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Understanding Case Management

This topic discusses:

Note: This chapter discusses Case page activities. Subsequent chapters discuss additional case processing that take place on other pages in the Case component.

Depending on the display template, the Case page can be divided into the following sections:

Note: Sections marked with an asterisk (*) are delivered enabled when you first install the application. The display template controls the visibility of the other sections.

  • Customer information section. *

    This section is titled Employee Information for PeopleSoft HelpDesk applications.

  • Academic Information section (associated only with PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education).

  • Problem section. *

  • Case Information section. *

  • Actions section. *

  • Add a note section.

  • Incident address section.

See Understanding Processing a Case.

See Configuring Display Templates for Components.

Customer Information Section

In PeopleSoft Support, the case's Customer Information section contains customer fields. The same section for a PeopleSoft HelpDesk or HelpDesk for Human Resources case contains employee fields.

In Service Center for Higher Education, you can search for a company (and company contact), consumer, or worker. Note that students (constituents) have the role of consumer within the Service Center for Higher Education application, while staff and faculty have the role of worker. An individual with the role of company contact who also has the role of consumer or worker will show up multiple times in the search results (both as an individual and as a representative of the company). However, individuals who are not company contacts will show up only once in the search results, even if they have both the role of consumer and worker.

Consider the following when using the Customer Information section:

  • If you are searching for a company, you can enter a partial value in the Company field and click the Search button.

    The system returns a list of companies that begin with the value you entered in the Company field. If only one company matches your search, the system displays a page with all of the contacts for that particular company. When creating a case for a company, you must identify a contact person. A contact person is optional if you are creating a case for a consumer.

  • If you are searching for a consumer, you can enter a partial value in either the First Name or Last Name field and click the Search button.

    Do not enter anything in the Company field.

  • If you want to edit a contact's contact method for the case, click the Edit link to launch the Edit Contact Information page.

    This page lists the contact information for the selected contact. The system lists only address information for HelpDesk for Human Resources cases.

  • Business Object Search functionality controls the appearance of customer search fields and some of the other fields.

    Note: For PeopleSoft HelpDesk applications, the appearance of certain fields is controlled by the secure worker role.

    See Understanding BO Search and Quick Create Setup.

  • If a case is created automatically by the system for an inbound email message (a feature that can be enabled in any group worklist definition with the installation of ERMS), the email sender (identified by the email address) is populated as the customer contact of the case.

    If the email address does not match any of the customer record in the CRM system, one of these two things happens based on the setup of the mailbox to which the inbound email is routed—either a new customer (a Person record) is created using the email address and becomes the contact of the case, or the Anonymous User person record is used as the customer (consumer) of the case. On the other hand, if multiple matches are found for the email address, the Select Sender link appears in the Customer Information section, indicating that the call center agent needs to choose an email sender as the case customer.

    A case customer must be identified before a case can be saved, unless the Anonymous Caller option is selected on the case.

    See Group Worklist Page.

The Customer Information Section is grouped using an expandable group box layout. Use the display template to control how the fields appear in each section.

Note: If you select an incorrect company, you can search again to select the appropriate company. For PeopleSoft HelpDesk customers, one person can enter a case on behalf of another person. You can select the employee associated with the case, select an alternative contact, and then click the Edit button to enter contact details for the case.

See Configuring Display Templates for Components.

Academic Information Section

This section is enabled for cases in Service Center for Higher Education. It displays a summary of the academic information (such as institution, program and plan) that is associated with the constituent. The fields in this section are not editable (any required updates to the information should be processed in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions application).

Because individuals may be linked to more than one institution, program, plan, or sub-plan, the information in this section is presented in a scroll area, so that multiple sets of information may be viewed.

Problem Information Section

This section discusses two fields: Summary and Description.

The Summary field is required. The system can be configured so that values for the Summary and Description fields can be entered by default on the Case page when the user selects a quick code. If a problem summary is already entered on an existing case, a quick code will not overwrite the Summary and Description fields unless the overwrite check box is selected for either the Summary or Description fields in the quick code. In this case, you can overwrite the values for the Summary and Description fields even if these fields are already populated.

Note: Call center agents can also use text trays and quick keys to automatically fill static and dynamic data into the Description field.

See Understanding the Text Tray.

