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Understanding Assignment Options

The Options page has two sections: Agent and Self-service. Each section has options for provider group assignment and for agent assignment.

Note: In addition to the options, you can automatically assign self-service cases to a provider group (but not to an agent) by specifying a default provider group on the Case Defaults page. However, auto-assignment settings on this page take precedence: the system will first attempt to assign cases based on the settings on the Business Unit - Options page. Only if that attempt fails does the system assign the case to the default Assign To provider group that is specified on the Case Defaults page.

This topic discusses:

See Understanding Provider Groups and Group Members.

The following definitions describe options for automatically assigning new cases to provider groups. These settings apply only when the Provider Group field or the Assigned To field is blank in a newly submitted caseā€”the system does not override an existing value in the Provider Group field. For example, if you use a Quick Code to assign a provider group, the system does not attempt to assign a provider group when you save.

Field or Control



Select None if you do not want any automatic assignment to occur; assignments must be made manually.

Note: Delivered AAF policies for cases send notifications to the agent or provider group that is assigned to a newly created case. If you allow unassigned cases to be saved, you should define a mechanism for routing and handling these cases.


Select Any or Available to invoke the assignment engine when the case is saved.

If you select Any, the assignment engine finds the worker or provider group with the highest overall fit score.

Note: If a user manually assigns an agent to the case and the agent is in exactly one provider group, the system automatically assigns the agent's provider group to the case when it is saved. If the agent is in more than one provider group, the system leaves the Provider Group field blank on the Case page when the case is saved. You could, however, have a provider group that is available and none of the workers are available.


Select Any or Available to invoke the assignment engine when the case is saved.

If you select Available, the assignment engine looks only at provider groups that are currently available according to the schedules you create.


Select Default to assign a case to its creator. This value does not invoke the assignment engine.

If you select Default, the system will address whether an agent is on the case. If an agent is on the case and that agent is in only one provider group, the system assigns that provider group as the Default provider group. Otherwise, the system leaves the Provider Group field blank.

Selecting Default forces the system to find the group for the agent that has already been selected. If the agent is a member of more than one group, the system leaves the Provider Group blank.

Note: This option is available only for cases created by agents, not for cases created by self-service application users. However, you can set up a self-service provider group on the Case Defaults page using the Assigned to Provider Group field for self-service call center components.

The following definitions describe options for automatically assigning new cases to individual agents. These settings apply only when the Assigned To field is blank in a newly submitted case; the system does not override an existing value in the Assigned To field. For example, if you use a Quick Code to assign an agent, then the system does not attempt to assign a different agent when you save the case.

Note: The system always assigns a provider group first, and then an agent.

Field or Control



Indicates that the system does not assign new cases to agents.

Note: Be aware that delivered AAF policies for cases send notifications to the agent or provider group that is assigned to a newly created case. If you allow agents to save unassigned cases, you should define a mechanism for routing and handling those cases.


Select to have the assignment engine assign the case to the person with the highest fit score (if a provider group was previously entered, either manually or through auto-assignment). If the system did not assign a provider group, then it does not assign an agent either.


Select to have the assignment engine check worker schedules and assign cases only to agents who are available at the time the case is assigned.

Note: The Any and Available options use the assignment engine. For the assignment engine to assign an agent, a provider group must already be assigned.


Select to have the system assign the case to the agent who created the case.

This setting only applies if the case is new. If you update an existing case and clear the Assigned To field, the system leaves it blank. This functionality is true for the other assignment options as well. If you want to run the assignment engine after the initial creation of the case, you need to use the Suggest a Provider Group and Suggest an Agent buttons next to the fields.

The system handles case assignments according to these rules:

  • If a provider group is specified, either manually or through auto-assignment, the system does not assign the case to an agent.

  • If no provider group is specified, the system assigns the case to the agent who created the case.

  • If the provider group auto-assignment option is also Default, then the system assigns the case to the agent's provider group (assuming that one can be uniquely identified).

Note: This option is for cases created by agents. For cases created through a self-service application, you can set up a default provider group on the Case Defaults page that you can use for self-service. The system will assign a provider group, but it will not assign an agent.

See Understanding Assignment Searches.