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Understanding Business Project Workflow

This section discusses:

Business project events are conditions related to tasks, phases, and business projects. To set up business project workflow, you associate a workflow action with one of the predefined events.

You define workflow for task-related events at either the task level or the business project level. To set up workflow for every task in a business project without setting up the event for each individual task, use the business-project-level event.

Task, Phase, and Business-Project Initiation Events

Task, phase, and business project initiation events include the following:

  • Business project begins

  • Phase begins

    The first phase in a business project begins immediately when the business project is invoked. Subsequent phases begin after an automatic or manual transition.

  • Task begins

    Initiation of a business project starts at least one task in the first phase of the business project. The sequence of tasks within the phase determines when the other tasks begin. This is available only at the task level.

  • Task is reassigned

    The assignee of a task in progress changes from a blank value to a named value. This is available only at the task level.

Task, Phase, and Business Project Completion Events

Task, phase, and business-project completion events include the following:

  • Business project is complete.

  • Phase is complete.

    Phases are complete when you manually initiate a transition out of the phase or when the criteria for an automatic transition are met. This event does not require all tasks to be complete.

  • Phase is complete—all tasks complete.

    This event does not distinguish between tasks that succeeded and tasks that failed.

  • Phase is complete—all tasks complete and successful.

  • Phase is complete—all tasks complete, any task fails.

  • Phase transition occurs.

  • Phase transition occurs—non-default.

  • Task is complete.

    This event does not distinguish between tasks that succeeded and tasks that failed. This is available only at the task level.

  • Task fails.

    This is available only at the task level.

  • Task is successful.

    This is available only at the task level.

Timeout Events

Timeout events include the following:

  • Business project exceeds maximum time.

  • Business project exceeds standard time.

  • Business project exceeds maximum calculated time.

  • Business project exceeds standard calculated time.

  • Phase exceeds maximum time.

  • Phase exceeds standard time.

  • Phase exceeds maximum calculated time.

  • Phase exceeds standard calculated time.

  • Task exceeds maximum time.

  • Task exceeds standard time.

There are two ways to define standard and maximum times for phases and business projects. You can enter a time manually, or you can have the system calculate it. When you define timeout workflow for phases and business projects, you must know whether to base the workflow on the manual or calculated time.

Workflow actions are PeopleSoft CRM workflow objects that trigger processes (for example, Application Engine processes) and notifications.

When you set up a workflow action for business project notifications, you need to select a PeopleTools business process, activity, and event. (PeopleTools events are not the same as business project events.) You do not need to use PeopleTools to create these objects. Instead, use the delivered objects described in the documentation for workflow actions.

See Defining Workflow Actions for Business Projects.

You define notification text for email notifications by selecting a correspondence template. Correspondence templates are used for email notifications only; worklist notifications do not include notification text.

See Understanding Correspondence Templates.

PeopleSoft delivers the following elements to use when setting up workflow for business projects in cases:

  • Roles for task assignees

  • Roles for case assignees

  • Workflow actions

  • Processes

  • Correspondence templates and template packages

Roles for Task Assignees

The following query roles identify the person, provider group, or role associated with a task.



Call Center BP Person Email

Send notifications to an email address associated with a person to whom a task is assigned.

Call Center BP Provider Email

Send notifications to an email address associated with a provider group to which a task is assigned.

Call Center BP Role Email

Send notifications to the email addresses of all people associated with a role to which a task is assigned.

Call Center BP Person Worklist

Send notifications to the worklist associated with a person to whom a task is assigned.

Call Center BP Provider Worklist

Send notifications to the worklist associated with a provider group to which a task is assigned.

Call Center BP Role Worklist

Send notifications to the worklists of all people associated with a role to which a task is assigned.

These query roles require three bind variables:




Roles for Case Assignees

The following query roles identify the person or provider group associated with the business project's parent case. Use different roles for the notifications sent from main business projects and from sub-business projects.


Role for Main Business Projects

Role for Sub-Business Projects

Send an email notification to the agent assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Case Email

Call Center SBP Case Email

Send a worklist notification to the agent assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Case Worklist

Call Center SBP Case Worklist

Send an email notification to the provider group assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Case Prov Email

Call Center SBP Case Prov Eml

Send a worklist notification to the provider group assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Case Prov WL

Call Center SBP Case Prov WL

Send email notifications to each member of the provider group assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Prov Person

Call Center BP Prov Person

Send worklist notifications to each member of the provider group assigned to the case.

Call Center BP Prov Userid

Call Center BP Prov Userid

The query roles that identify a case assignee have only one bind variable: the business project instance (RC_BP_STATUS. BUS_PROC_INSTANCE).

Workflow Actions

PeopleSoft provides the following workflow actions that you can use with business project workflow.

Workflow Action Name



Send email notifications to the person to whom a task is assigned.


Send worklist notifications to the person to whom a task is assigned. The worklist notification is sent to the Task Status worklist and includes a link to the Task Status page.


Send email notifications to the person assigned to the case with which the business project is associated.


Send worklist notifications to the person assigned to the case with which the business project is associated. The worklist notification is sent to the Task Status worklist and includes a link to the Task Status page.


Use with a Business Project Ends event to close the associated case. This workflow action runs the RC_BP_CASE PeopleSoft Application Engine process, which closes the associated case.

Note: In order for a case to be closed, it must have a successful resolution or a solvable related action. Ensure that the corresponding business project is specified as a solvable related action on the case.

See Understanding Link Setup.

Workflow actions associated with task assignees include three routing rules for different assignment types: provider, role, and person. This configuration ensures a valid rule even if you change the assignment type for a particular instance of the task.

Workflow actions associated with case assignees include two routing rules for different assignment types: agent and provider group. Business project workflow incorporates special logic to ensure that the provider group routing is used only if the case is not assigned to an individual agent.


PeopleSoft delivers the RC_BP_CASE process as part of the BP_CC_Case_Close workflow action. The RC_BP_CASE process closes cases. By invoking the BP_CC_Case_Close workflow action when a business project is complete, you ensure that cases are automatically closed as soon as associated business projects are complete.

Delivered Templates for Email Notifications

PeopleSoft provides correspondence templates for sending email notifications that are related to events in business projects. You can use the templates as delivered, modify them, or create your own.

The following correspondence templates apply to business project and phase events, and they all include a link to the Business Project Status page:

  • BP Non-Default Transition (Business Project Non-Default Transition).

  • BP Transition (Business Project Transition).

  • Business Project Begins (Business Project Begins).

  • Business Project Completes (Business Project Completes).

  • Business Project Exceeds Time (Business Project Exceeds Time).

  • BP Phase Begins (Phase Begins).

  • BP Phase Completes (Phase Completes).

  • BP Phase Exceeds Time (Phase Exceeds Time).

  • BP Task in Phase Fails (Tasks in Phase Fail).

  • BP Tasks in Phase Succeed (Tasks in Phase are Successful).

  • Traffic Signal Receipt (Report of Traffic Signal Problem Received).

The following templates apply to task events and include a link to the Business Project Status page:

  • BP Task Begins (Business Project Task Begins)

  • BP Task Ends (Business Project Task Ends)

  • BP Task Exceeds Time (Business Project Task Exceeds Time).

  • BP Task Fails (Business Project Task Fails)

  • BP Task Reassigned (Business Project Task Reassigned)

  • BP Task Succeeds (Business Project Task Succeeds)