Case Information Section

The fields in the Case Information section are grouped using the configurable Embedded Tabs section layout. By default, the system displays the Main and More tabs. Use the display template to determine the number of tabs, their labels, and the fields that you want to appear.

This section discusses how to:

  • Secure a case.

  • Enable the creation of a case with an anonymous caller.

  • Enable the creation of a case that specifies a site as the customer rather than a person or company.

    This capability is useful for service calls that must be specified by location rather than by a contact name or billing entity.

  • Display the business unit associated with the case.

  • Select a quick code.

    You can configure a quick code to populate other fields.

  • Categorize a case.

    The Category, Specialty Type, and Detail fields can affect the way in which the system assigns provider groups and agents to the case.

  • Assign a case.

    You can assign a case in many ways. You can configure the system to automatically suggest a provider group and agent.

  • Associate and describe a product for which support is extended.

    You can record its placement within a product hierarchy, serial number, where it was purchased, and whether it is installed.

  • Record asset information.

    You can track company equipment with identification numbers and track whether the equipment is installed.

  • Track the reported problem.

    You can prioritize and categorize problems by type and severity, create and assign error codes and messages to attach to the problem, and record the response and outcome.

  • Perform an entitlement search.

    PeopleSoft call center applications enable you to set up agreements and warranties that govern and track a customer's or an employee's entitlement to support. To control the way the system searches for agreements, you can use the configuration options available on the Agreement Search Configuration page. You can also use the Active Analytics Framework (AAF) to set up automatic agreement searches.

    See Understanding Agreements and Warranties.

  • Authorize a credit card.

  • Review response times.

    You can view the service-level agreement information about expected and actual response and restore times. A customer's entitled response and restore time takes a business's hours of operation into consideration. The system uses the same logic for holiday schedules. If an agreement is entitled with regular hours of operation but the business is closed on public holidays, the entitlement takes the holiday schedule into account. On the Service Level page, you can use the Holiday Schedule field to select the holiday schedule that you want associated with the service level. The system provides the holiday schedule by default to the agreement line when the service level is specified.

  • Review survey scores.

    If you have permission to view the Survey Score field, you can review the scores generated by the surveys that were sent to customers by email. You can also review the actual survey by clicking a link on the Related Actions page in the Case component after the customer has filled out the survey. This field, however, does not appear on the page unless you enable it on the Display Template - Page Definition page. You must also sign in as a user with permission to view this field; otherwise, it does not appear on the page. You can set up your system so that an agent can send a survey manually to a customer's email address, or you can use AAF to automatically send surveys to customers when agents close cases. To run and view reports that show survey scores for particular agents or types of cases, refer to the documentation for your PeopleSoft CRM Online Marketing application.

Actions Section

The link categories that you or your implementation team set up during installation appear in the Actions section on the main Case and Summary pages. You can link to pages such as those in the HR database (used in HelpDesk for Human Resources) or the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions application (used in PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education), or you can link to related actions, business projects, change requests, and so on.

Using AAF policies or by selecting a quick code, you can configure your system to automatically suggest an action. You also can manually select an action from the Actions section.

Only those link categories and definitions that are associated to a link group—which is associated to a display template—appear in the Actions section.

See Link Group Page.

Add a Note Section

The Add a Note section, which is delivered as hidden, provides a note field on the main Case page. Each time users open a particular case, they can only add one note on the Case page. Once a note has been added on the Case page, it may be edited there, if desired, until the user exits the case. However, to add additional notes without exiting and re-opening the case, the user must use the Notes page. On the Notes page, agents can always add new notes, as well as view and edit existing notes.

Note: To create a note using text tray functionality, you need to be on the Notes page.

See Adding Notes and Attachments.

Incident Address Section

This section is delivered hidden. If you want to make the Incident Address section visible, modify the display template to enable this section.

In the Incident Address group box, you record information about the location of the incident.

In this group box, you can:

  • Enter either a street address or the intersection for the incident.

  • Describe additional information about the location using free-form text.

You can use quick codes to populate these fields on the Case page:

  • Note (Summary and Description)

  • Problem (Summary and Description)

  • Case Status

  • Case Priority

  • Case Impact

  • Urgency

  • Case Severity

  • Provider Group

  • Assigned To

  • Case Type

  • Case Subtype

  • Category

  • Specialty Type

  • Detail

  • Error Code

  • Error Message

  • Interested Parties

  • Product ID

  • Product Group

  • Suggested Action (Link Category, Version, Link Name)

  • Solution and solution status

  • Name Change

  • Location Change

  • Early Retirement

You can control the visibility of the Secured check box by using a display template. When an agent determines that a case is sensitive, he or she can select the Secured check box in the Case Information section of the template to specify that the case should be viewed only by individuals associated with the provider group on the case.

