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Overview of Service Center for Higher Education

Higher Education institutions know that in order to attract and retain students and reduce service costs, having a service delivery strategy is essential.

This strategy is usually approached at a department-by-department level. It is not uncommon, for example, for the undergraduate financial aid office, the business school, and the IT support departments to have their own individual and unrelated service desks. This can mean inconsistent service delivery, inconsistent service experience, inefficient processes, and a fragmented view of the constituent. As a result, institutions must evaluate how they can streamline constituent and staff service delivery to reduce the cost to serve while providing service levels that constituents and staff demand.

Service Center for Higher Education focuses on improving agent productivity and efficiency and increasing user acceptance of lower cost service channels like self-service and email.

Note that the detailed description of the Service Center for Higher Education is provided along with the other Services-related documentation; these topics provide only an overview of how a Higher Education user might make use of its functionality.