Managing PreBoarding and OnBoarding Administrative Tasks

To manage PreBoarding and OnBoarding administrative tasks, use the OnBoarding Installation (HR_OBD_INSTALL), Document Groups (HR_OBD_DOC_GRP), Configure Documents (HR_OBD_CFG_DOC), Employee Documents (HR_OBD_EMP_DOCS), Manage OnBoarding Event (HR_OBD_EMP_TMPLS), and OnBoarding Status (HR_OBD_ADMIN_FL) components.

Note: Both OnBoarding (PreBoarding and OnBoarding phases) and OffBoarding use the Document Groups (HR_OBD_DOC_GRP), Configure Documents (HR_OBD_CFG_DOC), and Employee Documents (HR_OBD_EMP_DOCS) setup components, which pertain only to the Documents and Attachments steps of these types of activity guides. Other pages where attachments are available use the Attachments Framework and do not use these setup and file management components.

These topics give an overview of OnBoarding triggers and handlers, document groups, and discuss how to manage PreBoarding and OnBoarding adminstrative tasks.

Page Name

Definition Name


OnBoarding Installation Page


Identify the OnBoarding role, activity guide category, attachment location, default template or template assignment definition, and user profile creation.

Document Groups Page


Define document groups for organizing your documents.

Configure Documents - Documents Page


Set up document configuration for activity guides (i.e.- OnBoarding and OffBoarding), such as the types of documents to view or upload, if an employee needs to take action on the document, and attach documents.

Configure Documents - Templates Page


Identify which templates should display this document.

Employee Documents Page


View the documents that workers have acknowledged or uploaded

Note: This is only for Attachments and Documents steps and not for attachments uploaded in other steps.

Manage OnBoarding Event Page


Add a trigger for a person who is missing a job assignment trigger or correct an incorrect template assignment.

OnBoarding Status Page (for Administrators)


View and take action on a worker’s progress for an OnBoarding process as an administrator.

Note: You will need to assign the delivered OnBoarding Administrator role to users to grant them access to these pages.

The handler, CreateTriggerOBD, is part of the Event Manager AssignmentAdded event (Enterprise Components > Events & Notifications > Event Framework > Event Registry). The AssignmentAdded event is raised for the following Job Data actions:

  • Employee:

    • Hire

    • Additional Job

    • Rehire

  • Contingent Worker:

    • Add Contingent Worker

    • Renewal

Note: OnBoarding is not available for persons of interest (POIs).

The handler will do three things:

  • Add the OnBoarding role, as defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page, to the person’s user profile provided a user ID was assigned to the person before the assignment was added.

  • Add or update a trigger on the Manage OnBoarding Event Page.

    Note: This page enables HR administrators to access triggers, update the template ID, delete the trigger and OnBoarding process, or add a trigger, if necessary. An administrator would not normally access this page except in rare cases to correct invalid template assignments or to add a trigger that got missed.

  • Send a notification to the email address stored on the person’s user profile, if there is one. This will use the OnBoarding notification template defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page.

Important! The PeopleSoft system delivers the Event Manger OnBoarding handler (HR_OBD_EM_HANDLERS) for the AssignmentAdded and AssignmentTerminated events as Inactivate. If your organization is implementing the OnBoarding feature, you will need to set the status to Active for the handler (Enterprise Components > Events and Notifications > Event Framework > Event Registry > Registered Handlers).

For information on the Event Manager and handlers, see the documentation for Events and Notifications Framework.

Document groups combine similar documents into categories that you can then associate to steps within your activity guide processes for PreBoarding, OnBoarding and OffBoarding. For example, say you want to differentiate your documents into different groups. The application delivers the DOCGROUP1 and DOCGROUP2 groups for this purpose. You then associate the DOCGROUP1 - Document Group 1 group to company handbook-related files, and the DOCGROUP2 - Document Group 2 group you link to documents related to other materials needed for employment.

You link a document to a group using the Configure Documents - Templates Page for each document that should be associated with a group. To have these appear as two different steps within activity guide process, groups must be associated with steps within the category.

