amendment Files Only options, and create a new separate amendment file for the document in the document authoring system, that amendment is a system-generated Microsoft Word .xml file format and requires that you define an amendment configurator.