Understanding PUM Automated Merge

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.59.02, Change Assistant supports object merge for PeopleCode, SQL and XSLT objects in your Customization Repository.

When you enable object merge in Change Assistant and upload customizations to the PUM source, the data for the PeopleCode, XSLT or SQL objects will be included in the merge repository.

If Object Merge is enabled and a change package is created that contains merge enabled objects, the merge rules are used to automatically merge the code.

The merge session contains three sets of data:

  • Baseline Object- This is the previous version of the delivered object in the PUM source database.

  • Customized Object- This is the data uploaded by user to the customization and merge repository on the PUM source database. 

    See Uploading Customer Data to Image.

  • Delivered Object- This is the PeopleSoft delivered data in the PUM source database.

Object merge does a line by line comparison of PeopleCode, SQL or XSLT objects of customized object and delivered object with the baseline object to determine the change for each line.The change can include adding a new line, changing an existing line, or deleting an existing line. While generating a merged output if there is a conflict during the comparison of a line, then the merge process uses the merge rules to resolve the conflict and choose the user-preferred option.

You can find examples of Object merge in Enabling PUM Automated Merge

Note that in the initial Change Package create process, Change Assistant exports Object Merge project only with the metadata that is required for the Change Package create process. After running the object merge, the entire project is exported.

From PeopleTools 8.61, you can enable object merge in PAU as well.