When a case is marked secured, the agent must specify a provider group before saving the case. Once the agent secures the case, it is associated with the provider group. Only agents belonging to the provider group can access the case. If the agent who created the case is not a member of the provider group, the agent cannot access the secured case.

Note: Security is implemented on specific pages throughout the system. If your organization modifies the system to show case summary information on additional pages, you must secure the information appropriately.

The word Secured is substituted for the case summary on the following pages:

  • Case Search.

    Secured appears in the Problem Summary field of the search results grid both when accessing a case and when searching for a case to relate to another case.

    Note: The other fields in the search results grid display actual case data; therefore, agents can view the case status or the assigned agent without accessing the case. This limited visibility enables even non-authorized agents to provide limited support when callers inquire about a secure case. The link to access the case, however, is disabled for unauthorized users.

  • 360-Degree View for authorized and unauthorized cases.

    The 360-Degree View page for PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources and the Constituent 360-Degree View page for Service Center for Higher Education each have two case nodes, one for cases that cannot be accessed (unauthorized) and one for those that can (authorized).

    Secured appears if the Case node in the action tree is configured to show the case summary. You can also configure the unauthorized node to show the summary of the secured case. The 360-Degree View page for PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources and for Service Center for Higher Education is delivered showing only the case status and count. For 360-Degree Views that are not related to these two applications, secure cases are not hidden or disabled on these pages or sections.

  • Related Cases.

  • Solution - Related Actions.

  • Solution pages.

    Secured appears in the search results grid.

  • Worklist.

    Secured appears if the agent is not in the provider group.

  • Email notifications (automated and manual).

    The PeopleSoft system does not prohibit users from emailing case information to other users who don't have access to the case (for example, through the Outbound Notification page). The summary does not change for email notifications about secured cases.

Note: When an agent prompts for cases, the system displays only those cases that the agent is authorized to access. To access a secured case, the agent must be a member of the provider group associated with the case.

Configuration Issues for Secured Cases

To avoid sending out information about secured cases when you are setting up AAF policies, business projects, workflow actions, and email templates, use the Secured Case field (SECURE_CASE_FLG) on the Case page (RC_CASE) to define record field conditions.

For example, suppose you want to suppress secured cases from being viewed by unauthorized users. You can define an event to perform a check for a value equal to N on the SECURE_CASE_FLG field before displaying or distributing case information.

Note: Secured case functionality can be used by any call center application. However, this functionality is delivered only for PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources. The secure case flag is part of a condition to make sure you don't send out secure information. AAF policies do not automatically treat secured cases as special.

You can assign a case to any worker except future-dated workers. The worker to whom a case is assigned is the case owner, even if other agents or specialists are helping the assignee.

You can also assign cases to provider groups rather than to individual agents. Provider groups are pools of agents with something in common, like agents who support a certain product or work at a particular call center.

You can assign cases by:

  • Entering the provider group or agent name manually.

  • Invoking the assignment engine, which suggests an assignee.

    The assignment engine attempts to match the person or provider group with all of the competencies associated with the case category, type, or detail, whichever level is appropriate for the case.

    Additionally, because you can associate competencies with problem types, the assignment engine attempts to match the person or provider group with the competencies listed for the problem.

    You can set up the assignment engine to assign cases to provider groups according to the competencies associated with problem types and then to assign cases to agents according to the competencies associated with category, type, and detail.

    See Understanding Assignment Searches.

    Note: Based on how you configure the system, the assignment engine will also uses product, customer, region, and location information.

  • Entering a quick code.

    You can enter a quick code that is associated with a default assignee (either a provider group or an agent).

  • Having the system assign the case at save time.

    Auto-assignment options that are configured in the Call Center Business Unit component occur only if you have not already assigned the case. If you use AAF policies to assign the case, the event definitions determine the conditions under which the assignment occurs.

Assignment Notifications

The PeopleSoft system delivers call center workflow to send notifications when a case is assigned or reassigned.

