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Defining Customer Data Management System Options

To define customer data management system options, use the Customer Data Management System Options (BO_INSTALLATION) component.

This topic discusses how to define customer data management system options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Customer Data Management System Options Page


Define customer data management system options.

Use the Customer Data Management System Options page (BO_INSTALLATION) to define customer data management system options.

Image: Customer Data Management System Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Customer Data Management System Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Customer Data Management System Options page

Field or Control


Process Basic Data Summary

Select to update basic data tables during data import. Selecting this option overrides the setting for the role. The basic data tables are used by PeopleSoft CRM Online Marketing and the data import process.

Note: To improve system performance, clear this check box if you are not using any of these processes.

CRM Integrated With SCM

Select if you will be integrating the PeopleSoft CRM application with PeopleSoft SCM using enterprise integration points.

Default SetID for Inbound EIPs (default setID for inbound enterprise integration points)setIDdefault for data integration EIPs (enterprise integration points)default setID

Select the default setID. The CDM EIPs use this setID during the processing of the EIPs if no setID is provided on the incoming application messages.

See Understanding Enterprise Integration Technology.

Enable Search Match for EIP

See Using Search/Match with PERSON_BASIC_SYNC.

Search Match Configuration ID

See Using Search/Match with PERSON_BASIC_SYNC.

Integration for HR HelpDesk

Field or Control


CRM Integrated with HCM

Select the EBS HCM check box if the system is integrated with EBS HCM.

Employee ID display options

Select a value from the list to set the field display options if the integration with EBS HCM is done for HR HelpDesk. The values available are:

  • Both: Displays both EBS Employee Number and PeopleSoft Employee ID in HR HelpDesk pages.

  • Only EBS Employee No: Displays only EBS Employee Number in the HR HelpDesk pages.

  • Only Peoplesoft Empl ID: Displays only PeopleSoft Employee ID in HR HelpDesk pages.

The following HR HelpDesk pages are affected by this setting.

  • Worker

  • Case Details for HRHD case

  • Related Cases for HRHD case

  • Self Service HRHD Case creation for Direct Reports

  • Chat Mini Navigation