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Understanding BO Search and Quick Create Setup

These topics lists common elements and discuss:

Field or Control



Search fields are common objects that are used in BO search and quick create definitions. A field definition specifies the location of the field in the database, how the system searches for the field, the label of the field on the user interface, and how the field is updated by quick create.

Fields are used in the following BO search and quick create elements:

  • Search roles.

  • Search definitions.

  • Search criteria.

  • Transaction adapter.

  • Quick create templates.

Quick Create Template

A quick create template associates the fields that are entered with the business object roles that are updated when a user creates a business object using quick create. The criteria definition specifies the search criteria page on which quick create definitions that this template is associated with appear.

Quick Create Definition

A quick create definition is composed of one or more templates that appear to the user when the quick create definition is invoked. You can use the same quick create template in more than one definition.

Search Role

A search role definition associates field definitions to one or more role type. When user search for a field, only business objects that have a role that is associated with the field are returned in the search results.

Search roles are used in search definitions.

Search Definition

A search definition is a collection of search roles and quick create definitions. Search definitions specify the roles and fields that are searched for data that a user enters. If you specify a quick create definition on the search definition, then the quick create definition is enabled on the search results page.

You use search definitions in search criteria.

Search Criteria

Search criteria specify the search definitions that are invoked when the user enters data in certain fields on a component. You can specify a default search definition and up to four alternate definitions. You then select fields and associate each field with one or more search definitions. If you do not select a search definition for the field, then the default search definition is used.

You associate criteria definitions with adapter sections.


The adapter specifies the BO search definitions and quick create definitions that are enabled for a particular component or transaction. The adapter also defines the fields that appear in basic search mode, the search criteria to invoke for these fields, and the subpages of the component upon which these fields appear. Adapter sections are embedded into CRM applications.

PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM) provides the capability for users to search for business objects that they need to reference on transactions or components. When users don't know the exact name of the business object to reference, they can initiate a BO search to find the business object based on any information that they might know. The system determines the information that it requires to locate the BO and presents a search page for the user to enter known information.

The customer identification framework also uses BO search technology without the user having to explicitly initiate a search.

When a user searches for an object that does not already exist in the system, some PeopleSoft CRM transactions provide quick create functionality that enables the user to create that object with a minimum set of data. For example, when a contact calls for service on behalf of a company, the customer service representative (CSR) verifies the contact's information by doing a BO search for the contact. If the contact is not found in the database, the CSR can create a contact immediately and associate it to the company.

BO search and quick create functions are tightly integrated with each other, and they use much of the same system data.

This is the BO search and quick create setup process:

  1. Define search fields.

  2. Define quick create templates.

  3. Enter a quick create definition.

  4. Define search roles.

  5. Enter a search definition.

  6. Define search criteria.

  7. Define the BO search and quick create adapter.

Note: Setting up BO search and quick create definitions requires a good understanding of roles and relationships in the system.

PeopleSoft CRM delivers a robust set of predefined system data that meets most business requirements. Search the delivered definitions before attempting to modify or add new business object search or quick create definitions. To search the delivered definitions, access the setup component for that definition and run a search without entering search criteria. A list of all defined items appears.

Important! PeopleSoft does not support changes that you make to the search definitions delivered with PeopleSoft CRM. Implementation of any new search definitions that you create requires a coding effort, which is also not supported by PeopleSoft.