If you assign cases to provider groups (without specifying an agent within the group), you can use AAF policies to send an assignment notification to the provider group's worklist. Usually, the worklist monitor assigns the worklist item, the case, or both to an individual. The PeopleSoft system is not delivered with this workflow turned on, however. To use this functionality, you must reset the end date in the AAF policy.

To prevent employees from viewing sensitive case information (for example, grievances) through the HelpDesk self-service applications, the PeopleSoft system includes a value called Internal, exclude Case Contact in the Visibility drop-down list box on the main Case page.

When a user selects Internal, exclude Case Contact, the employee who is the subject of the case is unable to view the case through the HelpDesk self-service application.

The person who reported the case (Reported By) can view it in the self-service application if the case is not secured. When a case is secured, the Reported By person will no longer be able to view the case in the self-service application.

When an agent selects the Internal, exclude Case Contact visibility value and clicks the Notification button, the system displays a warning message to the agent that the employee does not have visibility to this case. In this situation, you would not want to send a notification to the employee.

The system does not display the employee name and email address in the Recipients grid on the Outbound Notification page.

The Case Contact role query has been modified so that it won’t return the case contact when the agent selects the Internal, exclude Case Contact visibility value. This modification prevents the agent from sending a notification to the employee in question.

To update a secured case when the visibility is Internal, exclude Case Contact, the PeopleSoft system has a new policy called Case Visibility Changed.

When a case is secured, an agent that does not belong to the provider group can’t open the case. This safeguard prevents the agent from opening the case from the 360-Degree View page and discussing it with the employee in question.

Note: This feature is only applicable to PeopleSoft HelpDesk and HelpDesk for Human Resources.

The Case Status field on the Case page shows where the case is in its life cycle. You close a case by selecting the appropriate status in the Case Status field.

Case status values vary by implementation, but all case statuses fall into one of these categories:

  • Open

  • Closed

  • On Hold

  • Canceled

These processing rules are based on the case status categories:

  • Your business unit settings determine whether you can reopen canceled or closed cases.

    You can also set up the Call Center Definition - Case Defaults page to change the status automatically when an agent obtains a successful resolution.

    See Understanding Call Center Business UnitsUnderstanding Display Templates.

  • When you close a case, the current date and time are entered in the Closed Date field; if you reopen the case, the Closed Date field is cleared.

  • If a case is associated with a solvable action, you can close the case by selecting the action.

  • You cannot close a case until it has either a resolution associated with it or a solvable action associated with it.

    You can set up your system to prevent the closing of cases unless there is a business project associated with the case. To do this, however, the business project related action must be marked as solvable on the Link Definition page. If the business project is marked as solvable and it is associated with the case, the business project doesn't need to be closed before you can close the case.

  • You can set up the system at the business unit level to allow cases to be resolved after sending outbound notifications from them.

    When this option is selected, the Send and Solve toolbar button appears on the Outbound Notification page. When the user finishes composing the message and clicks the button, the system sends the notification out to recipients and solves the associated case transaction by setting its status to the predefined resolved case status (for example, Closed - Resolved).

    If the outbound notification requires approval from a supervisor, the system resolves the associated case upon receipt of the approval from the supervisor.

    See Business Unit - Options Page.

When cascading statuses through related cases, these rules also apply:

  • Changing the parent case's status changes the status of all child cases unless:

    • The child case is associated with an open case.

    • The child case is in a closed or canceled status that is not the same as the parent's original status.

  • You can close a case using more than one resolution.

  • Closing a parent case cascades the successful solution to the child cases that are associated with the parent case.

  • Reopening a parent case changes the successful solutions in the child cases to failed solutions.

  • When a case is closed, it becomes read-only except for the Case Notes and Resolution Status fields.

    This flexibility accommodates instances for which multiple resolutions can close a case for that business unit.

    Note: A solvable action will not cascade to the other cases, but a successful resolution will.

The toolbar at the top of all of the pages in the Case component provides access to several common activities. The toolbar is configurable; these activities are available only if the toolbar is active.

See Understanding the Configurable Toolbar.

The PeopleSoft system delivers configurable toolbar definitions, one for each application.

