Interpreting Logs

This section discusses how to interpret logs.

This table lists and describes common log messages:





Access is denied. Check browser settings.

PTF is not able to read information from your browser.

Check browser settings to make sure your browser is configured properly.

See Configuring Browser Settings.


Object not found in the page, or access is denied to the Frame.

If all of your steps that involve setting values, verifying values, or getting properties return a failure with this message in the log, then it is likely PTF is having trouble interacting with your browser in general.

Check browser settings to make sure your browser is configured properly.

See Configuring Browser Settings.

If this log message appears sporadically throughout your log, it could mean that objects within your application have been removed or renamed.

  • Check the application or the screen shots in the log associated with the failed step to see if the object still appears on the page.

  • If the object appears where expected on the page, use the browser's in-built element inspector.

    See Recording Tests

  • If object names or IDs have changed since you recorded your tests, consult with your PTF administrator about the possible need to run maintenance on your tests.

    See Interpreting Test Maintenance Reports


The test was updated by another user, and it is not possible to save it.

The error is reported when user saves a test while the same test is already saved by another user. This happens when multiple users operate the same test.

For example, two users open a test and make some changes. One of the users saves it. Once saved, when the other user saves it, the error displays. In this case, previous changes made by this user are lost. He has to reopen the test and edit it again.