Understanding Managing Service Operations

This section discusses:

  • Service operations.

  • Service operation types.

  • Naming conventions for service operation metadata.

  • Service operation aliases.

  • Service operation versions.

  • Monitoring service operations.

Note: Before you can provide or consume services in a PeopleSoft system, you must configure the system for handling services.

A service operation definition consists of general information about an operation, such as its name, description, and so on. It also specifies an operation type, which determines how the operation is to be processed, synchronously or asynchronously. In addition, it contains routings, which determine the direction, inbound or outbound, of the service operation. A service operation has one or more handlers, which contain and run the programming logic for sending or receiving the message, manipulating message content, and so on.

Note: Beginning with the PeopleTools 8.48 release, service operations house the processing logic found in messages, transactions and relationships used in earlier versions of PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

When you create a web service operation you must specify a service operation type. Service operation types determine the type of message processing.

There are four service operation types:



Asynchronous Request/Response

The sending system invokes a service operation asynchronously and processes the response from the receiving system asynchronously. Unlike a synchronous operation type, the response is not processed on the same thread as the response, and it is processed sometime in the future.

Asynchronous to Synchronous

The sending system's asynchronous process sends a synchronous request to a remote system.

The sending asynchronous system expects the receiving system to send a synchronous response back. The sending asynchronous system transforms the response and puts it back in the queue for asynchronous consumption.

Asynchronous – One Way

The service operation is queued and sent in near real-time. Processing on the sending system continues without a response from the receiving system.


The service operation is processed in real-time. Processing on the sending system does not continue until it receives a response from the receiving system.

When naming the following service operation metadata, names cannot start with “xml,” digits or special characters:

  • Service operation names.

  • Service operation aliases.

A service operation alias or operation alias is the service operation name that displays for the service operation when WSDL or WADL is provided.

Service operation aliases may be mixed case.

Duplicate service operation alias names within a service are not allowed.

When you create a service operation, the operation that you create automatically becomes the default service operation version.

If you add a new version to the operation, the newly added version automatically becomes the default. The previous version of the service operation remains in the database as a non-default version and you still may use that the non-default version.

See Using Non-Default Service Operation Versions.

This section describes several options for monitoring service operation performance.

Monitoring Service Operations in the Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor

PeopleSoft provides an Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor that enables you to monitor asynchronous and synchronous service operation information, node status, queue status, manage domains, and more, from within the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture.

See the product documentation for Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor.

Monitoring Service Operations in the Integration Network Monitor

The Integration Network provides a Network Monitor that enables you to monitor local integrations and integrations from all remote PeopleSoft nodes defined in the Integration Network.

See Using the Integration Network Monitor.

Monitoring Service Operations in the Integration Network Transactional Tracker

The Integration Network provides a Transactional Tracker that enables you to monitor transactions between the local system and remote PeopleSoft nodes defined in the Integration Network.

See Using the Integration Network Transactional Tracker.

Monitoring Service Operations in Performance Monitoring Tools Using Module and Action Information

Several system monitoring tools report metrics by capturing Module and Action information. On an Oracle database, PeopleSoft provides service operation name and PeopleCode event name as Module name and Action name respectively. On an IBM Db2 database, PeopleSoft provides service operationname as Module name (no Action information is provided for Db2 systems). This information enables you to associate service operations with database transactions for monitoring and troubleshooting.

To enable capturing service operation and PeopleCode event metrics you must set the EnableDBMonitoring option in PSADMIN.

See Monitoring PeopleSoft MODULE and ACTION Information.