Common Call Center Toolbar Buttons

The configurable toolbar in all call center applications contains these buttons:

  • Print

  • Spell Check

  • 360-Degree View

  • 360-Degree Search

  • Text Tray

  • Notification

  • Email

  • Time Entry

  • Search

  • Next

  • Add

  • Update

  • Clone Case

  • Correspondence

Additional Toolbar Buttons for PeopleSoft Support

In addition to the common buttons, the toolbar for PeopleSoft Support contains these buttons:

  • Upsell

  • Order

  • Map Dashboard

  • CTI Dialout

    If customers implement their own CTI switch, they need to implement a new Javascript function that is specific to the CTI switch. PeopleSoft CRM delivers a Javascript function that works with the delivered CTI definitions, so when an agent clicks the button, an outbound call is made for the phone number listed on the case. If customers have a specific CTI switch implementation, they must add a new Javascript function for the implementation (the Javascript function file should be located in the <PS_HOME>/cs/ps/pCti directory) and register it in the CTI component of the CRM system.

    See Setting Up CTI System Definitions.

  • Get Offer/Promotions

Note: You must use PeopleSoft's AAF functionality to activate the Get Offer/Promotions button; this functionality is not delivered. When AAF policy conditions are met, the existing Upsell Configuration on Case action displays the Get Offers icon on the Case toolbar. This action is modifiable to present the Get Offers/Promotions button based on rules that are evaluated by the existence of a third-party optimization engine. Agents can also initiate branch scripts associated with the offer for scripted selling.

See Understanding AAF.

See Understanding Link Setup.

Additional Toolbar Buttons for PeopleSoft HelpDesk

In addition to the common buttons, the toolbar for PeopleSoft HelpDesk contains these buttons:

  • Asset Discovery

    Provided that system and data integration has been accomplished, this button launches an asset management application, which passes the desired asset information to the application for reporting.

    You can also launch asset discoveries from the:

    • 360-degree view of an employee.

    • Case toolbar.

  • Remote Control

    The Remote Control button launches a third-party remote control process that enables an IT agent to:

    • Remotely query for data from an installed product or asset.

    • Run a process to remotely take control of an employee’s computer to resolve a problem.

See Integrating with Third-Party Asset Management Applications.

Additional Toolbar Buttons for PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education

In addition to the common buttons, the toolbar for PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education may contain these buttons (depending on whether the user has accessed an IT, non-IT, or blended case):

  • Upsell Opportunity Alert

  • Order

  • Map Dashboard

  • CTI Dialout

    If customers implement their own CTI switch, they need to implement a new Javascript function that is specific to the CTI switch. PeopleSoft CRM delivers a Javascript function that works with the delivered CTI definitions, so when an agent clicks the button, an outbound call is made for the phone number listed on the case. If customers have a specific CTI switch implementation, they must add a new Javascript function for the implementation (the Javascript function file should be located in the <PS_HOME>/cs/ps/pCti directory) and register it in the CTI component of the CRM system.

    See Setting Up CTI System Definitions.

  • Asset Summary

  • Remote Control

    The Remote Control button launches a third-party remote control process that enables an IT agent to:

    • Remotely query for data from an installed product or asset.

    • Run a process to remotely take control of an employee’s computer to resolve a problem.


The Notification toolbar button provides convenient access to case-related communication and worklist tasks. Clicking this button:

  • Launches the Outbound Notification page for users to compose and send email and worklist notifications.

  • Launches the email workspace for users to respond to existing email messages that are associated with the case. Email workspace can be used for sending new adhoc emails based on system setup.

    This function is available with the installation of Multichannel Communications.

Time Tracking

When you create a new case, the system creates a time record for the case. For the system to do this, you must first set up autonumbering for time records.

Important! Because the system creates a time record for every case, you must set up autonumbering for time records even if you don't track the time that you spend working on cases.

To track the time that you spend working on a case, click the Track Time button in the case toolbar to access the Manage Time page.

Use the Manage Time page to record the start and end times for each block of time that you work on the case. Unless the case is resolved during the first call, separate time records will exist for the different blocks of time spent working on the case. Every person who works on a case needs to record time separately.

The time entry record is created the first time that the case is saved in the agent-facing component. For cases created elsewhere (for example, cases created in self-service, through cloning, or through related case functionality), the system does not create the time record until the case is accessed and saved in the agent-facing component. If a user clicks the Track Time button for a case that does not yet have a time record, the system prompts the user to save the case first.

