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Understanding Entitlement Searches

This topic discusses:

Entitlement Searches

Entitlements define what a customer is contractually owed for the service or support offering on an agreement line or warranty. When you perform an entitlement search on the Service Order page or Case page, the system searches for valid agreement lines or warranties that cover the work on the service order or case and displays the associated entitlements.

The system uses the values that you entered in the fields for product ID, serial number, service, and either site or site identification number (SIN) to search for agreement line and warranty matches for service orders. For cases, the system uses the same fields (with the exception of service) as well as those for contact or personal identification number (PIN).

For support cases, the system passes customer, contact, product ID, serial number, case ID, PIN, SIN, and site as the search criteria for entitlement searches.

For help desk cases, the system passes employee, case ID, product, asset tag, priority, source, department, location, employee role (defined as manager level in the Worker component), and person type (employee, contingent worker, or person of interest) to the search. Additionally, for employees and contingent workers, the employee status is passed to the search.

Note: If the internal agreement search option is set to Match Using Case Criteria, the system additionally passes priority, source, department, location and employee role information to PeopleSoft HelpDesk searches, depending on the values that are set on the Agreement Search Configuration page. Likewise, if the external case agreement search option is set to Match Using Case Criteria, the system additionally passes case category, priority, source, type, and customer value information to PeopleSoft Support entitlement searches, depending on the values that are set on the Agreement Search Configuration page.

If the system renders more than one warranty or agreement line that match the available search criteria, you can select the appropriate one from the entitlement match list that is generated by the system. When you make a selection, or if the CRM system finds only one match, the entitlement information of the selected agreement line or warranty is automatically populated to the service order or case. You can view the entitlement details directly on the service order or case.

Minimum Information That Is Required to Perform Entitlement Searches

Before you perform an entitlement search, you must provide a customer or employee that is associated with a case or service order. Additionally, the case search uses the case ID plus one of the following: contact, PIN, site, or SIN. The product ID and serial number or asset tag number are optional but are recommended because they focus the search to a much greater degree.

For entitlement searches on service orders, you need to provide a site ID or SIN in addition to the customer. You can further limit the search by entering a product ID (or the installed product ID, which is identified by the serial ID on the service order), or a service.

When entering information on the case or service order, the system uses the product ID that you enter to select the appropriate installed product records for the customer. If you do not enter enough information to uniquely identify an installed product, all the matching entitlements are returned.

Warranty Matches

If you enter an installed product on the service order or support case, the system checks for a valid warranty that applies to the installed product. The system identifies the installed product by using the serial number that appears on the case or service order.

When an installed product is specified on the service order or support case, the system checks for the following conditions:

  • The installed product is associated with a warranty.

  • The current date is equal to or later than the warranty start date.

  • The current date is equal to or prior to the warranty end date.

  • The status of the warranty is Active.

If all conditions are met, the system returns the warranty as a match. The system does not return, and you cannot select, warranties from searches for a PeopleSoft HelpDesk case.

Agreement Matches

The CRM system searches for agreement line matches in addition to any warranty matches that are found. For an agreement line to be considered for the entitlement search, the current date must fall on or between the start and end dates on the agreement line, the agreement line must have a status of Active, and the agreement itself must have a status of Active.

The customer who is listed on the service order or support case must match the customer who is identified on the agreement.

The internal PeopleSoft HelpDesk agreement always applies to all employees, except when the user has selected Match Using Case Criteria on the Agreement Search Configuration page for internal agreements and has applied the various rules to individual agreement lines to limit the applicability of those lines to certain groups of employees based on role or department. The administrative contact on the header page for the internal agreement is NOT the worker for whom the agreement applies.

If a SIN is entered, the CRM system returns all agreement lines whose site matches the site linked to that SIN on agreements with a scope of Site. If a site ID but not a SIN is provided, the system returns all agreement lines that match the site ID.

Note: On a case in which a site ID was previously selected, the CRM system limits the selection of installed products to those that are specified for that site. On a service order in which a site ID was previously selected, the system limits the selection of products and installed products to those that are available to the selected site only.

If you enter a PIN, the system returns all agreement lines whose contact (named caller) matches the PIN on agreements with a scope of Contact. If a contact but not a PIN is provided, the system returns all agreement lines where the contact is listed as the named caller.

Note that field service agreements only use authentication by site or SIN (not by named callers). Therefore, no PIN field exists on the service order, and the contact's person ID is not matched against PIN entries in agreements.

If an installed product is identified on the case or service order, the system returns all agreement lines that list the installed product as a product under service. Agreement lines that cover the corresponding product ID and do not list individual installed products (for example, agreement lines that provide blanket coverage) are also returned.

