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Managing Externally Originating Orders

As mentioned previously, Order Capture uses the SALES_ORDER_STATUS integration point to receive order updates from any order-generating systems it integrates with.

If the SALES_ORDER_STATUS xml message contains orders that did not originate in Order Capture (for example, EDI orders), then order header information is created in CRM so that these orders are viewable through the Order Capture search screen. When users attempt to drill down for further details, they are transferred to the uniform resource locator (URL) that is specified for the order's source code on the source code workbench for the associated setID. If no URL is specified, then only the order header information is available for review.

On the source code workbench, you can specify different target pages to be used when accessing orders internally using the Orders and Quotes component, or externally via the self service interface. The system marks orders that originate outside of CRM, and if you provide the system with the URL for the external system, then a user who attempts to view such an order in the CRM order tracking pages is automatically redirected to the system where the order originated.