When you add a new row to the time record, the system enters the name of the currently assigned agent to that row. If your name does not appear as the currently assigned agent, change this value to your own name.

The system enters the current date and time as the start time. These default values are helpful for agents who create the time record when they start working on a case and then return to the time record later to enter the end time. If you create the record at the end of a block of time when you've worked on the case, you must override the default start time.

Note: If an existing case has time recorded, and an agent subsequently changes the Business Unit on the case, the existing time entries will be updated to the new Business Unit.

Upsell Opportunities

This functionality is available only in PeopleSoft Support and PeopleSoft Service Center for Higher Education.

If a caller reports a problem with an old or superseded product, you might want to recommend that the caller upgrade to a newer product. A flashing button, which appears on the toolbar on the Case page, alerts agents to a potential upsell opportunity.

The flashing button is triggered based on conditions set up in an AAF policy. For example, you can trigger the upsell toolbar button to flash when a customer is identified or when a product is selected and the case has a specified priority.

The Branch Script tool is used to recommend a product to upsell. Branch scripts are associated with specific products. Clicking the button launches a branch script and adds it to the list of related actions for the case.

Note: You can also control how the toolbar buttons behave using AAF policies.

See Action Configuration Page.

See Understanding AAF.

From the Actions section on the Case page or from the Related Actions page, you can transfer directly to the Order Capture page. Whenever possible, the system maps branch script answers to corresponding fields on the Order Capture page. This mapping is accomplished using variables associated with the branch script. For example, the system maps the Product field (if it appears) to the Order Capture page.

Text Trays

Call center agents can use text trays and quick keys to auto-fill static and dynamic data, reply to emails, create text for ad hoc notifications or emails, or create notes about a case.

You can use both public and personal quick keys in text tray-enabled text fields within transaction pages. You can also create and maintain your own set of personal quick keys.

Administrators and implementers can manage and create public quick keys. They can create two types of quick keys:

  • Dynamic quick keys are comprised of static text and a dynamic token, which pulls the value from the database.

  • Static quick key always resolve to straight text.

You can create quick key categories and edit existing and delivered categories, edit existing quick keys, group quick keys into categories, and determine the key sequence for hot keys.

You can use the Quick Code functionality to auto-populate these fields in PeopleSoft Support, HelpDesk, and HelpDesk for Human Resources:

  • Problem - Description field on the Case page.

  • Details field on the Notes page.

For example, you can have a quick code that automatically fills out the case and inserts text into the Problem - Description field. Included in this text could be the #123 quick key code, which would resolve to text through the Text Tray functionality.

See Quick Code Page.

See Understanding the Text Tray.

Access the Case page in PeopleSoft Support, HelpDesk, HelpDesk for Human Resources, or Service Center for Higher Education. The toolbar at the top of the Case page and all pages in the Case component include a row with buttons and a time zone control.

The toolbar configuration controls which buttons appear. As delivered, the button row in the toolbar displays some or all page elements. Page elements that are common across all applications are documented in Automation and Configuration Tools .

See Understanding the Configurable Toolbar.

Field or Control


Print icon

Click the Print button to launch a separate browser window that you can use to print case information and change print options.

Time Entry icon

Click the Time Entry button to access the Manage Time page, where you can track the time that you spent working on the case. You are prompted to save the case before you access the Manage Time page. This button appears only after an agent saves the case for the first time.

Text Tray icon

Click the Text Tray button to launch the Text Tray page, where you can select a quick key that will automatically enter pre-written text into the Description field on the Case page and the Detail field on the Notes page in the Case component.

Update icon

Click the Update button to access the Case Search page in Find an Existing Case mode.

Note: The Configurable Search Setup pages determine what result set (if any) appears when you click the Update Case button.

See Configuring Searches.

Clone Case icon

Click the Clone Case button to create a new case with the same caller information and problem information as the existing case. The system creates the new case and displays a message providing the new case number. After you click OK in the message dialog box, the system displays the new case in a new browser window.

Agreements, warranties, solutions, notes and attachments, case history, related cases, related actions, and interested parties are not copied to the new case, and the Resolved by First Contact check box is always clear in the new case.

Order Capture icon

Click the Order Capture button to access the Entry Form page in the Order Capture component. The system automatically populates the customer and product data on the Entry Form page.

