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Event Wire Setup

Before any external system can use Event Wire, you must set up the external system in the Event Wire Control Center. You should also verify that Event Wire is properly set up. This section discusses how to:

To pass data to Event Wire, an external system must identify itself by using an external ID in its calls. The external ID is one of the values that is configured when you set up your external system through the Event Wire Control Center via the Event Wire External System Registry (Marketing, Dialog Monitoring, Event Wire, External System Registry).

Event Wire saves a log file containing a record of each call received along with information about the call, including the external ID. Any calls containing an invalid external ID fails.

By using a unique external ID for each external system, you will be able to track the activity of each external system separately.

See Registering External Systems.

To verify that you have properly set up Event Wire, you need to create and deploy a simple dialog to ensure that a call to Event Wire will have the desired effect.

To verify your Event Wire setup, complete these steps:

  1. Verify that you have a PeopleSoft user ID with appropriate permissions to be able to create and deploy a dialog.

  2. Create a simple Online Marketing dialog consisting of an external event trigger, a landing page, and a final page.

    The landing page should have a few fields that are required and a Submit button (for example First Name, Last Name, and email address). The final page can display a confirmation message, such as “It’s working.”

  3. Create a flow for the dialog that includes an external event trigger and the two web pages as response actions.

    Set the flow for the web pages so that once the values for the fields on the landing page are submitted, the final page appears.

  4. Generate the URL for the external event trigger to be used in the call to Event Wire.

    This URL is generated through the Link Report command.

  5. Deploy the dialog (change the dialog to Live state).

  6. From a browser, use the generated URL (from step 4) to place calls to Event Wire.

    1. Issue a getparams call to view the parameters used.

    2. Issue a processtrxn call to submit values to the landing page.

    3. Verify that you see the final page.

When you issue the processtrxn call with returntype=2, the final page should appear in your browser. Its appearance confirms that Event Wire and Online Marketing are operating properly. If the final page does not appear in your browser, check your processtrxn call.