Accessing the Document Builder

PeopleSoft provides a Document Builder tool that enables you to build the structure of a document and define XML and relational formats for it.

The Document Builder is located in the IB_LOGICALSCHEMA component in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture.

To access the Document Builder, select PeopleTools > PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder. When the Document Builder opens, the default view is of the Document Builder - Documents (IB_LOGICALSCHEMA) page.

This example shows the Document Builder – Documents page, the default view of the Document Builder.

Document Builder - Document page

The Document Builder has four pages. The following table briefly describes the pages and how to access each of them.


Object ID



Document Builder - Document


Use the Document page to view:

  • Metadata objects that reference the current document.

  • General document details, such as comments about the definition, the owner of the object, and more.

  • A list of documents of which the current document is a child.

You also use the Document page to:

  • Build out the logical structure of the document by adding elements to documents and defining element properties.

  • Copy, rename, export, and validate a document. Validate the XML document structure.

PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder.

Click the Document tab.

Document Builder - XML


Use the XML page to view:

  • XML schema details, such as target and imported namespace information.

  • Options such as element whitespace, filter blank elements, and more.

PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder.

Click the XML tab.

Document Builder - Relational


Use the Relational page to map PeopleSoft records to documents, which enables you to populate a rowset with a document.

PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder.

Click the Relational tab.

Document Builder - JSON


Use the JSON page to view or specify JSON tag names for document elements.

PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder.

Click the JSON tab.

Subsequent sections in this topic detail how you navigate each of the Document Builder pages.