Note: The system delivers the ONBOARDING category with the DOC_DOWNLOAD1 step already associated with the DOCGROUP1 group and the DOC_DOWNLOAD2 step already associated with the DOCGROUP2 group.

If you want to create your own document groups, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create your own groups using the Document Groups Page.

  2. Link groups to each document type on the Configure Documents - Templates Page.

  3. Use the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page to enter each group as a Data Field value under the Related Data section for the corresponding step.

    Note: If you are linking them to the delivered DOC_DOWNLOAD1 and DOC_DOWNLOAD2 steps that are part of the ONBOARDING category, update the Data Field values to reflect these new groups.

This example demonstrates how the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page, Related Data section, displays the DOCGROUP1 group as the Data Field 1 value for the DOC_DOWNLOAD1 Steps row.

Example of associating a document group on the Categories - Steps page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates that on the DOCGROUP2 Steps row, the group value DOCGROUP2 is the Data Field 1 value.

Example of associating a document group on the Categories - Steps page (2 of 2)

Note: The OnBoarding activity guide uses the Description field for the step tab name. Consider using descriptions that reflect what you might want to display to the end user as the activity guide process step.

Because each step is associated with a different group, you will need to update or create activity guide templates that use both document steps. The activity guide will display the two different steps, each showing only those documents tied to the group in that step.

Note: If a Document Group value is not specified in the Data Field for the category step, then all documents configured for the template will be included, regardless of the Document Group link configuration on the Configure Documents - Templates Page.

When an employee accesses the activity guide process pages, he will see the two different steps, as shown here. Each steps shows only those documents linked to the group that is specified in the category step. In this scenario, the employee will see only the handbook documents (those in document group DOCGROUP1) on the Company Handbook step.

Example of the OnBoarding pages showing steps using document groups (1 of 2)

However, the Company Documents step displays those documents and requirements linked to the DOCGROUP2 document group.

Example of the OnBoarding pages showing steps using document groups (2 of 2)

Use the OnBoarding Installation page (HR_OBD_INSTALL) to identify the OnBoarding role, activity guide category, attachment location, default template or template assignment definition, and user profile creation.


  • From the Workforce Administrator Homepage in fluid, click the HR Administration Tile, then select OnBoarding, then the OnBoarding Installation page item tab from the left panel.

  • Set Up HCM > Install > Product Specific > OnBoarding Installation > OnBoarding Installation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the OnBoarding Installation page when using Notification Composer.

OnBoarding Installation page

Field or Control


Role Name

Define the OnBoarding role that should be assigned to employees when an event trigger is initiated from Job Data. The PeopleSoft application delivers the OnBoarding Employee role to access the OnBoarding pages. You can also create and enter your own role to access the OnBoarding pages.

This role is needed to access the OnBoarding tile and some of the OnBoarding components. To take advantage of the auto assignment functionality, you must:

Roles for a template are assigned on the Activity Guide Composer - Security Page.

Note: The role name that is assigned to the user profile must match the role that is specified for the End User security type on the Activity Guide Composer - Security Page.

Default URL Identifier

Enter the default URL identifier that will be used by the document configuration process (Configure Documents - Documents Page) to store OnBoarding downloadable documents and attachments. The PeopleSoft application delivers the HR_OBD_FILES URL identifier to store OnBoarding attachments in the HR_OBD_FILES record. You can set up your own URL by navigating to PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > URL Maintenance.

Activity Guide Category

Indicate the Activity Guide Composer category that should be used for OnBoarding. Only those templates that use this category will be available when assigning templates to a worker. The PeopleSoft application delivers the ONBOARDING category and the delivered templates are assigned to this category.

The category is assigned to a template on the Activity Guide Composer - General Information Page and supports the use of only one category.

