Troubleshooting OpenSearch Dashboards Configuration

This appendix describes how you can troubleshoot issues in the PeopleSoft implementation of OpenSearch Dashboards.

Access to the Insights menu is controlled through the Insights Administrator role. Therefore, only users with the Insights Administrator role can view the Insights menu and access OpenSearch Dashboards.

See Accessing PeopleSoft Insights.

If you see the following errors on an OpenSearch Dashboards visualization tile, you should follow the instructions provided in the corresponding section to fix the issue:

  • Access denied error message

  • Internal error message

  • Site not found error message

  • Create new index pattern error message

Each of these errors and their solutions are described here:

Access Denied Error Message

If a user sees the Access Denied error message on an OpenSearch Dashboards visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • As a first step, refresh the browser or clear the cache on the browser.

  • Verify that the call back information on the Search Instance page is set correctly.

    1. After modifying the call back information, save the page.

    2. Select the Validate button to ensure that the validation returns a positive message.

    See Creating Search Instances.

  • Verify that the orcl_es_auth index exists in OpenSearch.

Internal Error Message

If a user sees the Internal Error message on an OpenSearch Dashboards visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify that the search definition associated with the tile is deployed and indexed.

  • Verify that the dashboard is deployed.

    See Managing a Delivered Dashboard.

Site Not Found Error Message

If a user sees the Site Not Found error message on an OpenSearch Dashboards visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify whether the OpenSearch Dashboards server is down.

  • Verify whether OpenSearch Dashboards is configured correctly.

    If the environment is SSL enabled, ensure that end to end SSL configuration is successful. However, it is advisable to verify the OpenSearch Dashboards configuration in a non-SSL environment first before configuring OpenSearch Dashboards in an SSL enabled environment.

Create New Index Pattern Error Message

If a user sees the Create New Index Pattern error message on an OpenSearch Dashboards visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify that the dashboards are deployed.

  • Verify whether an index pattern is specified as default on the Management page in OpenSearch Dashboards.

    See Creating a Visualization.

The certificate error is displayed because the subject alternate name (SAN) attribute is missing in the SSL certificate of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. You should add the SAN attribute when setting up the keystore and private key and when you create the certificate signing request.

Example of SAN attribute: -ext SAN=dns:<domain_name>. Note that <domain_name> should be the exact host name.

The SAN attribute should be included in the script as shown in the following examples:

OpenSearch SSL Certificate

Set up keystore and private key:

keytool -genkey -alias node_alias -keystore OS_HOME/config/keystore/mykeystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 90 -ext SAN=dns:<domain_name>

Create Certificate Signing request (CSR):

keytool -certreq -alias node_alias -keystore OS_HOME/config/keystore/mykeystore.jks -file /home/certs/mycsr.csr -keyalg rsa -ext SAN=dns:<domain_name>

OpenSearch Dashboards SSL Certificate

Set up keystore and private key:

keytool -genkey -alias alias1 -keystore OSD_HOME/bin/mykeystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 712 -ext SAN=dns:<domain_name>

Create Certificate Signing request:

keytool -certreq -alias alias1 -keystore OSD_HOME/bin/mykeystore.jks -file D:\ca\mycsr.csr -keyalg rsa -ext SAN=dns:<domain_name>

If you are creating a visualization and unable to save a visualization, you should ensure that you have either of the following privileges:

  • The Search Administrator role is assigned to the user.

  • The create access privilege is assigned to the user on the Insights Privileges page.

    See Specifying User Privileges.