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Reviewing Change Request History

This topic discusses how to review change request history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Change Request History - Events Page


View a summary of important events in the life cycle of a change request.

Change Request History - Audit Page


View detailed information about changes to specific fields in the change request.

The Change Request History page includes an Events subpage and an Audit subpage:

  • Change request history provides a summary of the major events in the life cycle of a change request.

  • Change request auditing complements change request history processing by providing an automated mechanism for keeping a detailed change history without cluttering the Change Request History page.

Some overlap is acceptable in the data that these pages capture.

Change Request History Page

This page displays information about major events in the life of the change request, including a description of the event and details of any field changes that are associated with the event. The following mechanisms insert data into the change request history table:

  • Change Request History AAF policy.

    At save time, the system evaluates record- and field-level conditions that you define. When the condition is true, the system adds a row of change request history data.

  • Workflow AAF policy (including service-level workflow).

    The system triggers a workflow action under conditions that you define. The event processing definition includes a check box that you select if you want to create change request history when the workflow is triggered.

  • Manual notifications.

    The system adds change request history whenever a user sends a manual notification from the change request.

    See Understanding Manual Notifications.

Audit History Page

This page displays record-level changes to change request data. Your organization chooses which fields in the record to audit and the types of changes to capture (adding, updating, displaying, or deleting). However, there is no conditional logic to evaluate the before and after values of the field. The system captures all audited actions regardless of the field value.

Your organization must define event sets that tell the system which events to capture on the Change Request - History page.

Use the Change Request History - Events page (RG_CHG_HISTORY) to view a summary of important events in the life cycle of a change request.

Image: Change Request History - Events page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Request History - Events page.

Change Request History - Events page

Field or Control



Click to display the Audit History page.


Describes the event.

These fields are either populated through AAF processing or whenever a user sends a manual notification from the change request.

Use the Change Request History - Audit page (RG_CHG_HISTORY) to view detailed information about changes to specific fields in the change request.

Image: Change Request History - Audit page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Request History - Audit page.

Change Request History - Audit page

Your organization chooses which fields in the record to audit and the types of changes to capture (adding, updating, displaying, or deleting).