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Understanding Display Templates

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Display templates enable you to easily control the appearance and behavior of components for various yet specific business needs. In the past, the way to enable a component to work in multiple scenarios was through component cloning and the use of markets. For example, to meet the needs of industry solutions and requirements from both external (the Support application) and internal (the HelpDesk applications) call center settings, the Case component (RC_CASE) would need six different clones. Code maintenance became a costly project for development because the same change had to repeat multiple times for all cloned versions.

The introduction of display templates eliminates the need for component cloning. The purpose is to make the appearance and function of components entirely configurable using templates so that they can potentially be used in any scenario. In the display template framework, only one version of a component exists. This component is a consolidation of all its variants. It consists of all the parts and pieces that can be manipulated. Each implementation that wants to present the component in its specific way creates a display template for the component. Through the display template, you can control the visibility of component pages and fields, alter section and field labels, and apply field-level security and setup options that are available to the component.

A component can be associated with multiple display templates, each of which provides a different presentation of the component, which is adapted for specific needs. Suppose that you set up three display templates for the Case component to be used in the customer support center, the internal IT helpdesk, and the internal HR helpdesk. You can configure how the component looks and behaves in each operation based upon business requirements. For example, you can disable the Billing page for the two helpdesk display templates if interdepartmental billing is not available, change the Customer Information section label to Employee Information for the help desk display templates, disable the Dispute Information section in display templates that are not pertinent to the communications industry, and so on.

While display templates are typically used as a means to create multiple component versions without the complexity of cloning, you can still take advantage of the framework even when you intend to map a component to just one display template. Use the display template to change section and field labels and manage fields in page sections. Under the framework, they become simple configuration tasks rather than consulting jobs.

PeopleSoft delivers system data for CRM components that support the framework and provides display templates for functional users to configure respective components based on the system data.

Navigation and Security

If you have multiple display templates for a component and want to provide unique menu items on the left-hand navigation menu for adding as well as finding display template-specific component records, you can create a content reference (CREF) for each component (which corresponds to a menu item) and specify the appropriate display template ID in the portal URL of the content reference. When users click a menu item of a component, the CRM system uses the ID that is available in the associated URL to determine which display template should be used to show it.

To make sure that users have access to the right menu items, specify proper permission lists for each content reference.

In addition to page-level access, the display template framework enables you to apply security at the field level through the CRM application security architecture. You can reference functional option code in fields, which determines the field display logic for users—editable or read-only.

Use the Display Template Family component (RDT_TMPL_FAMILY) to assign display templates and components to the delivered display template family. This component replaces the Display Template Definition component that was used in previous releases. This component enables you to update a family and create display templates for the family. You can also specify the template that you want the system to use for defaulting purposes.

This component consists of two pages: Family and Component. Use the Family page to add descriptions and comments to the display template family. The header section shows the family information for reference. Each display template can only belong to one family. You can change the description and add comments for the template ID as well as create new display templates. You cannot, however, add new families to the system or delete existing families. You must work with the ones that PeopleSoft delivers.

Use the Component page to define which components can use the template. The top of the page shows the family, description and any comments. Then there is a scroll area that defines the components that can be used with the display template family. The component prompt shows only those components that have been set up with display template system data. Within the scroll area is a grid to enter the templates for that component. You must select one template as the default template for the display template family.

Only the templates that are defined for the template family appear in the list box. If you are adding a new display template for a given component or market, and the component does not support the creation of new display templates, the system displays an error message.

Not all templates for the family need to be used for every component. For example, you may define one template for self-service and a different template for agent-facing components.

To clone an existing display template and assign it to a display template family, use the Display Template Save As page.

These components support the creation of new display templates:










  • RC_SS_HD





  • RC_SS_SW


Use display templates to control:

  • Visibility of pages.

  • Visibility and layout of page sections.

  • Visibility and security of page fields.

  • Functionality and setup options that are initiated by display templates.

  • The default pages to display when users access the component in the add mode or update mode.

  • Labels on fields, sections, and tabs within sections.

Pages and Sections

You can show or hide pages that are selected as component system data and specify which visible page to be the default page when the component is newly created and when it is opened for update.

You can show or hide sections within visible pages and change the section label using either field label or message catalog entries. Each section is predefined in the system data as one of these types: standard group box, standard group box with a grid, fields without a groupbox, expandable, embedded tab and subtab.

Note: You cannot change the order of sections using display templates.

See Display Template - Page Definition Page.

Standard Sections

A standard section is a type of section that is commonly used. In a standard section, fields reside in a group box.

Fields Without Group Box Sections

For sections of type fields without a groupbox, fields are not grouped together in a group box. This type of section represents a grouping of standalone fields.

Expandable Sections

An expandable section is a type of section. An expandable section has two parts: the top part, where fields are displayed all the time, and the bottom part, which is collapsed unless you expand it. Indicate whether fields that are enabled for expandable sections should always be displayed, or shown only when the collapsible part of the section is expanded.

Embedded Tab Sections

An embedded tab section is a type of section. Embedded tabs are tabs within a group box and must be implemented through display templates. Embedded tabs and expandable sections serve a similar purpose of saving page space by not showing fields that are less frequently used unless users click a link or select a tab to view them.

Indicate which fields should belong to which predefined tab (a field can be shown in more than one embedded tab). Also, indicate which embedded tabs should be displayed and which tab should be shown on top. Embedded tabs are rendered at runtime by toolbars.

See Display Template - Section Embedded Tab Definition Page.

Subtab Sections

A subtab section is a type of section. Though subtabs are rendered by toolbars, you set them up through display templates. A subtab in a subtab section includes one or more page sections that are defined for that page. At runtime, all subtabs that are pertinent to the page are displayed underneath the toolbar as links. Subtabs are different from other types of section layouts. You cannot make changes to fields in subtabs. When configuring a subtab section in a display template, you control the appearance of each subtab at the section level only.

See Display Template - Page SubTab Definition Page.


In addition to page-level access, the display template framework enables you to apply security at the field level through the CRM application security architecture. You can reference functional option codes in fields, which determines the field display logic for users—editable or read-only.

Fields are stored in sections, which can be a standard group box, subtab, embedded tab, or expandable sections. In some cases, the section may have only fields, and they are not in a group box. You can show or hide fields that appear in visible sections, change field label, and apply security using predefined code. Depending on the layout type of the section, additional control on fields applies. For example, when you configure an expandable section, you can decide when a field should appear (always or only when the section is expanded); for a subtab or embedded tab section, you can assign which tab a field belongs to.

See Display Template - Page Definition Page.

PeopleSoft delivers display templates for all components that are display template-enabled in these product areas:

  • Marketing campaigns and events

  • Online Marketing dialogs

  • Call Center cases

  • Sales leads and opportunities

  • Order Capture orders and quotes

  • ERMS

  • Quality management defects

  • FieldService service orders

  • Product definitions

  • Installed Products

Display templates can be accessed using this navigation: select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Component Configuration, then select Display Templates, then select Display Template Details.

Important! If you customize a component that is associated with a display template, the display template will not reflect those customizations, unless the new section(s) and fields are registered in the Display Template System Data component.