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Setting Up Service Order Assignment Notifications

This section provides an overview of service order assignment notifications and discusses how to set up assignment notifications.

Note: In addition to PeopleCode, PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService leverages Active Analytics Framework (AAF) to trigger workflow actions and send notifications. Use AAF to set up workflow processing, which includes setup contexts, terms, and policies. When the conditions that are defined in policies become true, associated workflow actions are triggered automatically, and corresponding notifications are sent to assigned recipients.

You can enable workflow policies for service order assignment to notify affected provider groups and group members when a service order is assigned and when the service order assignment is changed. Notifications to the provider group and the assigned group member are triggered when you make a new assignment, when you reassign a previously assigned service order activity, and when you delete an assignment. If you select the Use Members to Broadcast check box on the Provider Group page, assignment notifications are also sent to all members of the provider group, which means that the assigned group members receive two notifications for each trigger event.

When a service assignment is accepted or rejected or when a service order activity is canceled, assignment workflow policies also send notification messages to the person who created the service order—that is, the person whose user ID is listed in the Entered By field on the service order.

You can publish notifications as worklist entries, emails, or both, depending on the user profile of the person receiving the notification and other system settings. Email notifications provide a link to the service order where the notification trigger event occurred.

As delivered, the system offers these workflow policies for service order assignment notifications. All the policies are triggered by saving the service order after an assignment is made or after the status is changed to assigned. Notifications are triggered for each service order activity line that is affected.

Service Order Assignment Workflow

This workflow policy sends an email and worklist entry to the affected provider groups and group members when the service order is assigned for the first time.

Service Order Assignment Change Workflow

This workflow policy sends an email and worklist entry to the affected provider groups and group members when a service order activity assignment is changed from one technician to another.

Service Order Activity Cancellation Workflow

This workflow policy sends an email and worklist entry to the assigned provider groups and group members on a service order activity when the line's status is changed to Canceled.

Service Order Assignment Accepted Workflow

This workflow policy sends an email and worklist entry to the creator of the service order when any service order activity status values are changed to Accepted.

Service Order Assignment Rejection Workflow

This workflow policy sends an email and worklist entry to the creator of the service order when any service order activity status values are changed to Rejected.

To set up notification workflow for service order assignment:

  1. Associate worklist groups with each provider group.

    When you make or modify a service order activity assignment, you can create a worklist entry for the worklist group that is established for the provider groups that were affected by the assignment or assignment change. Define worklist groups on the Worklist Groups page, and then associate them with a provider group on the Provider Group page.

  2. Define an email address for the provider group.

    The system can also send assignment notifications to an email address representing the provider group. Enter an appropriate email address for the provider group in the Email Address field on the Provider Group page.

  3. Specify whether to send assignment notifications to each member of the provider group.

    You can send assignment notifications to each member of the provider group. Select the Use Members to Broadcast check box on the Provider Group page. Each member of the provider group will receive a notification when an assignment or an assignment change affects the provider group. The notification is published as a worklist entry, an email, or both, depending on the routing preferences for the group member on the Workflow page of the User Profiles component.

  4. Define valid email addresses for the people who receive email notifications.

    Define primary email addresses for provider group members and service order creators.

    Note: Workers' person IDs are associated with user IDs on the User Profile page under select Workforce, then select Worker or on the ID page under select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles. For workflow notifications to function properly, each person in the system should be linked to only one user ID.