Email Notification Templates

If you have enabled EO Notification Composer, the Email Notification Templates section will be hidden on this page and OnBoarding will leverage the following notification events defined in Notification Composer:

  • OnBoardingStart (OnBoarding Process Start)

  • OnBoardingReminder (OnBoarding Process Reminder)

  • PreboardingCompleteToEmp (PreBoarding steps of OnBoarding are complete)

  • PreboardingCompleteToMgr (PreBoarding steps for the OnBoarding activity guide are complete sent to manager)

  • PreboardingNoteToMgr (Note to manager from employee in PreBoarding)

Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer Framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location.

Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications.

Notifications delivered with HCM Image 47 or later must use Notification Composer.

For more information about Notification Composer Framework, see Understanding Notification Composer.

This section addresses the notification fields if you have not adopted the Notification Composer Framework.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the OnBoarding Installation page - Email Notification Templates section when not using Notification Composer.

OnBoarding Installation - Email Notification Templates section

Field or Control


Initial Template

Identify the initial template to be used to send email notification to workers and inform them that they can begin the OnBoarding process. The PeopleSoft application delivers the HR_ONBOARD_NOTIFICATION template but you can create and add your own template here.

Reminder Template

Identify the email template that will be used to send a reminder to the employee when a manager or administrator clicks the Remind Employee button on the OnBoarding Status Page (for Managers) or OnBoarding Status Page (for Administrators).

You can use or update the delivered HR_OBD_MGR_REMINDER template per your organization’s requirements, or you can create a template of your own and enter it here.

This video demonstrates setup to support the notification feature on the OnBoarding Activities page for managers:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 24: Addition of Manager View of OnBoarding

Template Assignment

Field or Control


Use Template Assignment and Template Assignment

When you select the Use Template Assignment option, the Template Assignment field appears.

Select this option to indicate that the system should automatically determine the template that should be assigned to a worker using the Template Assignment engine. The system will use the Template Assignment ID you enter here, which defines the rules for automatically assigning templates to workers.

For more information on the Template Assignment process, see the AG Composer Tmplt Asgnmt - Template Assignment Page.

Use Default Template and Template

When you select the Use Default Template option, the Template field appears.

Select this option to indicate a default template that should be assigned to all workers when an event triggers the process. The PeopleSoft application delivers ODBUSA1 (OnBoarding for USA) as the default template, but you can change this value.

This option is good when your organization uses only one template, which the system will assign to individuals upon hire.

For additional information on OnBoarding triggers, see the Understanding OnBoarding Triggers and Handlers topic.

Administrator View

Use this section to define which buttons should be available on the OnBoarding Status Page (for Administrators).

Field or Control


Allow OnBoarding Process and Steps to be completed

Select this check box to enable the administrator to mark individual steps or an entire OnBoarding process as Complete. When selected, the Complete button will appear at the top of the page and a Mark Complete button for each step when an OnBoarding process has a status of In Progress. These buttons will not be available for OnBoarding processes with a status of Complete or Not Started.

Allow OnBoarding Process to be deleted

Select this check box to enable the administrator to delete an OnBoarding process for an employee. When selected, the Delete button will appear for OnBoarding processes with a status of Complete or In Progress. The Delete button will not be available for OnBoarding processes with a status of Not Started.

User Profile

Use this section to automatically generate a new user profile for the person being hired during the automated OnBoarding trigger creation.

If you opt to add a new user profile during a hire, you can either copy another user's profile, use the delivered application class, or create your own application class.

Field or Control


Add User Profile

Select to create a user ID for a new hire during the hire process.

Copy from User ID

Enter the user ID from which the new user profile will be based. The new user profile will get all the same security roles, in addition to the OnBoarding role.

Package Name, Path, Class ID, and Method

Enter the package that will create a new user profile for the employee. The PeopleSoft HCM application delivers the HR_OBD_CONTROLLER package. This package uses the application class HR_OBD_USER_PROFILE:UserProfile and method CreateUserProfile to create a new user profile using the employee ID as the user ID and a randomly generated password.

If you do not use the delivered application class method to create the new user profile, you can create your own application class under your own application package. After this is created, the new application package, path, class and method will be available to be selected on this page.

