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Setting System-Wide Security Options

To set up system-wide security options, use the Security Options (SECURITY_OPTIONS), Security View Names (SECURITY_VIEW_NAMES), Apply Security (APPLY_SECURITY), Security SetID Class (SEC_SETID_CLS), Security SetID Operator (SEC_SETID_OPR), Security Business Unit Class (SEC_BU_CLS), Security Business Unit Operator (SEC_BU_OPR), Operator Defaults (OPR_DEFAULT), Role Worker (RB_ROLE_WORKER), Security Views (SECURITY_VIEWS) components.

This topic provides overviews of row-level security views, sensitive worker information, and predefined security roles and sample users.

Page Name

Definition Name


Security Options Page


Select the type of security to implement (user or permission list) and the key fields that are controlled by the security settings.

Apply Security Setups Page


Initiate the process that activates the selected security options.

Security View Names Page


Define the type of security for each view in the system. The Apply Security Setups process changes the security view names to match the levels of security for each view. These names use the file extensions for the corresponding security type.

Business Unit Security by Permission List Page


Grant access to a business unit by using a permission list.

Business Unit Security by User ID Page


Grant access to a business unit by using a user ID.

TableSet Security by Permission List Page


Grant access to a tableset using a permission list.

TableSet Security by User ID Page


Grant access to a tableset by using a user ID.

Overall Preferences Page


Define overall preferences for a specified PeopleSoft user.

Call Center Page


Define preferences for call center agents and other users of the Case component.

Sales Page


Define preferences for sales representatives.

Change Management Page


Select user default values that you want the system to display on the Change Request page in PeopleSoft HelpDesk.

Account Page


Select default values that you want the system to use when it does account assignments.

Secure Worker Role Page


Define user roles that can access sensitive and semi-sensitive worker information.

Business units and setIDs are maintained in edit tables and can be used as primary keys throughout the system. When a field uses an edit table to select values, you are limited to the values that are defined for the edit table. With PeopleSoft row-level application security, you can specify which values in the edit table are available in a particular view.

Views enable you to access data horizontally for multiple tables. Views are Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that filter out data rows. Users with permission to access particular setIDs or business units see only a subset of the values in the edit tables.

After you set up views, you can specify which users or roles can access the pages that contain secured field values. Within each page, you can also hide specific fields from particular roles.

Security View Names

PeopleSoft delivers applications with security views that apply to key fields in the system. You can alter these views or build views of your own; however, they would be considered a customization. View names include suffixes that reflect the type of security for the view. This table lists the view name suffixes and describes the corresponding security type.

View Name Suffix

Security Type


No security.


User security.


Permission list security.

Note: Although PeopleSoft generally follows this naming convention, the system does not enforce it. As long as you have the view defined in the security view names grid the view name will work.

Row-Level Security for Users

After you select security options and set up security view names, define the security-controlled field values that each user or permission list can access. When you secure key fields in the application, the pages that you use depend on the level of system security that you select. If you select user-level security, use the user security pages. If you select role-level security, use the permission list security pages.

PeopleSoft uses enterprise integration points to transmit worker data from PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (PeopleSoft HCM) to PeopleSoft CRM. Most of the data that PeopleSoft CRM subscribes to from PeopleSoft HCM is sensitive.

Some users, however, should not have access to this data. To give users access to sensitive and semi-sensitive data, you must select the roles that are associated with the users and then indicate what type of information is available to them—either confidential or home contact information.

Users who have sensitive (confidential) data access defined in the Secured Worker Role setup page, can view date of birth, age, national ID, gender, and employee status fields in the Worker and Case components; otherwise, the system hides this information. Users who have semi-sensitive data (home contact) access can view home address, home phone, home email, and home pager fields for a worker.

If a role doesn't have access to sensitive or semi-sensitive data, then all users belonging to the role cannot view the associated fields on the pages in the Worker and Case components.

Warning! When users have access to sensitive or semi-sensitive data, the system enables them to edit some pages. If a user modifies a field in PeopleSoft CRM, the changes could be overwritten the next time that a PeopleSoft HCM message is transmitted to PeopleSoft CRM because the information comes to PeopleSoft CRM through a one-way transmission from PeopleSoft HCM.

PeopleSoft provides several roles with predefined user profiles and permission lists in the demonstration database. You can use these sample security configurations as they are delivered, or you can modify them to meet your specific security requirements. The roles and permissions are part of the system data, and the users are part of the sample data delivered in the demonstration database.