Note: The Agreement Search Configuration page enables you to choose the rules on how you want the system to return lines for agreement searches. For PeopleSoft Support, Integrated FieldService, and HelpDesk you can enable the system to search for agreements based on the shortest or longest response times; or let the user select from all matches. Additionally, for PeopleSoft HelpDesk and Support, you can set up specific rules by which the system will search for agreements by matching on additional criteria.

Service Level Suspensions for PeopleSoft HelpDesk

When a service level agreement (SLA) cannot be met for justifiable reasons, an agent using PeopleSoft HelpDesk can change a case to the On Hold status. In this situation the system sends a suspension notification to the agent’s manager. This also applies to PeopleSoft Support.

The system stops the clock for the service agreement and clears the response and restore dates and times. When the case is activated again, the agent or manager changes the case status back to Open. When this happens the clock resumes from where it left off and the response and restore dates and times are recalculated to reflect the on hold period.

To facilitate these processes, PeopleSoft delivers these notifications and workflow exceptions:

Delay Notifications

When the agreement is applied, the system sends out a delayed notification to remind the agent, provider group, or call center manager of a potential SLA delay. PeopleSoft delivers these notifications as sample data:

  • Response

    • Based on delayed percentage configured through AAF, the system sends a notification to the agent regarding initial response if it's not met yet. If no agent is assigned to the case, the system sends notification to the provider group. If no provider group is defined on case either, the system send notification to the call center manager.

    • When the delay reaches 100 percent of the response time, the system sends a notification to the agent and manager regarding the response exception and sets the service agreement response met flag to No.

  • Restore

    • Based on delayed percentage configured through AAF, the system sends a notification to the agent warning of potential service agreement exceptions (the same change as response.)

    • When the delay reaches 100 percent of the restore time, the system sends a notification to the agent and manager regarding the restore exception and sets the service agreement restore met flag to No.


This is general workflow delivered for SLA, not workflow exceptions. The CRM system delivers these workflows as system data:

  • SLA Start

    When a case is associated with a service agreement or warranty, the system triggers an SLA start event to create an event history entry with an agreement code or warranty name.

  • Delayed Notification

    When service starts, the system schedules delayed notifications. The system sends an initial notification to the agent, provider group, or call center manager regarding call back or warning of potential exceptions. When you first install your CRM application, PeopleSoft delivers 90% delayed notification. The system sends out a notification when the case is not responded to and is past 90% of the customer's entitled response. You can, however, percentage easily configure this percentage in AAF.

  • SLA Response Met

    When a case is responded to within the entitled response time, the system triggers an SLA Response Met event and creates an event history record.

  • SLA Restore Met

    When a case is closed within the entitled restore time, the system triggers an SLA Restore Met event and creates an event history record.

  • SLA Response Exception (Application Engine process)

    This workflow exception is scheduled as a delayed Application Engine process when service starts. When the service response is not met, the system wakes up the Application Engine program. The program calls the component interface (CI) to set the response met flag to No, and then triggers the SLA Response Exception workflow.

  • SLA Response Exception (workflow)

    When the response met flag is set to No, the system sends a notification to the agent and manager and inserts a record into event history.

  • SLA Restore Exception (Application Engine process)

    This workflow exception is scheduled as a delayed Application Engine process when service starts. When a case is still open at the time restore is reached, the system wakes up the Application Engine program. The program calls the CI to set the restore met flag to No, and then triggers the SLA Restore Exception workflow.

  • SLA Restore Exception (workflow)

    When the restore met flag is set to No, the system sends a notification to the agent and manager and inserts a record into event history.

  • SLA Change

    Users with the change privilege can open the case, clear the service agreement, change the search criteria (changing priority or source is mainly for PeopleSoft HelpDesk users). For PeopleSoft Support and helpdesk, users with privilege can clear the SLA, change other items, and reattach the SLA. Additionally, they can attach another service agreement based on the new criteria. This workflow event triggers the SLA Change workflow to create an event history entry indicating a new service agreement code. As such, a new service agreement cycle starts. The system also cancels any outstanding service agreement exception workflows and triggers the rescheduling of the service exception. The user can detach the SLA in the SLA section for a case. PeopleSoft delivers sample data so that only call center managers and help desk managers can detach an SLA.

  • SLA Suspension

    When an agent changes a case status to On Hold, the system triggers an SLA Suspension event. The system sends a notification to the manager. It also cancels any outstanding delayed notifications and service exception workflows.

  • SLA Resume

    When a manager declines the service agreement suspension or the case is ready to be worked on again, the manager or agent changes the case status from On Hold to an Open status. The system triggers an SLA Resume event to reschedule service exception workflows.

When a case is not assigned to any agent, a notification is sent to the provider group on the case. If there is no provider group, a default provider group on the Business Unit Setup page is used for notification.