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Selecting and Running Troubleshooting Guides

This topic discusses how to select and run troubleshooting guides.

Page Name

Definition Name


Troubleshooting Guide Page


Select a troubleshooting guide.

Execute Script Page


Run a troubleshooting guide script.

Use the Troubleshooting Guide page (RBT_TGUIDE_SS) to select a troubleshooting guide.

Image: Troubleshooting Guide page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Troubleshooting Guide page.

Troubleshooting Guide page

Field or Control


Business Unit

This field may have a different label, depending on how you configure self-service. If you do not show a business unit on the self-service pages, the user must have a default self-service business unit established on the User Preferences - Call Center page.


Select from a list of solution libraries that you set up in the Troubleshooting Guide setup page. Each library is associated with a single script.

Script Name

Select the script name populated for the solution library.


Click to display the Execute Script page and run the script that is associated with the selected library.

Use the Execute Script page (RC_BS_SELF_CONFIG) to run a troubleshooting guide script.

Image: Execute Script page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Execute Script page.

Execute Script page

See Running Scripts on Self-Service Pages.