This topic discusses:

  • PeopleSoft CRM system IDs.

  • PeopleSoft HelpDesk and PeopleSoft Support user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft high tech industry user IDs

  • PeopleSoft government industry user IDs

  • PeopleSoft Marketing user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft Sales user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft Order Capture user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft Order Capture Self Service user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft Quality user IDs.

  • PeopleSoft multichannel applications user IDs.

PeopleSoft CRM System IDs

PeopleSoft delivers predefined user IDs, passwords, and associated roles for PeopleSoft CRM.

Note: To look up role information for a user ID, select select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles, then select User Profiles and then click the Roles tab.

This table lists the delivered PeopleSoft user IDs and passwords:

User ID and Password



System Administrator




Line Manager

PeopleSoft HelpDesk, PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources, and PeopleSoft Support User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft HelpDesk, PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources, PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Higher Education, and PeopleSoft Support:

User ID and Password



Call Center Agent


Call Center Manager


HR Call Center Level One Agent USA (E-Business HCM)


HR Call Center Level Two Agent UK (E-Business HCM)


Help Desk Applications Administrator


Help Desk Agent


Help Desk Manager


HR HelpDesk Administrator (Canada)


HR HelpDesk Agent 1 (Canada)


HR HelpDesk Agent 2 (Canada)


HR HelpDesk Agent 3 (Canada)


HR HelpDesk Manager (Canada)


HR HelpDesk Administrator (USA)


HR HelpDesk Agent 1 (USA)


HR HelpDesk Agent 2 (USA)


HR HelpDesk Agent 3 (USA)


HR HelpDesk Manager (USA)


HR Call Center Level One Agent UK (E-Business HCM)


HR Call Center Level Two Agent USA (E-Business HCM)


HR HelpDesk Administrator (E-Business HCM)


HR Self-Service Manager (E-Business HCM)


HR Self-Service Employee (E-Business HCM)


Solution Manager


Higher Education Worker and Student


Higher Education Constituent


Higher Education Faculty Worker


Higher Education Financial Aid Officer


Higher Education Fundraiser


Higher Education Administrator


Higher Education Level One Agent


Higher Education Level Two Agent


Higher Education Blended Agent (IT and non-IT cases)


Higher Education IT Agent


Higher Education Marketing Manager


Hgher Education Marketer


Higher Education Marketer


Higher Education Recruiter


Higher Education Recruiter


Higher Education Recruiter


Higher Education Recruiter


Higher Education Recruiting Manager


Support Applications Administrator


Technical Specialist

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService:

User ID and Password





Field Service Applications Administrator


Field Service Agent


Field Service Engineer


Field Service Manager


Inventory Agent


Inventory Manager


Product Manager


Purchasing Agent


Receiving Agent


Technical Support

PeopleSoft High Tech Industry User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for the PeopleSoft high technology industry:

User ID and Password



High Technology Administrator


High Technology Agent


High Technology Self-Service


High Technology Guest

PeopleSoft Government Industry User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for the PeopleSoft government industry:

User ID and Password



Government Administrator


Government Agent


Government Self Service


Government Guest


Government Manager

PeopleSoft Marketing User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Marketing:

User ID and Password



Campaign Manager


Marketing Application Administrator


Marketing Analyst


Marketing Creative


Marketing Manager


Marketing Researcher


Service Contract Administrator

PeopleSoft Sales User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Sales:

User ID and Password



Inside Sales Rep


Field Sales Rep


Sales Manager


Lead Qualifier


Sales Application Administrator


Channel Sales Manager

PeopleSoft Order Capture User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Order Capture:

User ID and Password



Order Capture Administrator


Order Capture Manager


Order Capture Representative

PeopleSoft Order Capture Self Service User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Order Capture Self Service:

User ID and Password





Customer Self Service




High Technology Guest


Guest - US001 (USA)

PeopleSoft Quality User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for PeopleSoft Quality:

User ID and Password



Quality Analyst


Quality Application Administrator


Quality Manager

PeopleSoft Multichannel Applications User IDs

This table lists the predefined user IDs and passwords for users implementing PeopleSoft multichannel applications:

User ID and Password



ERMS Manager


ERMS Agent

Use the Security Options page (SECURITY_OPTIONS) to select the type of security to implement (user or permission list) and the key fields that are controlled by the security settings.

Image: Security Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Security Options page.

Security Options page

Type of Security

Field or Control


No Security

Select to disable PeopleSoft application security. All users who are authorized to access a page can select any valid setID or business unit. PeopleSoft CRM applications are delivered with security disabled.

