Application Engine Implementation

This section provides information to consider before you begin to use Application Engine.

Implementation of Application Engine can be divided into these activities:

  • Set up properties.

  • Specify actions.

  • Create temporary table instances.

  • Set up debugging options.

  • Enable Application Engine tracing.

Setting Up Properties

To set up Application Engine properties, perform these steps:



1. Set up program properties.

See Setting Program Properties.

2. Set up section properties.

See Setting Section Properties.

3. Set up step properties.

See Setting Up Step Properties.

4. Set up action properties.

See Specifying Actions.

Specifying Actions

To modify action properties, perform these steps:



1. Specify SQL actions.

See Specifying SQL Actions.

2. Specify Do actions.

See Specifying Do Actions.

3. Specify PeopleCode actions.

See Specifying PeopleCode Actions.

4. Specify Call Section actions.

See Specifying Call Section Actions.

5. Specify Log Message actions.

See Specifying Log Message Actions.

Creating Temporary Table Instances

To set up temporary tables to improve performance, perform these steps:



1. Define temporary tables.

See Defining Temporary Tables.

2. Set up the number of temporary table instances.

See Setting the Number of Temporary Table Instances.

3. Build table instances.

See Building Table Instances.

Setting Up Debugging Options

To set up debugging options for Application Engine programs, perform these steps:



1. Enable the Application Engine debugger.

See Enabling the Application Engine Debugger.

2. Set up debugging options.

See Setting Debugging Options.

Enabling Application Engine Tracing

To trace Application Engine programs, perform these steps:



1. Set command line options.

See Setting Command Line Options.

2. Set parameters in server configuration files.

See Setting Parameters in Server Configuration Files.

3. Set options in Configuration Manager.

See Setting Client Options in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

Other Sources of Information

In addition to implementation considerations presented in this topic, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the installation guides, release notes, and PeopleBooks.