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Launching and Viewing Interactive Reports

This topic discusses how to launch and view interactive reports.

Page Name

Definition Name


Service Operations Analysis Page


Launch the PeopleSoft Support Service Operations Analysis report.

Support Service Level Management Analysis Page


Launch the PeopleSoft Support Service Level Management Analysis report.

Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis Page


Launch the PeopleSoft Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis report.

Change Metrics Update Page


Launch the PeopleSoft HelpDesk Change Metrics report.

Forward Schedule Page


Launch the PeopleSoft HelpDesk Forward Schedule report.

This report captures change requests that are in the statuses of Approved and Executing. The reports should also have start and end dates populated on the requests. You must set the run control dates to encompass the start dates of the change requests in the above statuses. In other words, if you want to know how many requests are approved or executing and scheduled for the month of May, enter run control start dates of 5/1/2006 and 5/31/2006.

Use the Service Operations Analysis page (RC_SUP_MUPD) to launch the PeopleSoft Support Service Operations Analysis report.

Image: Service Operations Analysis launch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Operations Analysis launch page.

Service Operations Analysis launch page

Use this report to track the number of cases opened, cases closed, cancelled cases, and service orders

Use the Support Service Level Management Analysis page (RC_SUP_SUPD) to launch the PeopleSoft Support Service Level Management Analysis report.

Image: Support Service Level Management Analysis launch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Support Service Level Management Analysis launch page.

Support Service Level Management Analysis launch page

Use this report to track the total number of cases in which the support agent or agents responded on time, responded late, restored service on time, restored service late, or suspended cases.

Use the Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis page (RC_HD_SUPD) to launch the PeopleSoft Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis report.

Image: Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis launch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis launch page.

Help Desk Service Level Management Analysis launch page

Use this report to track the total number of cases in which the help desk agent or agents responded on time, responded late, restored service on time, restored service late, or suspended cases.

Use the Change Metrics Update page (RG_CHG_METRIX_UPD) to launch the PeopleSoft HelpDesk Change Metrics report.

Image: Change Metrics Update launch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Metrics Update launch page.

Change Metrics Update launch page

Use this report to track the number of requests opened.

Use the Forward Schedule page (RG_FWD_SCHED_UPD) to launch the PeopleSoft HelpDesk Forward Schedule report.

This report captures change requests that are in the statuses of Approved and Executing. The reports should also have start and end dates populated on the requests. You must set the run control dates to encompass the start dates of the change requests in the above statuses. In other words, if you want to know how many requests are approved or executing and scheduled for the month of May, enter run control start dates of 5/1/2006 and 5/31/2006.

Image: Forward Schedule Update launch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forward Schedule Update launch page.

Forward Schedule Update launch page

Use this report to view a forward schedule of changes.

The analytic grid will list all change requests having the start and end date within the requested From Date and To Date. The full list of fields in the report is as follows:

  • Business Unit

  • Change ID

  • Status

  • Phase

  • Request Type

  • Change Summary

  • Priority

  • Category

  • Impact

  • Start Date and Time

  • End Date and Time

  • Production Release Date

  • Outage Required

  • Requester

  • Interested Parties

  • Owner