User ID Level Security and Permission List Level Security

Select to enable PeopleSoft application security by user ID or permission list. Each option controls which rows of data a user can see based on user ID or permission list.

Secured Fields

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select to implement security for the Business Unit field, which is the primary key for many transactional data tables. In some situations, the Business Unit field is a non-key field on a record.


Select to implement security for the SetID field, which is the primary key for many setup and rules tables. In some situations, the SetID field is a non-key field on a record.

Use the Apply Security Setups page (RUN_FIN9001) to initiate the process that activates the selected security options.

Image: Apply Security Setups page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Apply Security Setups page.

Apply Security Setups page

Select the language that you are using to apply security and then click Run to load the security views that you created.

It is highly recommended that you clear the application server cache after the Apply Security process has completed. Check the process monitor to determine when the process has finished.

Use the RD_CACHE_DEL application engine program to clear the application cache.

One way to run this program is directly from the operating system command line:

  • Navigate to the <%PS_CFG_HOME>\bin\client\winx86 directory.

  • Enter the following command: psae -CT <dbtype> -CS <server> -CD <database name> -CO <oprid> -CP <oprpswd> -R <run controlid> -AI <program id> -I <process instance>

    As an example, a user operating with a Microsoft database named CR910TST on a server named ADDB0123 might type psae -CT MICROSFT -CS ADDB0123 -CD CR910TST -CO PS -CP PS -R CRM -AI RD_CACHE_DEL -I 1

Application Engine programs can also be submitted online from the Application Engine Request page. select PeopleTools, then select Application Engine, then select Request AE)

See “Managing Application Engine Programs” in PeopleTools: Application Engine product documentation.

Use the Security View Names page (SECURITY_VIEWS) to define the type of security for each view in the system.

The Apply Security Setups process changes the security view names to match the levels of security for each view. These names use the file extensions for the corresponding security type.

Image: Security View Names page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Security View Names page.

Security View Names page

Field or Control


Search Text

Displays the view name prefixes supplied by each application. When you run the Apply Security Setups process, the system searches for view names that begin with these prefixes. If a view name begins with a prefix from this list, the process changes the view name extension to match the security type that you selected in the security options. The system stores the list in the SEC_VIEW_NAMES table, where you can review or update this information. You can also configure new security views for the system on this page.

Note: There is no need to access this page unless you want to implement customized security views.

No Security View User ID Security View and Permission List Security View

Displays the different security views for the view name prefixes that are supplied by each application.

When you run the Apply Security Setups process, the Application Engine process can switch to the Permission List Security View (CLSVW), the User ID Security View (OPRVW) or the No Security View (NONVW) based on the option you selected on the Security Options page.


Select the type of field (SetID or Unit) that the security view affects.

Use the Business Unit Security by Permission List page (SEC_BU_CLS) to grant access to a business unit by using a permission list.

Image: Business Unit Security by Permission List page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Unit Security by Permission List page.

Business Unit Security by Permission List page

Select the business units to which you want the permission list to have access.

Note: PeopleSoft does not deliver any business units that are associated with permission lists. You must make this association using the Business Unit Security by Permission List page.

Use the Business Unit Security by User ID page (SEC_BU_OPR) to grant access to a business unit by using a user ID.

Image: Business Unit Security by User ID page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Unit Security by User ID page.

Business Unit Security by User ID page

Select the business units to which you want the user ID to have access.

Note: PeopleSoft does not deliver any business units that are associated with user IDs. You must make this association using the Business Unit Security by User ID page.

Use the TableSet Security by Permission List page (SEC_SETID_CLS) to grant access to a tableset using a permission list.

Image: TableSet Security by Permission List page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the TableSet Security by Permission List page.

TableSet Security by Permission List page

Select the setIDs to which you want the permission list to have access.

Use the TableSet Security by User ID page (SEC_SETID_OPR) to grant access to a tableset by using a user ID.

Image: TableSet Security by User ID page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the TableSet Security by User ID page.

TableSet Security by User ID page

Select the setIDs to which you want the user ID to have access.

Use the Overall Preferences page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RB1) to define overall preferences for a specified PeopleSoft user.

Image: Overall Preferences page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Overall Preferences page.

Overall Preferences page

Note: User preferences are associated with user IDs. When you create user IDs for implementation team members and PeopleSoft users, define preferences for each user.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select the user's default business unit. Select a business unit that is valid for the pages that the user normally accesses.