Upsell icon

Click the Upsell button to run the upsell script. This button appears only if an upsell script is associated with the product and if other business unit-specific upsell criteria are met. This icon changes to a coin based on the base currency.

The upsell functionality is specific to PeopleSoft Support.

Asset Summary icon

Click the Asset Summary button to launch an asset management application, which passes the desired asset information to the application for reporting.

Remote Control icon

Click the Remote Control button to launch a remote control process that enables an IT agent to remotely query for data from an installed product or asset or to run a process to remotely take control of an employee’s computer.

CTI Dialout icon

Click the CTI Dialout button to launch the Outbound Call page to enable a user to direct the CTI console to dial a telephone number displayed on that page. Outbound calling works only when the CTI console is enabled and the user has registered with the CTI vendor.

View Worklist icon

Click the View Worklist button to launch the My Worklist page. The agent uses the Worklist page to efficiently manage personal work tasks and responsibilities.

Note: You must set up this button on the Toolbar Definitions pages during setup.

See Understanding the Configurable Toolbar.


Select a value and click the green arrow to return to the selected page. This field appears if you access the Case page through a page other than the Case Search page.

Current user time

Displays the time that you opened the component. This field is informational only; it is not saved with the case.

Time zone

Select the time zone in which to display the times on the page. Values are:

My Time Zone: The current user's local time zone.

Customer (PeopleSoft Support only): The time zone that is associated with the caller.

Employee (PeopleSoft HelpDesk and HelpDesk for Human Resources only): The time zone that is associated with the caller.

Assigned: The time zone of the agent who is currently assigned to the case.

Previously Assigned: The time zone of the agent who was previously assigned to the case.

This section discusses case processing that is transparent to the end user.

Active Analytics Framework (AAF)

PeopleSoft AAF is a suite of tools comprising a closed-loop decision-making system where you can address specific business issues. Applications can respond when certain conditions are met and certain actions are recommended.

Actions include giving a priority service or a better discount for high-value customers, identifying fraudulent transactions, and displaying alerts and warning messages.

At runtime, applications send requests to the AAF decision engine to evaluate all of the policies pertaining to a trigger point. For policies whose conditions are evaluated as true, the system invokes their associated actions.

Your organization can set up AAF policies to trigger various actions under specified conditions. The AAF decision engine can perform several actions that are transparent to the person who triggers the action.

AAF policies can:

  • Send general-purpose notifications.

  • Send notifications related to entitlements.

    Agreement lines provide customers with specific entitlements such as guaranteed response times and recovery times. Each entitlement can be associated with a workflow rule that sends a notification at a predetermined time. Typically, the notification informs you of an impending deadline.

  • Track consumption of prepaid cases under an agreement line that covers a specific number of prepaid cases (PeopleSoft Support only).

  • Cascade the case status and resolution information to child cases.

  • Send notifications to agents and managers when a case is escalated.

    When a user clicks the Escalate Case button on the Case page, the system displays a message. If the user clicks OK, the system saves the case and sets off one of these trigger points in AAF: When a Support Case is Escalated or When a Help Desk Case is Escalated.

The AAF decision engine also triggers these actions, whose effects are visible in the case where they are triggered:

  • Suggest an action.

  • Display alert messages as well as cross-sell and upsell notifications.

  • Recommend a solution or a product in an upsell or cross-sell situation.

  • Log entries in the Events tab of the Case History page.

  • Log entries in the Events tab of the Product History page of an installed product, service, or asset.

  • Log entries in the Events tab of the Change Request History page.

  • Instantiate a business project.

  • Update information on a Case page.

  • Display a new page from a link (not available for self-service cases.)

  • Display the Upsell button in the toolbar.

  • Set the display template ID.

See Understanding AAF.


Interactions are records of communication between you and your customers. Interactions can be related to transactional objects such as cases, service orders, and so on. Related transactions are considered subinteractions.

You don't need to set up workflow to capture interactions. The system captures them automatically based on certain actions that you perform.

The system records inbound interactions for a case when:

  • You create or access a case from the 360-Degree View page.

  • You create or access a case through the CTI system.

  • A customer or employee uses self-service pages to access, update, or add a case.

The system records outbound interactions for a case when:

  • You create correspondence for a case.

    Note: When an agent sends an email from a case to an employee, the system creates an interaction only if the employee is the customer, contact, or alternate contact for the case.

  • You create notifications for a case.