The application class must extend the HR_OBD_USER_PROFILE:UserProfile class and must have at least one of two methods: CreateUserProfile or GetUserProfileParameters.

The CreateUserProfile method will create a new user profile and return an array of string with exactly two values: the new user ID and the new user password, so that they can be in the notification sent to the new employee.

The GetUserProfileParameters will return an array of string with exactly three values, which will be used to create the new user ID:

  1. New user ID. If this is empty, the employee ID will be used as the new user ID.

  2. New user password. If this is empty, a randomly generated password will be used.

  3. Existing employee’s user ID, from which the new user profile will be based and assigned the same security roles.

    This will override the default user ID specified in the Copy from User ID field, if one is specified, allowing for new users to get different security roles based on their position in your organization.

    If this is empty, the Copy from User ID will be used, if one is specified. Otherwise, the new user will only get the OnBoarding security role specified on this page.

When a new user profile is created, a notification is sent to the employee. The Notification Composer notification IDs OnBoardingStartNewUser and OnBoardingStartNewLogin can be overridden by defining a new notification ID and then specifying the new notification ID as the override for the notification event.

See Understanding Notification Composer and Setting Up Notification Composer for more information on creating a new notification ID and then specifying this new notification ID as the override for the notification event.

Use the Document Groups page (HR_OBD_CFG_DOC) define document groups for organizing your documents.


This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Document Groups page.

Document Groups page

Use this page to identify document group names. You can then associate documents to these groups on the Configure Documents - Templates Page.

Note: The PeopleSoft application delivers the DOCGROUP1 and DOCGROUP2 document groups. These values are associated with the DOC_DOWNLOAD1 and DOC_DOWNLOAD2 steps respectively under the Related Data section, Data Field 1 field on the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page of the ONBOARDING category.

If you create and use different document groups then the ones that are delivered, you will need to update the data field values on the Categories - Steps Page based on the document groups you create.

For more information on using document groups, see the Understanding Document Groups section in this documentation.

Use the Configure Documents - Documents page (HR_OBD_CFG_DOC) to set up document configuration for activity guide processes (i.e. - OnBoarding and OffBoarding), such as the types of documents to view or upload, if an employee needs to take action on the document, and attach documents.


This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Documents - Documents page.

Configure Documents - Documents page

Use this page to define the types of documents you will provide for the worker or that a worker may need to upload. You will assign documents to your templates on the Configure Documents - Templates Page. This information will be used when a worker accesses the document steps (see also Documents Page) during the activity guide process.

Field or Control



Enter the name of the document. This will appear as the heading of the row that appears for the worker on the documents page.


Enter a description of the document type. This description will appear under the document header (see the Document field) and will clarify the purpose of the document.

URL Identifier and URL

This value defaults form the OnBoarding Installation Page but you can override this value. After you save, this field is no longer available for edit.

Enter the URL identifier that will be used to store activity guide downloadable documents and attachments for this document type. The PeopleSoft application delivers the HR_OBD_FILES URL identifier to store activity guide attachments in the HR_OBD_FILES record.

Employee Action Required

Select one of the following worker actions that a worker should take from the Documents Page:

  • None: Select this option when no action is required from the worker. The document will be available within the Step 1 - Download Documents section of the Documents page. The employee will be able to download this document but no further action is required.

  • Acknowledge Document: Select this option when a worker is required to acknowledge that he or she has read the document. When this is selected, the document will be available within the Step 1 - Download Documents section of the Documents page, but will also appear in the Step 2 - Acknowledge / Upload Required Documents section followed by an Acknowledge button that must be clicked prior to completing the activity guide process.

  • Upload Document: Select this option when a worker needs to provide information back to HR. When this is selected, the document will be available within the Step 1 - Download Documents section of the Documents page, but will also appear in the Step 2 - Acknowledge / Upload Required Documents section followed by an Upload button where the worker can add his or her file prior to completing the activity guide process.

Add Document

This button is available for new or documents where the file has been deleted.