Select the default setID for this user. The setID represents a set of control table information. SetIDs enable business units to share a set of control table information.

As of Date

Select the default date to use as the as of date when running date-driven reports and processes.

Localization Country

Select the country code for the localization country.


Enter a default requester ID to appear on requisitions that are initiated by this user from the Manage Material component in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService or the RMA Form (return material authorization form) component in PeopleSoft Support.

Important! If you integrate with PeopleSoft Purchasing, the requester ID must be a valid user ID and requisition requester in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Role Type ID

If a self-service user has multiple roles, select the role type to use as the default when signing in to the self-service site. The only supported role types for self-service users are individual consumer (role type 9) and contact (role type 8).

Company Name

For self-service users who can represent multiple companies, select the company whose data appears when the contact first signs in.


Select the preferred market for the user ID. The preferred market associated with the user ID determines what data and functionality are available to the user.

Order Capture Unit

Select the order capture unit that you want the system to use as a default for the user. This business unit is used by Order Capture, Order Capture Self Service, and product catalog.

The system uses this business unit to derive the setID that is used to retrieve product catalogs the selected user can access (including PeopleSoft Order Capture Self Service guest user IDs). If this business unit is not specified, the system looks up the order capture business unit (marked as default business unit) that is defined under select Set Up CRM, then select Business Unit Related, then select Order Capture Definition, then select Business Unit, then select Order Capture Definition.

See Defining Order Capture Business Units.

PIM Preference ID (personal information manager preference ID)

Select the preference ID that you want the system to use if the user is a personal information manager.

Duplicate Parm Set

This field is not used now in PeopleSoft CRM. No value is required for this field.

Alternate Character Enabled

Select to activate the fields that support alternate character functionality in application pages that are so enabled. The alternate character fields do not appear on application pages until you select this check box.

Use the Call Center page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RC) to define preferences for call center agents and other users of the Case component.

Image: Call Center page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Center page (1 of 3).

Call Center page (1 of 3)

Image: Call Center page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Center page (2 of 3).

Call Center page (2 of 3)

Image: Call Center page (3 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Center page (3 of 3).

Call Center page (3 of 3)

Default Business Units and Display Template ID

Field or Control



Select this check box if you want the system to use the display template, component, market, and business unit as the user's primary default.

Selecting a primary business unit provides the system with a default for items that are call-center related. It does not affect functionality that is business-unit driven such as the category/type/detail setup table default or solution searching in self-service.

Template Family

Select the display template family that you want the system to default to for the user. Once an agent opens a case, however, the agent cannot change the display template family. Depending on how you configure your system, an agent can use different display templates to view information for the same case.

See Display Template Families.


Select the component that you want the system to default to for the user. Components can be associated with multiple display templates, each of which provides a different presentation of a page.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want the system to default to for the user for the display template, component, and market.

Display Template ID

Select the display template that you want the system to default to for the user. Display templates enable you to control the appearance and behavior of components (pages or sets of pages) for your various business needs.

Frequently Used Solution

Field or Control


Maximum Solutions to Display

Enter the maximum number of solutions that are to appear on the Frequently Used Solutions page.

EBS Security

Enter values in this section of the page if implementing the integration between PeopleSoft CRM HR HelpDesk and Oracle E-Business HCM.

Field or Control


Responsibility Name

Enter the Responsibility Name to be passed to the Oracle E-Business HCM system as part of the security authorization for this user.

Responsibility Application

Enter the Responsibility Application to be passed to the Oracle E-Business HCM system as part of the security authorization for this user.

Security Group Name

Enter the Security Group Name to be passed to the Oracle E-Business HCM system as part of the security authorization for this user.

Organization ID

Enter the Organization ID to be passed to the Oracle E-Business HCM system as part of the security authorization for this user.


Use this section to enter default values to be populated on the solution dashboard pagelets.

At runtime, these values can be modified through the personalization option on the corresponding pagelet. Runtime changes are updated on this page as well.

Field or Control


Product SetID and Product

Enter the setID and name of the default product to use for populating the Top Solutions by Product pagelet.

Category SetID and Category

Enter the setID and name of the default category to use for populating the Top Solutions by Category pagelet.

Library SetID and Library Name

Enter the setID and name of the default solution library to use for populating the Top Solutions by Library pagelet.

SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Use this section to enter default values to be populated on the case SLA dashboard pagelets for the corresponding vertical families, Support, HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk and Higher Education.

