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Setting Up Phase Templates

To set up phase templates, use the Phase Template Use (RG_UD_PHS_MODEL) and Phase Template (RG_UD_MODEL) components.

This topic discusses how to create phase templates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Phase Page


Create phases. These phases appear in the Phase drop-down list box on the Phase Template page.

Task Group Template Page


Define task group templates. You associate a task group template to a phase on the Phase Template page.

Phase Template Page


Create the phase template. Identify the phases and the phases' task group templates that you want to associate with the phase template.

Phase Template Use Page


Instruct the system on which phase templates to display when entering a change request for a specific business unit.

Use the Phase page (RG_UD_REQ_STATE) to create phases.

These phases appear in the Phase drop-down list box on the Phase Template page.

Image: Phase page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Phase page.

Phase page


These phases appear in the Phase drop-down list box in the Phase Summary section on the Change Request page.

Field or Control


Add New Phase

Click to add a new phase to this setID.

Datetime Added icon

Click the Datetime Added icon to view when the phase was last added or modified by a user.

Use the Task Group Template page (RB_TSK_GRP_TPL) to define task group templates.

You associate a task group template to a phase on the Phase Template page.

Image: Task Group Template page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Task Group Template page.

Task Group Template page

Specify the task type, priority, description, task owner, assigned to, and location of each task that is part of the task group. Select the Duration tab to enter task level duration information, including days, hours, and start use codes.

Field or Control


Start Use Code

Select from these values:

Current Phase Start: Task start date is equal to the current phase start date.

Next in Sequence: Task start date is equal to the prior task’s end date.

Prior Phase Start: Task start date is equal to the previous phase start date.

Prior Task Start: Task start date is equal to the prior task start date.

Use the Phase Template page (RG_UD_PHS_MODEL) to create the phase template.

Identify the phases and the phases' task group templates that you want to associate with the phase template.

Image: Phase Template page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Phase Template page.

Phase Template page

Field or Control


Template ID

Enter an abbreviation for the phase template that you are creating.

Description and Long Description

Enter text to describe the phase template that you are adding to the system.


Select a phase to associate with this phase template. To set up phases, select select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Change Management, then select Phase.


Select a status. This status will be associated with the task or series of tasks that are tied to this phase.

Days and Hours

Enter the number of days and hours that the phase should take.

Task Group Template ID

Select the task group template that you want to associate with this particular phase of the template.

Use the Phase Template Use page (RG_UD_PHS_MODL_USE) to instruct the system on which phase templates to display when entering a change request for a specific business unit.

Image: Phase Template Use page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Phase Template Use page.

Phase Template Use page

The Phase Template Use page enables you to vary templates of the same type based on how critical the change request is to the organization. For example, while certain documentation and approval levels may be required for a medium priority change request, some organizations may choose to skip some tasks or approvals for an emergency change request.

When a template is automatically populated into a change request, the assignment engine is invoked for each task, and the system recommends resources for each generated task. The change manager can manually update task assignments from either the Tasks page on the change request or from Task Management. Alternatively, the change manager can manually build phases and tasks when the change request is approved.

Field or Control


Template Use ID

Enter the name of the template that you set up on the Task Group Template page (select select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Task Management, then select Task Group Template).

Start Date and End Date

Use the start and end dates to activate or inactivate a given phase template use row.

For example, if you wanted to create another row that loaded a different template ID based on the same type, sub type, and priority, you could give the MODEL3A row an end date and then insert a new row with the same type, sub type, and priority but with a new template ID.

Request Type

Select the type of change request that you want the system to look for on the Change Request page.

Sub Type

Select the subtype that you want the system to look for on the Change Request page.


Select the priority that you want the system to look for on the Change Request page.

Template ID

Select the template ID that you want the system to use on the change request.