Reviewing Terminology Search Information

Three read-only pages provide you with information about searches.

This section discusses how to work with the pages.

To see the search criteria for any search that’s been defined, select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > Define Translations Search.

This page is a display-only version of the Search Profile page.

To transfer to the page that is appropriate to the current status of the search, click the View Details button. For example, if the status is Searched, then to continue the Search, Replace and Undo process, you must go to the Translations Search Replace pages. The following table explains which component you see, based on the status of the search:





Define Translations Search

PeopleTools, Translations, Modify Terminology, Define Translations Search


Translations Search Replace

PeopleTools, Translations, Modify Terminology, Translations Search Replace


Review Translations Replace

PeopleTools, Translations, Modify Terminology, Review Translations Replace


Translations Search Results

PeopleTools, Translations, Modify Terminology, Translations Search Results


Translation Search Only Result

PeopleTools, Translations, Modify Terminology, Translation Search Only Result

Click the Copy Search Criteria button to clone this search definition.

When a search is defined as Search Only (No Replace), the status is set to Complete, and prevents you from viewing the search results on the Translations Search Replace pages. Instead, you must access the result using one of the Inquiry pages.

To see the search results for a completed Search Only (No Replace) search, select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > Translation Search Only Result.

This page is a display-only version of the Translations Search Replace page.

To see the search results for any search, select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > Translations Search Results.

This page is a display-only version of the Review Translations Replace page.