At runtime, these values can be modified through the personalization option on the corresponding pagelet. Runtime changes are updated on this page as well.

Field or Control


View By

Select the default value to appear on the View By field of the SLA pagelets when they are launched initially. Available values are Priority and Status.

SLA Unit

Select the business unit by which the case information on the SLA pagelets is filtered and displayed.


Select the manager of the provider groups by which the case information on the pagelet is filtered and displayed.

This value is used only for the SLA pagelet that is available in the Manager Dashboard.

Case Backlog

Use this section to enter default values to be populated on the case backlog dashboard pagelets for the corresponding vertical families, Support, HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk and Higher Education.

At runtime, these values can be modified through the personalization option on the corresponding pagelet. Runtime changes are updated on this page as well.

Field or Control


Backlog View By

Select the default value to appear on the View By field of the case backlog pagelets when they are launched initially. Available values are Priority and Status.

Backlog Unit

Select the business unit by which the case information on the case backlog pagelets is filtered and displayed.


Select the manager of the provider groups by which the case information on the pagelet is filtered and displayed.

This value is used only for the case backlog pagelet that is available in the Manager Dashboard.

Case Arrivals versus Closures

Use this section to enter default values to be populated on the case arrivals versus closures dashboard pagelet for the corresponding vertical families, Support, HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk and Higher Education.

At runtime, these values can be modified through the personalization option on the corresponding pagelet. Runtime changes are updated on this page as well.

Field or Control


Arrival View By

Select the default value to appear on the View By field of the case arrivals versus closures pagelet when it is launched initially. Available values are Day, Week and Month.

Arrival Unit

Select the business unit by which the case information on the case arrivals versus closures pagelet is filtered and displayed.


Select the manager of the provider groups by which the case information on the pagelet is filtered and displayed.

This value is used only for the case arrivals versus closures pagelet, which is only available in the Manager Dashboard.

Use the Sales page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RSF) to define preferences for sales representatives.

Image: Sales page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Sales page.

Sales page

Sales Defaults

Field or Control


Sales Business Unit

Select the assigned business unit.

While looking up Sales Business Units, if you are unable to see them, run the Application Engine by navigating to select SetUp CRM, then select Security, then select Apply Security Setups. After running the Application Engine, restart the Application Server. Now, Sales Business Units will be displayed in the Look Up Sales Business Unit page.

Tree Name

Select the default sales territory tree to which the sales user can be assigned.

Assignment Group

Select in what kind of assignment group that you want this sales user to appear.

Note: Assignment group is part of territory assignment criteria.

Field Delimiter

Choose to use delimiters other than the comma, such as the semicolon. This is used for lead import.

Auto Insert to My Contacts

Select to enable the user to automatically insert contacts for a company, person, lead, or opportunity to the user's My Contacts list. The insert is triggered when the user clicks the Add to My Contacts toolbar button and the user is either an account owner or account team member for the company, person, lead, or opportunity.

Use the Change Management page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RG) to select user default values that you want the system to display on the Change Request page in PeopleSoft HelpDesk.

Image: Change Management page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Management page.

Change Management page

Select the values that you want the system to display by default for the user on to the Change Request page in PeopleSoft HelpDesk.

Use the Account page (OPR_DEF_TABLE_RSP) to select default values that you want the system to use when it does account assignments.

Image: Account page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Account page.

Account page

Select the values that you want the system to use when it assigns accounts to the user.

Use the Secure Worker Role page (RB_ROLE_WORKER) to define user roles that can access sensitive and semi-sensitive worker information.

Image: Secured Worker Role page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Secured Worker Role page.

Secured Worker Role page

Note: This security applies to the worker component only, not the case. You may use a HelpDesk for Human Resources case template, which displays some of these fields in the Case component, without checking these security options.

Role Access to Data

Field or Control


Role Name

Select the role that needs access to sensitive and semisensitive data. The roles that are defined in the example are from sample data that PeopleSoft delivers with the application. If you want to create your own roles and use them here, you must first define them in the Roles component. Select select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select Permissions & Roles, then select Roles.

Confidential Information

Select this check box to enable the role to have access to these worker fields: Gender, DOB (date of birth), Age, National ID, and Employee Status.

Home Contact Methods

Select this check box to enable the selected role to have access to these worker fields: Home Address, Home Phone, Home Email, and Home Pager.

Correct Job Details

Select this check box to allow the selected role to view and change all existing rows and to add new rows with no effective date restrictions. Otherwise, the selected role can change only future rows and enter new rows with an effective date greater than the current row.