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Setting Up Product Registration

To set up product registration features, use the Product Registration (RF_PROD_REG_SETUP) table.

This topic discusses how to set up product registration features.

Page Name

Definition Name


Product Registration Setup Page


Configure the registration page for installed products.

Catalogs Page


Select product catalogs that self-service users can use to search for and register products.

Use the Product Registration Setup page (RF_PROD_REG_SETUP) to configure the registration page for installed products.

Image: Product Registration Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Registration Setup page.

Product Registration Setup page

Installed Product Statuses

Specify the statuses for which installed products (that belong to the self-service user) appear in the Existing Products section of the Product Registration page.

Note: Product registration setup is keyed to setID.

Field or Control



Select the status for installed products to appear on the Product Registration page.

Registration Fields

Define the installed product fields that appear to self-service users on the Product Registration Details page and whether the fields are modifiable or read-only. The system uses this information as default values on the Installed Product page of the Product Definition component. When a product requires a different set of fields to appear to self-service users, you can override the default fields in the Product Definition component.

Field or Control



Select the field to appear on the Product Registration Details page. Values are Account Number, Agreement Code, Asset Subtype, Asset Tag, Authorization Code, Comments, Date Registered, Department, Distributor, Distributor Contact, Environment, Install Type, Item Shipping Date, Network, Operating System, Operating System Version, Order Date, Ownership, Physical Location, Platform, Purchase Date, Serial ID, Site ID, and User Interface. The system uses this value as the name of corresponding fields that you see on the registration page.


Select to enable users to modify the corresponding field. Clear this check box for fields that need to be read-only when updating previously registered products on the Product Registration Details page. When registering a product for the first time, users can modify all fields except the product description and the registration date, whether or not you select this check box.

Use the Catalogs page (RF_PROD_REG_SETUP2) to select product catalogs that self-service users can use to search for and register products.

Image: Catalogs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Catalogs page.

Catalogs page

Field or Control



Select a product catalog that self-service users can access in the New Product section of the Product Registration page.