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Configuring the System for Alternate Character Usage

This topic discusses how to configure the System for Alternate Character Usage.

Page Name

Definition Name


Installation Options - Alt Character Page


Set up the alternate characters that the system uses for a specific language code.

User Preferences - Overall Preferences Page


Enable alternate character functionality for a user.

Field Page


Enable business object searches and quick creates to use alternate characters for a specific field.

Use the Installation Options - Alt Character page (ALT_CHAR_PNL) to set up the alternate characters that the system uses for a specific language code.

Image: Installation Options - Alt Character page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Installation Options - Alt Character page.

Installation Options - Alt Character page

Field or Control


Language Code

Select a language code to which you can assign an alternate character value.

Alternate Character

Select the character set for the language code. Values are: Alphanumeric, Alphanumeric with Latin-1 Ext, Any, DB Any Characters (Kanji), Double Byte Hiragana, Double-Byte Katakana, and Single Byte Katakana. The system uses the character set that is assigned to a user's language code to display alternate character-enabled fields to the user.

Use the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RB1) to enable alternate character functionality for a user.

See Understanding Alternate Character, Overall Preferences Page.

Use the Field page (RBQ_FLDDFN) to enable business object searches and quick creates to use alternate characters for a specific field.

Select the Is Alternate Character Field field.

See Adding and Modifying BO Search and Quick Create Definitions.