Understanding Batch Error Notification

Although you can easily use the Service Operations Monitor to scan your system for service operations, that approach requires you to launch the Service Operations Monitor on a scheduled basis to search for any issues affecting the messaging system. The Error Notification component (PT_ERR_RUNCNTL) provides access to an Application Engine batch program, PT_AMM_WF, that you can schedule to run on a recurring basis.

The PT_AMM_WF process is designed notify users to report on service operations which are in Error or Timeout status in the Service Operation Monitor.

The PT_AMM_WF process reports errors and time-out issues one time. The expectation is that after issues are reported, that they are resolved. During subsequent runs of the process, the system reports only new issues found, and does not report previous issues that may still be unresolved.

Note: You can use PT_AMM_WF to notify users of errors relating to asynchronous service operations only.

To access the program, select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Operations Monitor > Monitoring > Monitoring Errors.

The following table describes the information for which PT_AMM_WF scans, how it notifies administrators, and what administrators should do after receiving an error notification.





Query Message Queues

The program scans the following messaging queues in the database in search of service operation with a status of either Error or Timeout.

  • Publications Contracts Queue

  • Subscriptions Contracts Queue


Trigger Workflow

Upon encountering a service operation status of either Error or Timeout, PT_AMM_WF sends a workflow to all users assigned to the APP_MSG_ADMINISTRATOR role at runtime. The query for this role associates a service operation with a user through the service operation’s queue name property. All users that have at least read-access to the service operation queue are notified.


Resolve Issue

Administrators also receive a new worklist item reflecting the problematic service operation. To access the service operation, an administrator clicks the item in the worklist.

The link leads to the Asynchronous Details component. The component is presented with the specified service operation loaded.