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Creating Business Objects by Using the Quick Create Component

This topic discusses how to create business objects by using quick create functionality.

Note: The functionality of the Quick Create page is flexible and enables you to create as many business objects as you want without leaving the page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create <Quick Create Definition Name> Page


Create business objects.

Use the Create <quick create definition name> page (RBQ_QCREATE) to create business objects.

Image: Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (1 of 2)

Image: Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Example of creating company contacts on the Creating Company with Contact page (2 of 2)

These screenshots show the quick create page for the Company with Contact definition. Most quick create pages look identical for they use common group boxes and fields to collect information. Some pages contain additional fields to capture data that is specific to the corresponding business objects.

Refer to the Defining Person Business Objects topic for field descriptions of these common group boxes and fields.

Field or Control



Enter the setID for the objects that you are creating. This field appears only for objects that are controlled by a setID and is defined on the quick create definition.

Search Existing <BO>

Click this link to search for existing business objects that match the search criteria that you entered. For example, if you enter a company name of MMA, you can search for existing companies whose names start with MMA. This helps to ensure that you do not enter duplicate data for business objects that already exist in the system.

POI Type

Select a type for the person of interest. This field is available only when you create POIs.

Available values come from on the Person of Interest Type page. Typically, POI types are synchronized from HCM for use in CRM through the PERS_POI_SYNC EIP. If you wish you create new POI types in CRM, it is recommended that you first create the POI type in your HCM system and synchronize it to CRM.


Enter the description (if default value is not suitable) for the contact information you entered. This is required only if you have entered contact information.


Fields in the Address group box can change depending on the country you select as part of the address, so that the right information can be captured in the format as required by specific countries.

Look up Address

Search an existing address that you can reuse for this business object you are creating. Enter at least one search criterion. For example, you are creating a POI for a woman who are calling to log a case. Since his husband works in the company, the agent maybe able to use his address that already exists in the system as hers.

Apply Changes

Click to save updates you have made to the Contact Info Entries section. When you click this button, two links appear: Create Entry and Delete Entry, which allow you to perform these actions as needed.

Quick Create Process upon Save

When you save the Quick Create page, the system:

  1. Verifies that all required fields are present.

    If not, then the system returns an error message.

  2. Creates the business object for each role that is present on the Quick Create page that has data.

    For example, if the Quick Create page enables you to create a company and contact, but entering a contact is optional, then you can create a company without a contact. The contact is created only if you also enter contact data.

  3. Creates the relationship between multiple roles if the information for these roles is present and the relationship between these roles is set up in the quick create template.

    For example, if the quick create template enables you to create a company and a contact for the company at the same time, and also has a relationship set up between the two roles on the template, then when you enter the different roles and their information on the Quick Create page, both the company and the contact are created and the contact is linked to the company.

  4. Returns newly created data to the calling application if you access the Quick Create page from a PeopleSoft CRM application.

    If you are in the standalone Quick Create component, then you remain on the Quick Create page after you save.