Understanding Supplier Contract Sample Permission Lists, Roles, and Users

This topic discusses:

  • Sample users, roles, and permission lists.

  • Typical users of PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

The following sample roles and permission lists are provided to demonstrate basic component-level access for different types of users of Supplier Contract Management.

This table describes the sample roles and permission lists to which you could link example users:

Sample User

Sample Role Name

Sample Permission List


CSADMIN - Supply Contract Administrator

Supplier Contract Agree Update (supplier contract agreement update)

EPCS5000 - Supplier Contract Agree Updates (supplier contract agreement update)

Users can update agreement steps for a given contract.

CSLEG1 - Clause Approver

Supplier Contract Clause Apprv (supplier contract clause approver)

EPCS2000 - Supplier Contracts Library

Users of this role can approve clauses in the clause library when you enable approval workflow for clauses. The system includes this role in sample approval definition for clauses.

CSAPPR1 - Supplier Contract Approver

Supplier Contract Hardware Appr (supplier contract hardware approver)

EPCS4000 - Supplier Contracts Casual User

The system includes users of this role for approval workflow of contracts related to transactional purchasing contracts where the items on the contract are linked to the item category of Hardware. The system includes this role in sample approval definition for documents.

CSAPPR1 - Supplier Contract Approver

CSLEG1 - Clause Approver

Supplier Contract Interested

EPCS4000 - Supplier Contracts Casual User

EPCS6000 - Supplier Contract Agree Monitor

This is a sample role for an interested-party user who can review contracts and monitor agreements.

CSLIB1 - Clause Librarian

Supplier Contract Librarian

EPCS1000 - Supplier Contracts Setup

EPCS2000 - Supplier Contracts Library

These users can manage the contract library, including setting up and maintaining binds, groups, classes, rules, clauses, sections, and configurators.

CSADMIN - Supply Contract Administrator

Supplier Contract Administrator (supplier contract administrator)

EPCS1000 - Supplier Contracts Setup

EPCS2000 - Supplier Contracts Library

EPCS3000 - Supplier Contracts and Documents

EPCS5000 - Supplier Contract Agree Updates

EPCS6000 - Supplier Contract Agree Monitor

EPCS7000 - Supplier Contracts Syndication

This is a sample contract administrator that can author (generate) and maintain contracts. This user also has rights to contract library access, can update and monitor contract agreements, and has access to syndication pages.


Supplier-External Contracts (External Document and Agreement Access)

EPCS9000 - Supplier Contracts External

This is a sample external supply-side user with access to collaborate on contract documents as well as update and review agreement information using the supply-side portal.

This topic discusses users described throughout this book.

Application Administrator

These administrators are technical in nature and are responsible for setting up the supplier contract systems. Their responsibilities might include setting up syndication messaging and subscription nodes, defining search indexes, and setting up approval workflow processes, stages, and steps.

Document/Contract Administrator

An administrator is typically the contract specialist in an organization and the user performing day-to-day management of documents. This user is also called the document owner. You can define users as document administrators when you set up user preferences. Document administrators can generate, re-create, refresh, and edit documents, and they can control life cycles for document authors. Administrators can also manage approvals by reassigning those that do not have alternates defined for their approval.

Supplier Contract Management provides a sample contract administrator role.


Sponsors are those users who represent the user from the department that is sponsoring the contract. You define sponsors on the Document Management page for each contract. You can perform searches against document sponsors.


Librarians are users who manage and update content in the contract library. This content includes clauses, sections, configurators, wizards, and question groups. Supplier Contract Management provides a sample librarian user role and self-approval authorities for librarians in user preferences.


Approvers are the people responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on documents that are going through an official approval process. Approvers in supplier contracts workflow approvals are those approving clauses or documents. Approvers can approve, deny, or push back a document and can edit a document if they have the authority.


Reviewers are the people responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on documents going through an official approval process for a clause or document. Reviewers do not have the authority to edit documents.


Collaborators are internal users who, as part the collaboration process, provide input about the conditions of a contract. You define collaborators using the My Internal Contacts/Collaborators page. External collaborators includes parties external to a company who need to review, edit, and sign a document. When a source transaction is a transactional contract or purchase order, the system can retrieve default information from external collaborator information, such as the user name and email address, that has been setup on the Supplier - Contacts page for contract collaborator contact types.

See Entering Supplier Contact Information.

You can also maintain external collaborators for each document. Optionally, you can give an external collaborator with a valid user ID access to collaborate online if you have setup a supply-side portal for them to access. Otherwise, you can preform collaboration using email.

Interested Party

Interested parties are those users or groups who might have an interest in a document, but who may not necessarily be required to approve the document or provide feedback. Much like reviewers, interested parties have an opportunity to provide collaboration. You can define interested parties by adding users without edit or collaboration authority to your internal contact list.

Internal Contact

Internal contacts are those users you set up as contacts or collaborators. You can define contacts using system default values when you send clauses or contracts for review or collaboration.

External Contact

External contacts are people who are outside of the PeopleSoft system and who do not have a system ID. You establish email addresses for these types of contacts so that when you send or dispatch a document, the system emails the document to the contact. You also define addresses and fax numbers if you want to send or dispatch the document manually. You use the External Contacts List to define these contacts.

To collaborate with a supplier, you would define them as an external contact and initiate an online supplier-side external collaboration process, or alternatively, send the contract document as an attachment to them using the Send to Contacts button on the Document Management page.