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Working with Call Reports

This topic lists the pages used to access call reports and discusses how to add call reports.

Page Name

Definition Name


Call Report Details Page


Add, search, or update a call report.

You can also navigate to the Call Report Details page from the Call Reports page in the Company, Person, Lead, or Opportunity components.

Company - Call Reports Page


View a list of call reports for a company.

Person - Call Reports Page


View a list of call reports for a consumer or contact.

Lead - Call Reports Page

Opportunity - Call Reports Page


View or add call reports on a lead or opportunity.

Call Report Details - Related Objects for the Call Report Page


View a list of related objects (companies, leads, and opportunities) for the call report or add a related object to the call report.

Use the Call Report Details page (RD_CALL_REPORT) to add, search, or update a call report.

Image: Call Report Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Report Details page (1 of 2).

Call Report Details page (1 of 2)

Image: Call Report Details page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Report Details page (2 of 2).

Call Report Details page (2 of 2)

General Information

Enter information that describes the event.

Field or Control


Event Type

Select one of these values: Face to Face Meeting, Telephone, or Other.

View or Link Related Objects

Click to access the Related Objects for the Call Report page where you can view or add related companies, leads, and opportunities.

Add a Note and Notes Summary

Enter notes and attachments that relate to the event.

See Understanding Notes and Attachments.


View the list of contacts that attended the event and designate the primary contact.

Field or Control


Email Call Report

Select one or more contacts and then click this button to email the call report to the selected contacts.

Note: You must save a call report before you can email it.

Add Contacts

You can add CRM contacts, if necessary, to this call report by entering first and last names.

Follow Up Tasks

View the list of tasks associated with the event. When you create a follow up task for a call report, its contacts are assigned as the contacts for the task by default.

Field or Control


Add Follow-Up Task

Click to access the Task Details page.

See Understanding Task Management.

Use the Call Report Details - Related Objects for the Call Report page (RD_CALLRPT_TXNS) to view a list of related objects (companies, leads, and opportunities) for the call report or add a related object to the call report.

Image: Call Report Details - Related Objects for the Call Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Call Report Details - Related Objects for the Call Report page.

Call Report Details - Related Objects for the Call Report page

Select a related object; either Company, Lead, or Opportunity. The field to the right changes based on your selection. Select the related object. Click the Add Related Object button.

Click the Return to Call Report Details link to go back to the Call Report Details page.