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Selecting Purchasing Options for Customer Contacts

This topic discusses how to define purchasing options for customer contacts.

Page Name

Definition Name


Person - Contacts


Maintain the list of contacts for a person.

You can only define contacts for a person with the Consumer role.

Company - Contacts


Maintain the list of contacts for a company.

Site - Contacts


Maintain the list of contacts for a site.

Contact Info Page


Select purchasing options that apply to an address of a company, site, or person.

Maintain Contact Page


Maintain purchasing options for a contact.

Designate a contact as primary for a purchasing option.

Use the Contact Info page (ABE_DETAIL) to select purchasing options that apply to an address of a company, site, or person.

See Maintaining Contact Information for Business Objects.

Use the Maintain Contact page (RBQ_QCREATE) to maintain purchasing options for a contact.

Designate a contact as primary for a purchasing option.

See Defining Customer Contacts.