Click to upload the document that should be available in the system. The standard PeopleTools file attachment dialog box appears. After uploading a document, the page will display the file name, date the file was added, and the user ID of the person who added it.

Use the Configure Documents - Templates Page to identify which templates should display this document.

View Document

Click this button to open and view the file you have previously entered.

Delete Document

Click this button to remove the file.

Use the Configure Documents - Templates page (HR_OBD_CFG_DOC_TMP) to identify which templates should display this document.


  • From the Workforce Administrator Homepage in fluid, click the HR Administration Tile, select OnBoarding or OffBoarding, then select the Configure Documents page item tab in the left panel, then select the Templates page tab.

  • Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > OnBoarding > Configure Documents > Templates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Documents - Templates page.

Configure Documents - Templates page

Field or Control



Indicate the Activity Guide Composer category to narrow the template search. Only those templates that use this category will be available when assigning templates on this page.

This field is not required but if you do not select a category, all active templates, regardless of category, will be available for selection from the Template field.


Enter the templates that should display this document on their Documents Page step.

Document Group

(Optional) Identify a document group to link documents. Document groups are defined on the Document Groups Page. By associating documents with a group, you are able to group documents under different steps within the activity guide process. For more information on linking documents to different steps, see Understanding Document Groups at the beginning of this topic.

Use the Employee Documents page (HR_OBD_EMP_DOCS) to view the documents that workers have acknowledged or uploaded.

Note: This is only for Attachments and Documents steps within OnBoarding and OffBoarding activity guides and not for attachments uploaded in other steps.


  • From the Workforce Administrator Homepage in fluid, click the HR Administration Tile, then select OnBoarding or OffBoarding, then select the Employee Documents page item tab from the left panel.

  • Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > OnBoarding > Employee Documents > Employee Documents

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Employee Documents page.

Employee Documents page

Field or Control


File Name

Displays as an active link when the person uploaded a document. Click the link to view the file.


View the action the employee took regarding this document. Options are Added or Acknowledged.


Click this button to download and save the file.

Use the Manage OnBoarding Event page (HR_OBD_EMP_TMPLS) to add a trigger for a person who is missing a job assignment trigger or correct an incorrect template assignment.


  • From the Workforce Administrator Homepage in fluid, click the HR Administration Tile, then OnBoarding, then select the Manage OnBoarding Event page item tab from the left panel.

  • Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > OnBoarding > Manage OnBoarding Event > Manage OnBoarding Event

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage OnBoarding Event page.

Manage OnBoarding Event page

Note: This page enables HR administrators to access trigger rows, update the template ID, delete the trigger, or add a trigger, if necessary. An administrator would not normally access this page except in rare cases to correct invalid template assignments or to add a trigger that got missed. For additional information on OnBoarding triggers, see the Understanding OnBoarding Triggers and Handlers topic.

Field or Control



The template value is provided by default from the Template Assignment configuration method selected on the OnBoarding Installation Page. These are:

  • Use Template Assignment: The template is derived and populated based on the option from the Template Assignment engine using the AG Composer Tmplt Asgnmt - Template Assignment Page.

  • Use Default Template: The value is derived from the Template field on the installation page.

If necessary, enter or update the template. Select from a list of valid templates associated with the Activity Guide Category value defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page. Note that AGC template administrators will use the Activity Guide Composer - General Information Page to associate categories to a template.

Note: You can change the template without warning for a job assignment where the OnBoarding process has not started. However, if you change the template for a job assignment where an OnBoarding process is in progress, the system will issue a warning that an OnBoarding process already exists for this template and the process will be deleted.


This button is available only if a trigger entry already exists.

Click this button to delete an existing trigger.

  • When the OnBoarding process has not been started by the worker, the system will issue a message asking if you want to delete the OnBoarding trigger for this job assignment.

  • For job assignments where OnBoarding is in progress and a process ID exists, the system will issue a warning message stating that an OnBoarding process already exists for this template and asks if you want to continue with trigger deletion.

