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Setting Up Profile Groups

This topic discusses how to set up profile groups.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Profile Group Page


Define profile groups.

Define Profile Group - Add Profile Field Page


Select profile fields to add to a profile group.

Assign Profile Group Display Page


Assign profile groups to a CDM component.

Assign Profile Group Display - Edit Condition Page


Specify the conditions under which the profile group fields appear on the More Info or Summary page or leave blank.

Use the Define Profile Group page (RA_PRFL_DEF_PG1) to define profile groups.

Image: Define Profile Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Profile Group page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Profile Group page

Note: You can select only profile fields in activated profiles for profile groups.

You cannot add profile fields from the basic tables or many row profiles to profile groups.

Use the Define Profile Group - Add Profile Field page (RA_PRFL_FLD_SEC) to select profile fields to add to a profile group.

Image: Define Profile Group - Add Profile Field page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Profile Group - Add Profile Field page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Profile Group - Add Profile Field page

Select a profile to view the fields that it contains. Select one or more fields and click Apply. You must apply the fields to the profile before saving the profile.

Use the Assign Profile Group Display page (RA_CMPT_PRFL_PG) to assign profile groups to a CDM component.

Image: Assign Profile Group Display page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Profile Group Display page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign Profile Group Display page

Note: The fields in the Profile Groups for Summary Page region are available for the Company component only.

Field or Control



Click to add a profile group to the component.

Edit Condition button

Click the Edit Condition button to define the conditions under which the profile appears.

Use the Assign Profile Group Display - Edit Condition page (RA_CND_BLD_PG) to specify the conditions under which the profile group fields appear on the More Info or Summary page or leave blank.

Image: Assign Profile Group Display - Edit Condition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Profile Group Display - Edit Condition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign Profile Group Display - Edit Condition page

Click a condition that is listed in the Conditions region to view and edit the condition.

Field or Control


Switch to Advanced Mode

Click to specify complex conditions.

Note: Terms are programmatically created as profile fields are activated, except for the type Choose Many. You can use most profile terms anywhere AAF is used.