    Note: The system will not prevent you from deleting an in progress trigger. If you delete it, the system will remove the trigger and OnBoarding process. Hence, the worker will no longer be able to access that OnBoarding process for the deleted job assignment row.

The PeopleSoft application delivers a handler where once a job assignment is terminated, the Event Manager handler will delete the trigger for job assignment automatically.


Click this button to save the trigger changes. When a new trigger is created, the OnBoarding tile and pages will present the correct OnBoarding process to the employee. Note that the employee must be granted the OnBoarding Employee role to have access to the tile.

Use the OnBoarding Status page (HR_OBD_STATUS_FL) to view and take action on a worker’s progress for an OnBoarding process as an administrator.

This video demonstrates the administrator view of OnBoarding statuses:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 28: Administrator View of OnBoarding


From the Workforce Administrator Homepage in fluid, click the HR Administration Tile, then OnBoarding, then select the OnBoarding Status page item tab from the left panel.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the OnBoarding Status page for administrators.

OnBoarding Status page for an administrator

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the OnBoarding Status page for administrators when viewing the person's PreBoarding status.

OnBoarding Status page for an administrator showing PreBoarding status

Use this page to view a summary of the steps the employee has visited, completed, not started, or steps that may be overdue. Further action can be taken, based on the following information.

The header of the page displays the employee and OnBoarding template for the job he or she is starting.


Buttons and the introductory text on this page will vary based on the configuration defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page, Administrator View section and the employee’s OnBoarding process status.

OnBoarding process statuses include:

  • Complete

  • In Progress

  • Not Started

  • Overdue

  • Visited

Field or Control


Remind Employee

This button is available for OnBoarding processes with a status of In Progress or Not Started.

Click this button to send a notification to the employee to remind him or her to complete the OnBoarding process for this transaction.

The notification reminder template sent to the employee is defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page.


This button is available for OnBoarding processes with a status of Complete or In Progress when the Allow OnBoarding Processes to be deleted option is selected on the OnBoarding Installation Page.

Select this button to delete the OnBoarding process for this employee.


This button is available for OnBoarding processes when the Allow OnBoarding Processes and Steps to be completed option is selected on the OnBoarding Installation Page.

Select this button to mark this OnBoarding process as complete.

Note: You cannot mark the OnBoarding process complete without completing all required steps first.

Managers use the OnBoarding Status Page (for Managers) to view the status of a worker’s OnBoarding process and send reminders. Unlike administrators, manager do not have the ability to mark individual steps as Complete or delete or complete an entire OnBoarding process.

OnBoarding Steps

Buttons and the introductory text on this page will vary based on the configuration defined on the OnBoarding Installation Page, Administrator View section and the employee’s OnBoarding process status.

Field or Control



This field is available for OnBoarding processes, which include:

  • Complete

  • In Progress

  • Not Started

  • Overdue

  • Visited

Displays the employee’s status for a step after the employee has started the OnBoarding process.


Displays if a step is active (Yes) or inactive (No).

If the value is Yes (active), it is relevant to the current phase and can be completed at this time.

If the value is No (inactive), then the step is not relevant to the current phase of the activity guide process. For example, if a person is still in the PreBoarding phase of the process, those steps configured for the OnBoarding-only phase will not be available, and therefore you cannot complete them at this time.

Required and Due Date

Displays these columns when a step is required or has a due date. These are defined on the Configure Attributes Page of the activity guide template. Steps that are past the due date will display the Overdue icon in the Status column.

Mark Complete

This button appears for a step when the Allow OnBoarding Processes and Steps to be completed option is selected on the OnBoarding Installation Page and the step is active.

Select this button to mark an individual step as complete. When you or the employee has already marked a step complete, the button for that step is unavailable for selection and the Date Completed and Completed By fields display who marked the step as complete and when.

Managers use the OnBoarding Status Page (for Managers) to view the status of a worker’s OnBoarding process and send reminders. Unlike administrators, manager do not have the ability to mark individual steps as Complete or delete or complete an entire OnBoarding process.